
[ Chapter 8 ]

raymond works for a few hours before he goes to bed and snuggles into the blanket. he thinks about the whole day and shakes his head. he can't believe what happened today. it's so unreal that he hopes it's all just a really bad dream. after a while, the black-haired man falls asleep, but even then he has no peace. Luci even appears in his dreams. the next day he wakes up and after a while he gets up to make some coffee. he slowly gets ready and puts on fresh clothes. they are not special clothes but they look more chic than the norm would wear, for the look he puts on modern glasses which are only fake. as his current gloves are not very clean anymore he changes them as well. as he looks at the clock he takes his cell phone and checks his messages "oh shit..." he looks at 16 messages and 5 missed calls. as he still has some time he goes through everything to at least know what was going on and if something important is there or if everything is just unimportant details

Lucian was a heavy sleeper so when his alarm rang for the third time he ignored it but finally as it got louder be groaned and threw a pillow at it. Slowly waking up he took a moment to regather himself, blinking as he stared at the tv which was now off, the sun shined out the window, the lights were off but it was still bright as day, slowly standing up he grabbed his phone and checked the time, it was 10 am, groaning he made his way over to the bathroom and remembered everything that happened yesterday, taking a shower he grabbed some new clothes that were less casual then usual since today he had work, he put on some earrings and his piercings he had forgot to put on yesterday and put on the rings he always wore, a necklace complimenting his outfit. He dried his hair and brushed it before heading down to the kitchen for breakfast, opening his fridge he looked through it grabbing a couple of eggs deciding to make omelettes. Slowly everything that happened yesterday came back to him, he went to Rays contact on his phone and just stared at it for a couple of minutes, it would have been so nice if he wasn't a detective, he liked his company but it wasn't like he could admit that, shaking his head he turned his attention to his food.

since among the contacts was an important person, he sighed and wrote back to the person, it was his boss at the time. they made up to meet, so the boss came home to raymond. ray cooked a chicken soup for both of them and put everything ready on the table. when the boss finally arrived ray let him in, with a hug the man greeted the detective which the black haired one didn't like but let him. they almost have a father and son relationship even if ray would never admit it and has more or less detached from the man. the boss himself was a well known detective but has pretty much given up the job after a serious injury, plus he has a family he doesn't want to leave alone. he himself trained raymond and still does. as they both sit at the table ray sighs "i'm going to work for a mafia boss, but we need a plan" the older man immediately loses his spoon, he knows ray's style but he never expected this. "you're not going to do this! i don't want you to die before you have a family!" shaking his head, the master detective looks in ray eyes. "raymond, you've really gone crazy..." the black-haired man just grins, both knowing full well that does not stop ray. there is a long silence in the air for a while while they both eat. ray explains in detail the situation, even the detail that both probably can't kill each other. a glance at the clock tells them that it will start in about an hour. the two detectives agree to stay in contact, even though the boss is strictly against the decision, he can't stop ray. the older man goes home to think about everything. ray, on the other hand, cleans up a bit and prepares a gun. after all, luci is going to show up here any minute. to destroy evidence that he has brought anyone else on this mission, he deletes his history on his cell phone. sighing he sits down again and thinks out loud "a family?" this makes him laugh "stupid idea...besides, something like that would make me weaker" sighs the black haired man smokes a cigarette

Lucian spent the day in his office finishing up what he didn't yesterday, he ate lunch and looked at the clock at the wall it was 5 exactly now, standing up he left a mess on his desk and exited the room to get ready, with a gun and a dagger hidden away in his coat he looks outside where it already started to get dark, grinning he grabbed his wallet knowing he would need it, checking to make sure he had enough for what he was going to be doing tonight, exiting his house a wave of wind hit him away from the comfort of the heat he scoffed. He made his way to his car but took a different one this time, opening it he put the seat warmer on and closed the door before grabbing his phone and calling Ray, putting his phone down he started the car and drove out the carpark. He made his way onto the street and ran a hand through his hair before Ray answered. "Took you long enough, im heading to your place now I'll be there in a couple of minutes." He states as his eyes keep on the road, there aren't many cars on the street but there was still enough that he had to be careful about getting caught. After 20 minutes past Lucian parked to the side and looked out to window to the building Ray lived in.

when the phone rang ray answered without saying anything, only a "mhm" confirmed that ray heard him. he checks again if he has everything and takes care of the hair, he made some gel in his hair so that they when he is on the mission will not fall into his face, briefly he cleans in this time the fake glasses which he puts back on and then finally leaves his apartment, when he steps into the cold a little shower comes in his body, lucian was already outside. his clothes are this time rather category banker, ray stares into lucis car to notice that it is the larger man. directly he runs to the car and would get in "ah, good to find a cab so quickly" as ray closed the door he would look luci in the eyes, somehow his inner is happy to see the mafia boss, yet his face remains serious. Aware of what is about to happen ray nods briefly "I want to hear the details now before it starts completely" he examines lucian for a moment

Lucian nodded as he watched Ray enter the car, he gave him a grin before cracking his neck. "Right.. Details." He begans as his gaze shifts to Ray, making eye contact. "Tonight were going to a casino, out goal is to play a man who's extremely dangerous, he doesn't know me and I don't really know him but our goal tonight is to eliminate him no matter what." He continues, as his eyes stay on Rays. "We will enter the casino and ask him for a game, the outcome of who wins isnt important but it's to gather enough amount of trust that we lure him somewhere isolated where you finally take the kill." He finishes and takes a breath, grinning at the other to inspect his expression. "If anything goes wrong tonight you might die so it's important you act professional. We're going uncover, do not state your real name or anything closly related to you but since you're a detective I assume you know that." He replies before starting the car. "He's supposed to be there at about 6, if he isn't we patiently wait."

while ray listens to the somewhat taller man, he seems to already be working on a plan in his head. to him, the plan sounds quite simple and reminds him of something "so i'm supposed to win his trust the way i won yours?" he couldn't suppress this joke. he listens closely to the other man and frowns, as he's still missing a few details. "all logical except for the fact that we're both there. why would two men be so close that they go into a casino and leave it together? "ray looks at the outside, his face is still neutral "either you have an explanation for this or we'll pretend we don't know each other" the detective thinks a little further, slowly looking back at luci "sure this problem is the least of it but even something like this can seem suspicious" ray goes over everything in his head again to make sure he has everything in mind "will the gentleman be there alone and what is his physique?" ray crosses his arms and waits for answers. it's important to him to be prepared for the first moment

He listens to Ray as he grins at his question, of course he had thoughts of this long ago. "Well yes, either we pretend we don't know each other which isn't a great plan all together or we can pretend we're in a relationship which would work better." He explains as he slowly drives out the side and onto the street listening to another wave of questions. "According to the information my men got he likes to spend his free time gambling so most likely he will be alone and his physique well he's definitely stronger then you but he won't be too big of a bother, we don't plan to fight him, the death will be fast and simple." He answered with a grin now keeping his eyes on the road. "This casino isn't too far away so we'll be there in a bit." He states just to inform Ray in case that was his next question because he definitely liked asking a lot of them. Luci stopped at a traffic light and took off the hair tie around his wrist and tied his hair up so it wouldn't get into his face before speeding off.

"a relationship? are you serious?" he sighs deeply "but i'm not going to kiss you" the idea of pretending to have a relationship with luci is a bit strange to him. especially since he had never really thought about his sexuality before, it's strange to him. he doesn't even know if he would be okay with dating guys, but since it's only for one mission he can overlook it. he nods at the other answers, his gaze wanders to lucian again and the black-haired man looks at the mafia boss's hair. he had already ended lives but still not so many that he sees it as normal, it was rather always situations in which he would have otherwise died himself. his head has slowly worked everything together and he is now ready especially since he was told that they will soon be at the casino. with a sigh he takes his cell phone and turns it off as usual.