
[ Chapter 7 ]

a laugh was heard, ray knows how serious this situation is but it makes him fun to play with the other "no one has ever managed to silence me forever" with the words he takes out a cigarette with one hand and puts it between his lips, with a lighter he lights it and smokes "it will be easy for you to find a man who doesn't even have a car and is in a strange area" with a wide grin he walks through some alleys. "you'll have to figure out what my plan is, or better idea" his voice seems confident, he's pretty sure he has everything under control right now "if you do me a favor everything can be different" raymond has to admit he'd rather be snuggled up in a blanket right now. hope can be seen in noah's eyes, thankfully he looks at dominic "i won't tell anyone anything! i promise!" he now has a tear running down his face "you are really correct...thank you very much...you won't live alone for long!" he is very thankful about that

He heard Rays laugh, almost seeing the grin across his face, he bit his lip before snapping out of it and quickly listening to Ray. "A favour?" He muttered as he carefully thought about it, Lucian froze for a second before driving out the car park and furrowing his eyebrows he cautiously spoke as he sped up driving onto the street. "I'm listening." Is all he said as he drove into the dark night, the enough amount of alcohol would make all his troubles go away if only it weren't temporary though, tapping his finger on the wheel repeatedly he tried to think where Ray possibly could have been, any idea at all but he couldn't think of anything. Dominic looked up at Noahs happy expression, chuckling at it he stood up. "Alright, I'm going to change if anyone knocks on the door it's probably the delivery man, my wallets on the table give him a tip and take the pizzas." He says before standing up and heading upstairs.

ray realizes that lucian is on his way to find him he can tell it thanks to the car noises, yet he remains outside. "I'll explain the details when you get there, but it's going to be like a pack" ray smokes in a relaxed manner, his mood now is the same as it was yesterday, only now he seems threatening. "even though you're a mafia boss, you shouldn't underestimate me" inside he is relieved that luci is so careless, this gives him new possibilities and strategies. the detective sits down on a wall and observes the area, the moon and a lantern give him enough light to observe his surroundings from up there, even if he now thinks he has the power he feels weak because he just can't kill the other one. noah till looks at dominic and nods "yes understood, thank you. i would do that, take your time" the little one sits down in the kitchen and waits. when after a while there is a knock on the door he gets up directly and takes the money as discussed and would take care of it

He groans as Ray puts him off and doesn't tell him what he's planning, furrowing his eyebrows he takes a breath as he enters a more suburban part of the city, hoping to find Ray soon. "If you want me to stop underestimating you then do something that proves you're better then me." He passes the bar he went to a mere day ago, resisting the urge to stop and grab a drink but he keeps going he was determined to find Ray, one drink wasn't worth his failure. "Fucking hell why are there so many traffic lights on this street." He stops and sighs as he looks at his phone. "Where the fuck are you Raymond." He says sighing, running a hand through his hair before getting ready to drive off. Sure, Lucian was careless and extremely reckless but he wasnt stupid, he slowly made out some sort of plan in his head he would adjust once he knew what Ray wanted. Dominic decided to take a shower, coming down a couple of minutes later with a new more comfortable pair of clothes on and damp hair, he sat down and looked at the pizza.

"hurry up, i'm getting cold" he's never been so happy to wear gloves as he is now. raymond finishes his cigarette and throws it to the ground. he changes the hand he's holding his phone with and looks at the cars "what are your thoughts right now?" this really interests raymond now. he doesn't know if luci would even take him in especially not now but it's worth a try. luckily he has no one waiting for him so he can risk something like this. no one to worry about him and no one to greet him when he gets home, as ray goes over this in his mind a street cat comes up next to himand takes a sit. he looks at it and sighs "great, now i feel like a stray cat" the detective mumbles to the cat he really only has himself and his work. noah sits at the table and waves to dominic "should i give you the money back?" he looks at the big guy closely

He ignores his questions and refuses to answer it, rolling his eyes at the others impatients he thought about giving up, spotting Ray out of the corner of his eye he let's out a sigh of relief, parking near to the side the turns the car off, hangs up and shoves his phone in his pocket before exiting the car, watching him pet a stray cat he makes his way over to him in the alley way, he felt the cold hit his skin as he walks over to the man. "Boo." He said as he watched the other stand up, they made eye contact for a long second before Lucian broke the silence. "So? What's your plan, are a bunch of police officers going to come out any second and arrest me?" He glared at the other as he shoved his hands in his pockets unlike Ray he didnt wear gloves. Dominic grabs a slice and turns his gaze to Noah. "Are you kidding me? No, it's completely fine." He answers as he gives the other a smile.

ray would walk right in front of lucian and grin at him, he put the cell phone away "finally you're here, i thought i was going to freeze to death" with a satisfied expression he walks past lucian "we shouldn't be discussing this on the street, after all there are enough other people here who aren't as gracious as i am besides his car probably has a heating function" once again he doesn't share information directly. it's all quiet, no squad cars and no police officers far and wide. to be honest, ray is glad to see lucian again, but he shakes this off and continues to the car "you don't feel like showing what's going on inside you either, what a shame" the detective now also puts his hands in his jacket pocket. he waits to see if luci will really follow him to hear what the plan is. he would jump right in the car and warm up for a moment "i didn't call the cops, i want to join the mafia" he is very serious and doesn't seem to be joking. noah now starts to eat "thanks dominic, i really had a wrong impression of you...sorry"

He groans as yet again Ray refuses to tell him, following him with a hurry he also gets in the car and closes the door, melting into the heat, almost bursting out laughing as he hears Ray. "Alright yeah very funny." He turns his head to him. "What do you actually want? Money? I can give you money." They make eye contact that was held for a long time, Lucian takes a breath as he stared deep into his eyes, he breaks eye contact and looks the other way. He was pretty sure Ray was joking, his voice sure didn't sound like to but there was no way he actually was serious, and if he was what was he supposed to do, let him? "I- you can't be serious." He raises an eyebrow and stared at him. "Right? If you want to get stronger go to the gym, you're going to die on your first fucking day don't tell me you're serious." He stared at Ray and sighs. "Idiot, you could have just asked for money." He chuckles giving up, shaking his head. "You're a detective, if you think I'm really that stupid then use you're brain a little."

as they make such a long eye contact again ray becomes aware of not being taken seriously. he continues to watch luci even when they do not maintain eye contact. "you can keep your money, I'm not interested in that" the detective sighs, sure he's not the strongest but he had won many times against men that are stronger than him. "I'll even let you kill me if I just use this to arrest you, I've been wanting to quit this job for a while but I've never had anyone as strong as you, you are the first one who i want to work for" ray enjoys the warmth and looks out the window "what should I do to get you to take me in? kill someone?" he glowers at the other. still frustrated that he is not being taken seriously. he has thought about this idea closely and is convinced of his plan, which he also radiates.

"If you really want to be a part of the mafia you're going to have to know a lot of things and one of those things will be killing people so yes." He turns his gaze to him, normally if any random detective had asked him this he would have immediately killed them and buried them in the closest field. "I want you to kill someone for me. If you fail to do that then I will kill you myself." He watches the male as their eyes meet. "I have a mission tomorrow, there's one guy who I have to take out, if you come with me and prove that you show no mercy then maybe I'll let you in." He glares at him before checking the time. "Is that all? I was hopping to grab a beer." He stated. "As strong as me, huh?" He chuckled and looked away. "I'm flattered." He didn't know why he was reacting like this, honestly what was he even thinking, taking a detective in. "Oh and I want you to quit your job, and I want proof of it. I'll pay you for working for me but you can't work for both." He waited for his answer as he looked out the window.

this is what the detective expected, he looks at the mafia boss and does not seem shocked by the answer even if it is that he has to kill someone or die. "show no mercy? well well as the boss wishes" his stupid grin is back on his lips. "i hope you're paying me well, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it" he leans in and snuggles into his coat "i'll do all your bidding, but don't think you're in charge of me now" the shorter one takes out a cigarette, glancing at luci to see how he reacts "if that's all we can go, right? i won't drink with you, my last money was spent on cigarettes" ray would light the cigarette with these words. he can't understand why lucian would go for something like that, especially after these actions, but somehow it makes him feel safe. "if it comes tomorrow that you have to kill me, I hope for your sake that it goes quickly, I hate pain" inside he feels stress and pressure not to make any mistakes now, to deal with the stress he just needs something like cigarettes. he looks out the window and seems thoughtful

"Well drinking alone is always a bother I guess I'll leave it for tomorrow." Putting his phone into his pocket, he starts the car. "I'll drop you off to your place I just need to address." He spoke as he let out a soft yawn. "God what time is it even." He furrowed his eyebrows as he drove onto the street, there was no one else around, it was dark and the only light that was given was the moon and the occasional street lights. "Don't worry I'll make sure I get it over with as fast as I can." He says knowing full well he probably won't kill him even if he refused to kill the man, he didn't know why or how but something just told him to stop and it was annoying he had never felt like this to anyone, shaking his head he cursed himself mentally annoyed at himself. "Not in charge of you? That doesn't seem quite fair." A grin spread across his face. "I want proof you have quit your job as soon as possible, you have until the end of this week." He made clear.

the black-haired man smokes out of the window and sighs. he names the address of the high-rise building where he lives and looks at lucian "you'll have to pick me up tomorrow" tiredness now grips him as well. he thinks about how to do it with the job, after all, he doesn't really want to quit. but he can already think of something, after all, he's already managed to do it, but this is the weirdest thing he wants to do. a slight laugh comes from him, this whole situation is still unreal for him. "let's see if the drink will be drunk with me tomorrow" a soft sigh leaves him "i'll be able to show you proof by the end of the week, but i will take care of it in two days" raymond finishes his smoke and throws the cigarette out the window. slowly he looks at lucian and yawns "did you actually carry me into your house?" this question has been on his mind since he woke up, after all it's something he's never experienced before. his eyes fix on lucian's which are focused on the street

As Ray named his street he couldn't help but remember it, it wasnt far away from where they were now, he has past it a couple of times so he had a pretty good idea of where it was, now heading to the location he listened to Ray, he silently agreed as Ray said he would be able to get it by the end of the week. As he keeps his eyes on the road out of the corner of his eye he notices Ray turn to look at him, he bit his lip as Ray asked the question. "I mean.. I didn't want to wake you up." He answers quieter then he did before, he easily could have woke him up but as he remembered his sleeping face he just couldn't bring himself to do it, speeding up he recognizes the familiar area he has been in countless of times. Finally parking on the side where Ray had told him he lived he took his eyes off the road and turned to Ray to look at him. "I'll pick you up at 6 pm, right here, I'll tell you the details tomorrow."

the answer doesn't satisfy him, his gaze stays on lucian and he mumbles "you could have woken me up, i would have preferred that" he is almost annoyed that he is being carried but quickly calms down "thanks, you thought you were too weak to carry me" when they are close to the house ray looks around and then looks back at luci when they stop, he nods at the request "call me when you get there tomorrow so i can come down" with the words ray opens the door and waves to him, without a answer drom lucian that he should be called tomorrow he closes the door and would go to the house, sometimes he was socially really inept and weird, especially goodbyes he could never get across normally, just as he could not estimate when a conversation is over and often accidentally interrupts others. raymond doesn't even look back and goes into the house. when he finally arrives at his apartment he throws his coat into the corner and looks for comfortable clothes to sleep in. when he has changed he starts to work directly on his pc to fulfill the new mission he has set himself. he can't quite believe what he is doing right now.

He watches him close the door and then silently walk to the door, he stares at him until he is no longer visible, staring at the apartment for a long minute he finally gets ready to go home, starting the car he took one last look at the apartment before driving off the way to his house. The drive was quick because there was no traffic, maybe one or two cars could be seen driving by so he got home quickly, parking and getting out the car, he was exhausted from today, so much happened, he couldn't really believe it, grabbing his keys wallet and phone he locked the car and headed to the front door, opening it the living room greeted him, closing the front door he took off his shoes and coat before heading his way upstairs to his room, he took his clothes off and put on some shorts leaving his upper half with no clothes, the room was heated so it was already warm, turning the tv on he got into bed and lay down, putting Netflix on and slowly falling asleep to it.