
CHAPTER 1: The Past 1

My name is Richokidu, Moni I am part of a rich family. My family owns a large company that sells gaming devices. 8 years ago when I was 17 years old I confessed my love to someone, her name is Hascula, Rigasu and I'm gonna tell you what happened.

8 years ago

I stood up in front of Hascula-san after

school at the main entrance and started talking. H-hascula- san? I blacked out and I couldn't talk. What is it? I don't wanna waste time. Hascula- san said. Hascula- san ever since I first met you I've been thinking about you a lot and after that I said myself I would confess to you, Hascula- san. What I'm saying is would you please accept my confession and go out with me? I said with a shaky voice in. Sorry but no. Hascula- san said. Oh okay, sorry for wasting your time. I said. No it's fine. hascula- san said. After that I walked home with a sad look on my face. I used the elevator to go to my floor and I walked out of the elevator still with the sad look on my face. As I was about to get my key to the door my neighbor next door talked to me, she's a middle aged woman and has been assisting me since I came here. Are you okay, dear? She said. I put a smile on my face so she won't notice that I have a problem and I said "I'm fine ma'am." Are you sure about that? She said. I'm sure about every single word I say ma'am. I said. Well you can go to your room now, dear. She said. Okay ma'am. I said

While opening the door. As I closed the door I put back my sad face and get my game. While I was playing my game I thought of something. Maybe I should just kill myself. Besides, no one likes me. Everyone just make me a friend so I would buy what they want and I rolled with it. After that I thought of something again. Wait I have true friends! Stilaru is there for me. But he hasn't came here for a while now. I thought. And right after that someone just knocked on the door. Who's there? I asked. It's Stilaru! Stilaru said. Okay coming! I shouted while coming to the door. I opened the door and he came in and sat on the floor in front of my table. I sat on the table too. This is Arikta Stilaru, the guy who I tell everything to. He asked me about what happened about Hascula- san. I said she rejected me and it was fine. Are you sure bro? And what have you been thinking abou these days? Stilaru said.

CHAPTER 1 Part 1 (end)