
Celebrating Victory

"Now, it should be healed fully within two moons, so long as you don't aggravate the wound by moving your arm too much. You are going to need to change these bandages each day for clean ones and you'll need to apply this herbal paste I've made, I've got a small jar for you." A Maester told me as he saw to the wound on my shoulder. I nodded along with whatever he was saying, not really listening, it was the day after the siege and I had not managed to rest yet, between managing the rest of my men and the casualties as well as taking the other keeps in Pyke, I was exhausted.

"I suggest a small dose of Milk of the Poppy." The Maester insists at seeing me shake my head, "Only a small dose, my Lord. It won't send you to sleep, only dull the pain."

"No, I'll manage." I tell him, the Maester just sighs and stands up, taking his leave to attend to the other wounded. Whilst it would make the pain easier to handle, I didn't want to be drowsy or in the wrong state of mind, besides, resources was limited and my pain could be considered minor compared to some of the wounded, though that didn't mean that my shoulder wasn't hurting.

Seeing that the Maester had left, I try to put on my tunic, try being the key word. In the end, Monty had to help slide my left arm through the tunic's sleeve. Monty didn't fight in the siege, he stayed at the rear with the rest of the Pages.

"Cerion." I heard someone call my name, looking up I noticed my Tygett and Orton walking through the door to my room

"So, how bad is it?" I asked the two of them, I had sent them to see how many casualties we had suffered in the siege."

"Not much, surprisingly, it would seem that the Sellswords in the Van took the most damage. We lost around 129 men, 17 of which were your Lionguards, we also have more men wounded and a few are missing." Tygett told me, not sugar-coating his words.

"Do make sure everyone of those bodies are taken back home for a proper burial and I want you to try your hardest in finding those missing men, they might be dead, in need of help or deserted." I ordered, the first half to Tygett and the later to Orton, who nods his head and leaves.

"The King has called for a feast tonight." Tygett said, "To celebrate our victory and the surrender of the Ironborn."

"Of course he has, I shouldn't have expected anything else from the man." I replied, it really didn't surprise me, resources were limited and we had just come out of a siege, yet the man wants to hold a feast when we are still at war, despite the fact that Balon Greyjoy had been taken prisoner.

"Your hair is looking different." My uncle told me as he smirked slightly in amusement. I knew what he was on about, I hadn't managed to have a bath since before the siege and the only way I was able to clean myself was with a wet rag. My hair was covered in blood, so much so that it had dried up and had stained, possessing a slight reddish tint. It would come out, I was assured about that.

"Have you heard what people are calling you?" Monty asked me as he set to work on cleaning my armour.

"No, should I be concerned?" I replied, people can get a name for everything.

"I've heard a few people around camp have started calling you 'Cerion the Red' or the 'Red Lion', that second one seems to be more popular at the moment." My Page described. I didn't try to hide the way my brows furrowed, I don't think its a good thing to share a nickname with a man who's family and himself was killed by your father.

"Right." I said, "I have bigger things to worry about. Is there any news from the other Islands?"

"Stannis Baratheon is having a hard time taking Great Wyk and is requesting reinforcements." Tygett replied. "Ravens have been sent to every town, keep and fortress within the Iron Islands, announcing the capture of Pyke and the renouncement of Balon Greyjoy, it shouldn't be long before they come back with their surrender. However, the remnants of the Iron Fleet aren't anywhere to be found, along with Victarion and Euron Greyjoy."

That wasn't the best of news, despite the Iron Fleet suffering major losses, they were still a powerful navy, especially with people like Victarion and Euron Greyjoy at the helm. I had hoped that they would be fighting in the siege, as it would allow me to nip a few future problems in the bud by killing them. It didn't matter too much anyway, a fleet can't stay at sea for too long before illnesses and food shortages start happening, the morale of the men would also plummet because they come from all over the archipelago, belonging to Houses which have already renounced their support of Balon Greyjoy.

"It doesn't matter, the war has already been won." I told my uncle, who nods his head in agreement.

Balon Greyjoy had surrendered just after Robert entered the Great Hall, at least not before throwing a few insults the king's way, who started getting angrier by the second. It was only at the intervention of Ned Stark that Robert had begun to calm down, most likely saving the former King of the Iron Islands life. It would seem that the King's hatred of Krakens paled in comparison to that of Dragons, Balon Greyjoy and his children were allowed to live, so long as his only son was to be fostered in Winterfell.

With the Great Hall taken, we had set out to taking the other keeps of Pyke, as peacefully as we could. They had tried to resist, some not believing that their King had surrendered and others just wanting to fight to the death, they didn't last too long with their minor numbers. One of the keeps that we had taken was the one I was currently in, the Guest Keep or the Bloody Keep, as some call it.

"I've also received word from the Lannisport, the Lannister Fleet arrived at the harbour. Judging by how long it took for the raven to fly here, the Fleet might've already set sail." Tygett said. That was good news, when the Fleet arrived we could finally begin transporting people from the Islands to the Westerlands.

"Monty." I call for my Page, who looks up from the nearly polished breastplate. "I want you to write to Gerion and Alysanne, tell them this news and to get everything ready for the migration." It would be a very long process and an expensive one at that. Land and housing them wouldn't be a problem, there were a lot of ghost towns dotted around the Westerlands that had become empty once ore veins had dried up.

"You should get ready for the feast, Cerion. Clean yourself up, you've still got blood on you." Tygett told me as he made his way out of the room, I found myself nodding with his suggestion, dried blood did not feel nice.


"Ahh, If it isn't the Red Lion." The King's booming voice announced as I entered the Great Hall. I had managed to get the blood out of my hair but it seems that the name had gotten around. "Your Grace." I said as I bowed.

"Sit, sit, have a drink, the night is still young." Robert said, taking a big swig of some kind of alcohol. I accepted his offer and got up, heading towards an empty seat near the King and the Westerlander Lords.

"Cerion the Red, I must admit, I am jealous." Jaime's voice comes from behind me, my proximity to Robert meant that he could talk to me whilst keeping an eye on the King. "My most famous title is Kingslayer, and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

"I am not sure how father will react to the name." I told my older brother, who gives a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Who cares what he thinks, Roger Reyne was one of the most deadliest Knights of his time, rivalling Barristan Selmy." Jaime tries again at seeing my unconvinced face. "Don't worry about it, it's just a name, you'll get used to it. Father won't care, he'll probably like it, seeing it as something that will bring the family more prestige or some shit like that, you know what he's like." I nod at his words and Jaime grins a little before moving closer towards the King.

"Cerion the Red." The man in question called for me. "Your Grace." I replied, as was the standard etiquette.

"Enough of that 'Your Grace' shite, we're good-brothers, call me by my name." Robert told me, "Now, this 'whisky', I've heard that House Lannister produces it, am I right?"

"You are, Robert." I answered his question, I observed as the King downed half a glass of Whisky like it was nothing, it wasn't how you were meant to drink it, but I couldn't be bothered trying to explain that you had to sip it, after all the man had already bought it and could do what he liked with it.

"I would like to buy several barrels of the stuff to take back with me to Kings Landing." I nod in agreement, "House Lannister can do that, we can discuss the details at a later date." That seemed to make the King happy.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, I tried to take advantage of the situation. "Robert, I would like to speak to you about a problem in the Iron Islands." He turned to face me, listening to what I was going to say. "Slavery is outlawed in the Seven Kingdoms, yet the thraldom is still widespread throughout the Islands, the only difference is that they cannot be bought or sold."

"I am going to stop you there." Robert said, "I know what you are trying to do and you would not be the first to try and outlaw thraldom, but I can't do that, it would only cause another rebellion." I was surprised at what he said, it seemed that he wasn't drunk enough to not know what I was saying.

"I am not trying to outlaw thraldom, I only wish to offer a choice to all the thralls and salt wives in the archipelago." I told him, the King raises an eyebrow, "And what might that be?"

"To give them the opportunity to leave the Islands and live as free men and women." I replied, the King had a pensive look on his face. "And who will pay for this 'choice', it will be very expensive to move what could be tens of thousands of people."

"I will, as will House Lannister, all I need from you is your permission as well for you to decree it." I said, the migration would have many benefits, renown, a new skilled workforce and an overall population increase.

The King looks at me for a few seconds, "Fine, have it your way, however should this cause any problems then it will be up to you to solve them." I nod my head and thank the King before he turns around and starts speaking to his foster brother, Ned Stark.

I socialised a little during the feast, I spoke to quite a few Stormlords as there were a few who also fought in the Vanguard. I didn't speak to any of the Northern Lords, feeling that I wouldn't quite be welcome as a Lannister. The feast went on for a few more hours before the King stood up.

"This war may not have been long, but it was ferocious. In moments where courage was needed, where skill was required and where leadership was demanded, a few stepped up to fill these gaps." People were banging their mugs on the tables as the King spoke, "Jacelyn Bywater, step forward."

A tall man stepped out of the crowd, missing a hand, and kneeled on the ground. Robert pulled out a sword and laid it on the mans shoulder, giving the man a knighthood. Others were called up after him, Jorah Mormont was one.

"Orton of Lannisport, step forward." My eyebrows rise in surprise, I look to my sworn shield to see him quite shocked as well, however he still steps forward and kneels.

"Orton of Lannisport, I, Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms and Lord Protector of the Realm, hereby grant you a Knighthood, do you accept?."

"I do." Orton announces, "Orton." The King says, "Do you swear before the eyes of gods and men to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be?"

"I do." Orton repeats, "Then rise, Ser Orton of Lannisport." The captain of my guards stood up, full of pride as everyone slammed their mugs on the table and shouted his name, I gave him a nod and a smile.

"If you wish, Ser Orton, I could grant you a position amongst my Kingsguard." Robert announced, everyone looked shocked, all seven positions were full and a Kingsguard was a Kingsguard for life. I wasn't pleased, the King should've at least had the decency to tell me first, before trying to take away one of my men.

"I thank you for the offer, your Grace. However I am sworn to Cerion Lannister, for life." Orton replies, the King nods his head in acceptance, though there was some disappointment on his face.

"Finally, Cerion Lannister, step forward." I had a feeling that this was going to happen, but I was still quite surprised. I got up from my chair and walked around to face the King, before kneeling on the floor.

"Cerion Lannister, I, Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms and Lord Protector of the Realm, hereby grant you a Knighthood, do you accept?."

"I do."

"Cerion, do you swear before the eyes of gods and men to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be?" This was the more informal version of Knighting someone, the more formal method would take hours.

"I do."

"Then rise, Ser Cerion of House Lannister, the Red Lion." Robert announced, the sound of things slamming on the table reached its maximum as people started shouting my nickname. "The Red Lion, the Red Lion, the Red Lion."