
Tale of the book 2

A day passed after they arrived at their destination, which was a large castle located deep in the centre of numerous snow covered mountains. The area they were in, were covered with these mountains, each smaller or bigger than each other. What makes this place very dangerous is the constant snow storm around the mountains which gradually get stronger the higher you travel up the mountain. However this makes castle location secure as unless you're able to fly, it is quite difficult to travel to it.

Once they arrived, Jack explored his home which had various rooms like kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms etc. Jack found this home way too big! He even got lost a few times trying to get through everything this place had to offer. There were at least five floors with the top floor completely used by Jack. The top floor was a near empty floor with a throne at the end of it. The walls on the side of the throne had a door with one being his bedroom and the other being his study room. Though the top floor was mainly empty, purple frost was all around the room and it was the coldest part of the mansion. Jack could not help but be amazed at everything this base had to offer, that even in a day he hadn't managed to explore everything. Heck, he found it bigger than any demon king's castle he explored in his time. Through his exploration, he found out that he had a son! While exploring his son launched an ice spike towards him which Jack noticed and grabbed it before it pierced his face. Immediately, Jack charged at his son with killing intent; grabbing his throat trying to squeeze the life out of him. He would have killed his son if the midget didn't reveal that he is about to kill his son while trying to stop Jack action. He understood that this son's attempt to kill his father was a normal event that happens daily! However this was seen as normal for demon kings since the only way to become one was to kill the previous one and as the demon king's son, it was seen right that he should be the next in line but only if he kills his father.

Other than the 'trying to kill your dad' side of his 'son', Jack found that his son listened to him obediently and apologised for making him angry. After that ordeal, Jack walked away from them which was not a wise decision as that's how he got lost. When Jack left, the midget tried to console his son by informing their lord's weird behaviour lately and it could be due to the stress from their travels.

The following day, Jack engrossed himself in the library reading different books relating to demons and anything about himself. He learnt that he is not a demon king but a demon lord that governs the ice domain. There are three other demon lords governing fire,lightning and wind domains of this continent. Yes, Jack has learned that he is in a completely different continent than the hero continent. This one is called the demon continent where most demonic creatures reside and is a very dangerous place to live in due to its extremely harsh elemental environments. Though Jack was looking through many books, he is unable to determine what timeline he is and all he knows is it is set after his betrayal due to the splitting of the land.. The period he is in could be a 100 or more years before he broke the ice as the book is most likely showing him a time before it existed. At night, he was learning his powers as sadly when he became the soul for this body, he didn't receive all the spells and martial art techniques from it so Jack had to understand it himself.

As he didn't know any combat this demon lord knew, Jack just practiced using the demon's ice energy which was purple. He didn't know why and thought it might be a natural trait for a demon lord of ice. However he was quite impressed with his body as he isn't in a weak body at all, in fact he could feel immense power from it that far surpasses the demon kings he faced and very close to his prime state!

'Amazing! I am not a weakling!' Jack couldn't help but be amazed that he is able to feel such power so soon after breaking the ice rock.

It was morning once again, Jack ordered the midget to bring anything related to magic and martial art technique that he has 'read' before. Like when he brought out his wings, his body and mind immediately knew what to do so he thought if he looked over what this body has learnt before then maybe he would be able to use it too.

The midget followed Jack's order and soon after many of his demon maids brought piles of books,scrolls and orbs. Yes, Jack learnt that he has many maids who look after his home and all of them are drop dead gorgeous. Their beauty cannot rival anything Jack has seen since he broke the ice and Jack must admit they are all one of the most beautiful females he has ever laid eyes on in his life. Now bear in mind, Jack has seen literally everything from his old world and only a very few females he considered high tier yet all these maids match them! You could literally count how many in females Jack considered high tier with one hand but now… there is way too many.

'The beauty in this age surely has exceeded my expectations' Jack thought when he first saw his maids a few days ago.

Once they left a large pile of mess, he ordered no one including his son is allowed to come to the fifth floor until he comes down. This was so they would not disturb him and for them to not question more of his odd behaviour as the demon lord they knew was acting very strange lately. He did not need the suspicions to increase.

Jack spent the whole day looking over everything and practicing to see if his theories were correct. To his delight, it happened as he expected, the moment he looked over a martial art technique, his body and mind immediately understood everything. However, compared to the magic side, there weren't too many martial art techniques and only a very small few were worth looking at. Afterwards, he proceeded to examine the magic books and scrolls which as with the martial arts, he immediately knew what to do and were of larger quantity! After looking over as much as he could, Jack felt more excited to try proper ice magic than his half assed improvised ice techniques but didn't immediately as he was aware that he may freeze or destroy his home!

Wanting to test his spells, Jack headed down and asked if he could spar with any demon which shocked the midget and his son but the son agreed to fight his father with the condition that if he wins then Jack must let his son kill him willingly. This condition was absurd since this is basically a life and death match but he could not kill his opponent. Jack agreed to his son's condition as he was confident he wouldn't lose, especially now that he had access to high level ice magic.

They walked down to the dungeon as there was a fighting arena with high level inscriptions to prevent damage outside of the ring. The son and Jack stood either side of the arena, facing each other. One had a face full of confidence while the other was expressionless but excited deep down. The midget looked at both of them, raising his hand and back down signalling to start.

"Hail storm!" Immediately Jack casted his spell, a dark purple magic circle appeared beneath his feet, quickly expanding, throughout the entire battle arena of frost wind! The force of 'hail storm' was so intense that the midget was pushed back from the stands and the inscriptions around the arena flickered constantly, barely managing to keep the large ice storm inside its domain.

"HAHAHAHA, This is amazing!" Seeing the storm of his ice magic engulfing the entire arena filled Jack with excitement.

"Ice domain!" Wanting to test out more of his magic, he stretched his hands creating two purple magic circles with the design of a snowflake. The magic circle under his feet from his previous spell had another magic circle from 'ice domain'. The two magic circles on his hand glowed lilac purple brightly and the one beneath spread throughout the entire arena, causing the 'hail storm' to increase in power with heavy storms of purple ice completely breaking the inscription! The storming ice traveled across the entire dungeon, engulfing everything within it! Everyone else outside of the dungeon began to notice the first floor cracking from the immense pressure. The residents in the castle are startled as every floor or wall has high level inscriptions to prevent destruction and only ridiculously powerful beings could destroy it...like their demon lord if he was serious. They all began to panic that someone deeply angered their lord.

"Son, I hope you're not done yet!"Unaware of the situation he is causing, Jack prepares another spell! A large palm size purple ice ball attached with many ice spikes form on Jack's right hand. 'Not big enough' Jack thought, increasing the ball's size by pouring his energy to it. He reached his hand up with the ball size 4 times larger!

"Demon ice, glacial devastation!" He smashed the spike orb to the ground; instantly everything in the castle up to the third floor completely freezes in solid purple ice where even the air particles are completely solid of purple ice. The ice spread outside of the castle with large purple ice spikes all around it. Everything, excluding anyone on the fourth floor up, was completely frozen in solid purple ice. Even Jack was completely frozen but quickly shattered his ice in a small radius, giving him room to see his action.

All Jack could see was the purple ice around him and using his senses by touching his ice, he found that he completely frozen everything and everyone except the fourth floor.'This....is the power of magic' Jack was at a loss for words from the extent of the devastation magic is able to cause.

Jack fell to the floor, not from lack of energy as he still has enough to use those three spells again in one go, but from the surprise of magic's true power.

He began to wonder if he faced this demon lord, who specialise in ice magic.





Would he win?