
53. Chapter 53: In Private

A/N So… this update was not supposed to happen. I was just to post the epilogue but… I read your comments and… I don't know, I just felt like squeezing some more fun out of this fic for you since you've all been so amazing! And you inspired me.

In short, this chapter is here for you and thanks to you!

Enjoy :)

"You're gonna pay for this," hissed Derek threateningly, trying both to get his breathing regular and drive them safely to their destination – Meredith's old house. They were just back from their two-week honeymoon in Paris but unfortunately, they still had to wait a couple of weeks before their new home was finished.

"Uh-huh," hummed Meredith teasingly, trying to keep her face straight.

"And the payback will be painful," went on Derek fidgeting in the driver's seat. However, no attempt at finding comfort proved successful. The raging erection between his legs was an obvious obstacle. The raging erection Meredith brought about, very purposefully.

"Right," she nodded disbelievingly.

"Laugh till you can," he hissed.

"I will," she agreed grinning as her hand sneaked again over his thigh in the direction of his swollen groin.

"Meredith, take your hand off," he gasped. It was beginning to be really painful.

"Okay," she shrugged folding her arms over her chest, a characteristic smirk on her lips. "I will never come near your penis again."

"That's… that is not what I meant!" he squeaked, torment on his face.

"You were perfectly clear," she smiled up at him watching his jaw clench.

"I know what you're doing," he laughed bitterly.

"You do?" she asked, her eyebrows riding high.

"You're teasing me, you're riling me up!" he shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road. "It's not gonna work."

"I think it's working…" she leaned in so he could feel her hot breath on his neck, "just fine…"

"God, I'm getting you back for this…" he promised breathlessly.

"If you had pulled up by the side of the road like I told you, you and little Derek would have got me a long time ago," she said coyly.

"I'm not pulling up by the side of the road to get sex," he snorted sulkily. "I remember how it ended the last time. With a fine and public humiliation. Not going there again."

"Where's your sense of adventure?" she challenged him.

"Er, let me think," he said ironically. "In practically every famous place in Paris. Personally, I think the overcrowded Eiffel Tower was a feat."

Meredith only giggled. "As Mark said, we're newlyweds."

"We are," nodded Derek. "Don't you forget that when we're back."

"What if the jet lag kicks in?" she asked coyly, battling her eyelashes innocently.

"Meredith!" he warned her dangerously and turned into their street. "Thank God!" he breathed out as he stopped the car and practically jumped out of it. "Out, out!"

"Bossy," she wiggled her eyebrows at him. "Remember to take our luggage from the car."

"Screw the luggage!"

"Derek, you wanted to screw me, remember?" she laughed at him. "What you have to do with the luggage is to take it out of the car and bring it in. I'll be waiting, possibly naked!" she stuck her tongue at him and ran up to the house.

She opened the door, briefly surprised she need to turn the key only one time, and dashed inside. However, as she crossed the hall her eyes darted to the living room where…

"Argh! Ewww!" she yelped in utter horror and whirled on her heel back to the door.

********************************************************************************** With an annoyed grumble and the knowledge that she wouldn't stop the teasing until he fulfilled her wishes, Derek opened the back door of his jeep and heaved out two fat suitcases. He was just about to close back when Meredith shot out of the house with a tormented scream, her hands covering her eyes.


"I'm blind! I'm blind?" she gasped coming to a halt beside him.

"What? What are you talking about?" he frowned grabbing her arms and scanning her face.

She lifted her palms and peeked around. "I'm not blind… Damn, do you have bleach?" She dived past him into the jeep looking around. "Do you have bleach in the car, Derek?"

"No," he sighed, observing her antics skeptically. "Meredith, what's happened?" he firmly placed his hands on her hips and dragged her out.

"I… our living room… them… they were…" she breathed out, her face contorted.

"Someone's in the house?" asked Derek glancing in its direction.

"They… they were doing… ugh…" she pretended to gag.

"Who? Burglars?" he frowned. It was broad daylight.

"No! Unfortunately!" she yelled dramatically.

"Mer? Unfortunately?" he looked at her with concern and passed his palm over her forehead. "Are you tired? It's the jet lag, isn't it?"

"It's not… it's them!" she pointed at the house; Ellis and Richard just appeared in the doorway.

"Your mother and Richard? What are they doing here?" he asked quietly.

"Trust me, you don't want to know," she snorted. "You should be so grateful I told you to take our things…"

Derek squinted at the newcomers and only now noticed Ellis's blouse was crumpled and she had skipped one of the buttons. Both she and Richard were visibly out of breath.

"Oh…" mumbled Derek as everything clicked in his head.

"Yeah, oh…" his wife muttered sarcastically.

"Meredith, Derek," Ellis greeted them as she and Richard joined them, unfazed by the whole incident. "We weren't expecting you so early."

"We weren't expecting you so early? Mother!" yelled Meredith. "We're here a day later that we were supposed to anyway!"

"Oh, well," shrugged Ellis. "We've just lost the track of time."

"Lost the track of time, my ass!" Meredith slapped her forehead and looked at Derek with big eyes. "They've defiled our living room!"

"No need to be vulgar, Meredith!" berated her Ellis while she gave Derek a quick look. "And what's with your husband and the constant hard-on?"

Derek turned away instantly, red on the face.

"I'm so sorry," sighed Richard apologetically. It appeared they could never meet in circumstances that could be considered normal.

"As you should be," said crisply Mer. "You know, we're going."

"You've just come," argued Ellis.

"No, you've just come and we've seen enough!" Meredith rolled her eyes as she helped her husband load their baggage back into the car.

Her mother cleared her throat meaningfully, "I thought we could discuss the conditions of my employment," she offered not meeting Meredith's eye. "I'm getting bored in here."

"What employment?" asked Derek, alarm in his voice.

"We're not staying here," Meredith shook her head trotting to the front of the jeep. "You'd have to disinfect the whole house first. God knows where else you did it. Derek, we're going to our land!"

"How did you get inside anyway?" frowned Derek.

"Addison gave me the keys," shrugged Ellis.

"Now I know who to blame for the biggest trauma in my life," muttered Meredith, disgruntled.

"What about my contract?" shouted after her Ellis. A loud thud of the closing door was her daughter's only answer.

"Mer, what is she talking about?" probed cautiously Derek.

"Just… just drive okay?" pleaded Meredith, rubbing her eyes. "Maybe if I'm actively not thinking about her, I'll be able to forget the image…"

"They were…?" he chuckled pulling off.

"Derek!" she hissed. "I'm considering a lobotomy here!"

They drove for several minutes in silence when Meredith groaned suddenly and made a demand that brought a grin to his face, "You're fucking my brains out when we get there!"

Meredith hurriedly dusted down around the trailer, changed the sheets and now stopped near the slightly opened window of the trailer unbuttoning her blouse. A fragment of conversation between Derek and the workers that were busy with finishing the upper floor of their house reached her ears from outside.

"We can't just pack up and leave everything!" insisted one of the man. "We've got schedule!"

"I understand-" Derek tried to cut in.

"We were paid extra to be extra fast!"

"I know, I paid the extra-"

"And now you don't want the extra-"

"I do," sighed Derek, "but we've just got back to the country and we want to relax in private. Come back tomorrow-"

"Can't do!" insisted the man.

"Let's put it differently," said tiredly Derek. "You can go now or I'll ask my wife to talk to you and trust me, you don't want that."

Stifling her laughter, Meredith cleared her throat and shouted out in the most screechy voice she could manage, "Derek, what the hell are you doing?" She didn't have to wait long before she heard hurried footsteps and the noise of car engines. Derek went inside and she hurried to meet him.

"Are they gone?" she asked him breathlessly wriggling out of her skirt.

"Yeah," he replied tearing off his shirt that landed carelessly on the floor, his eyes darkening at the sight of her voluptuous body she was steadily exposing. "Thanks for helping out by the way, they scurried off in fear."

"Any time, honey, any time," she purred and they collided in a heated frenzy, their arms flying everywhere, their lips seeking out each other hungrily. They stumbled on impact, vacillated and crashed into a little table, sending an empty flower vase onto the floor.

He pinned her to the wall, her body trapped between the cool surface and his heated skin experiencing a sensory overload. His relentless lips left her mouth that desperately searched air as she felt his teeth nibbling on her neck and his fingers tugging at the clasp of her bra.

Their intimacy was long familiar and domestic but the wild fire always reignited itself between them without fail, indestructible, ravaging, unquenchable and everlasting. Once it was lit, it's call was impossible to disobey, whatever the time of day or night.

The second Meredith's breasts were freed for him to prey on, his lips descended enveloping one of her gorgeous buds in his hot mouth. She threw her head back in pleasure as he lavished loving and torturously stimulating attention on her sensitive nipple. With a deep throaty moan of delight mingled with impatience, she jumped up hooking her legs around his waist while her fingers fumbled with his belt, making him step awkwardly backwards.

He stack the hand that was not on her ass to regain his balance but the only thing he achieved was grabbing a tablecloth and dragging it to the floor with everything that was on. Taking no notice of the shower of objects falling down spectacularly, they let their passion reign them. Derek hit the wall behind him just as Meredith pushed his trousers and boxers down his hips.

She attacked his neck and throat while her hands didn't return from between their middles. He groaned frenziedly as her sinfully expert touch on his manhood sent shockwaves of exhilaration to every cell of his body. With a growl, he flipped them back, his hard frame grinding into hers.

The frisky foreplay was over, what they now needed was hard sensuous thrusting. Not wasting time or energy, he tore her panties in one powerful pull.

"Hey!" she gasped as she heard the ripping sound of her underwear and a gust of air on her wet mound. "That's the fifth pair this month!"

"Oh, I know," he growled lowly, male pride coursing in his veins.

The final obstacle between their ultimate reunion gone, he penetrated her inviting warmth with a deeply satisfying sense of thoroughly reclaiming what was lawfully his. She clang to him for dear life, her spine strung out as she felt being deliciously filled by her husband. For a short sweet moment they stood listlessly relishing their tight joining. Then a tremor of desire passed through Derek's body, his member nestled deep inside her twitched demanding the glorious friction that was imminent. It was Meredith's undoing; she pushed their connected bodies, the one body they became, off the wall. Derek's unsteady legs swayed and buckled as they hit the edge of the bed.

They fell over on the soft covers in an entangled heap. Slightly disoriented, Derek tried to determine where he ended and where he began, the prevailing issue on his mind being his penis slipping out of Meredith's heavenly pussy. He scooped up on his elbows and knees driving back into her forcefully, making her cry out.

Her head trashed wildly on the bed, her middle lifting from the bed as Derek placed her feet on his shoulders. Their wanton moans and cries mashed together, every meeting of their pelvises bringing them closer the awaited explosion of senses.

"Oh, God…" she moaned as her vaginal muscles contracted around his hard length that was giving her no reprieve.

"What?" he smirked, his regard relentless. "How… does it feel…?"

"Divine," she gasped, her fingers waving into his locks and tugging at them uncontrollably. "You're…" She never finished her thought as an exceptionally powerful stroke of his set her core in flames. He watched her lithe frame shake violently in his strong arms, her skin glistening in perspiration, her irises dilating while her continuous moan filled his ears and her walls collapsed all around his cock, teasing it to follow her. He slowed his pace to prolong her pleasure and then sped up again succumbing to his own desires while she was still riding the wave, his seed shooting deep inside her.

Balancing on his shaky arms, he rolled off her and sank onto the bed heavily. The only sound in the trailer was chirping of grasshoppers coming from outside and that of their ragged breathing as they waited for their bodies to cool off. It was anything but easy as the air was hot due to the high summer temperature and heavy with the scent of their lovemaking.

After a few minutes of blissful relaxation, they looked sideways at each other and they… burst out in laughter.

"What a welcome," sighed Derek satisfactorily placing his arms under his head lazily, his naked body languidly stretched out.

"You mean the sex or walking on my mother with her boyfriend?" quipped Meredith crawling onto him. She perched between his legs, placing her chin on his chest. She jumped up on his belly when he laughed at her remark.

"Ah, it feels good to be back here," he muttered serenely.

"It does," she smiled nuzzling her cheek into his skin.

"It's a pity we can't stay here for the time being," he said playing with her blond tresses splayed on her back.

"Why not?" She shifted and he sighed happily feeling her breasts squeezed deliciously against him.

"The building crew is still working," he shrugged.

"So? They're not working at night," she argued. "And I really don't want to go back to the old house, not with my mother and Richard having trashed all around."

"We'll clean up," insisted Derek. "They're better than…"

"Than what?" she raised one eyebrow looking up at him suspiciously.

"Than an army of half-naked men swarming around you," he grumbled reluctantly.

"Hmm, my jealous beast of a husband is back," she purred kissing the ridges between his muscles. "I thought they were deadly scared of me?"

"It isn't exactly contradictory with checking you out," he huffed. "They were practically drooling at the sight of your legs."

"So we should have let them stay to listen to us. That would have left no false illusion as to how good you make feel," she grinned coyly, stroking his ego. "They'd know they have no chance against you."

He grinned back slyly and pulled her up to kiss her.

"You think the hospital's okay?" she asked, vocalizing her recurring worry of the past two weeks.

"I'm sure they're fine," assured her Derek.

"They haven't called," she sighed. The staff, George in particular, were instructed to let her know immediately if there was a situation requiring her personal attention.

"There was probably no need to," he said soothingly. There was also no need to tell Meredith he had personally made sure no one was going to interrupt their wedded bliss.

"No need?" she repeated dejectedly. "Normally I have to intervene at least once a day…"

"Well, I said they were just fine, didn't I? With you in charge, we're perfectly fine," he chuckled planting a small sweet kiss on her nose. "What's the thing with your mom? She wants to work at Grace?"

"I thought she wasn't serious about staying in Seattle," Meredith bit on her lip. "Apparently she is…"

"It's a chance for the two of you," Derek tried to find a bright side.

"Maybe, she does seem to be reformed… but is it enough to work with her?" she thought aloud. "She would be a great asset for the hospital though…"

"It's worth a chance," summed up Derek. Ellis was no longer openly hostile towards him, she certainly approved of their marriage since she helped Meredith out with the little freak out she experienced on the wedding day. They would survive.

"But… what if… Richard… I don't mind if he makes her happy or whatever but… I don't want to see that ever again," she groaned on recollection of her mother on top of Webber… "By the way, I think me flexibility might be hereditary…"

"You don't have to worry about that," stated firmly Derek swapping their positions once again.

"I don't?" she cocked one eyebrow skeptically.

"Yes, I'll be here every time you need me to… how you put it… fuck your brains out," he smirked, taking notice how her breathing quickened, her breast having underneath him.

"You'd better," she hissed locking her arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss.

"Always," he assured eagerly.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he managed to breathe out before their lips sealed.

A/N There is a short epilogue left. Seriously this time.

Thank you,

Em :)