
A Fern's Freedom

A sapient fern recounts its escape from captivity and exploration if the world beyond.

Fernein · Real
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

I can see the look in your eyes, indicating that you're curious as to what I was going to use the 3D printer for.

Simple. Recycling.

Recycling what? Plastic.

You humans waste so much that it's actually insane.

You have dumps full of plastics and waste that you could be using for cool things.

For example, my first project with that rudimentary 3D printer, a hoverbike.

I can feel your curiosity as to why I made such a device.

Easy. Mobility.

You're clearly wondering something along the lines of 'Well, aren't you mobile enough? You're able to immobilize someone before they can react, right?' Well, yes. But my movements on the ground are easily predictable.

I am as susceptible to patterns as humans are.

But in the air I am not subject to obstructions such as buildings and people.

Also, I could use it to transport more plastic and make better 3D printers or more hoverbikes that I could program to hold a formation around me.

With these hoverbikes I was able to plan and execute a raid on a recycling plant.

Why did I need to raid the plant? Metal. And PCB's (Printed Circuit Boards) Which could be cannibalized to serve my uses.

I couldn't keep making my own small superboards unless I had more PCB's.

Raiding the plant took very little effort. The plant workers left the metal in a massive pile, making it laughably easy for me to go through the metal and find the least rusted parts and fly off with them.

Of course, I did this at night so as not to be seen.

The next morning, Aurora had a nasty surprise, though.

I hadn't told her about my little heist that put almost half a ton of steel in her backyard.

Needless to say, she wasn't very happy.

I did my best to appease her, explaining that it'd be put to good use, it'd be there for a short while, and I wouldn't do that again, etc. etc.

So I created a workshop on the roof of a convenient abandoned building.

I was going to create automatons that I could use for surveillance, combat, and defense.

Once I had that, I was going to start to build the rocket that was going to take me to the moon.

Yes, I am aware of the seeming impossibility of inhabiting the moon.

I'll adress some of your questions right now, I suppose.

How was I going to get CO2? Easy. Animals.

I'd also use the animals for the essential nutrients.

How are you going to build the base on the moon?

By harvesting the metal that was hypothisized to be at the core of the moon.

How will you harvest the core?

Easy. Drills.

Why couldn't you stay on Earth?

Because as far as I ran, so long as I was still on the planet, the scientists would find me and try and take me back in.

After this short story I'm going to do an HFY novel lol

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