
A fantasy(a wish fulfiller-fulfillment story)

Wish, a single hopeful desire, it is something that i never even thought to exist within me,and it would always be or so i thought.

shiro2141 · Cómic
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15 Chs

An Accident?


I appeared in the toilet of my school a bit later, Saving my rewards for later can't have me passing out at school can't I?

i was on my way back to class when i realized, isn't it a bit too calm?

i went to the closest classroom and saw... no one, the next classroom... also empty.

what is this? some sort of prank? or perhaps...


That answers my question. i guess i need to go to the Auditorium.

i was making my way when i saw it, is that tetsurou-senpai? he seems to be heading towards.... the gym. oh no.


{an hour before Arthur returned}

In a forest near the School, Two men wearing suits and black glasses are seen dumping a liquid that seems to be glowing.

"Man, it's always us doing the dirty work, from throwing body bags and now this??"

"...Shut up and let's get this over with"

they toss all the liquid out and left the place. However some time later it appear that an animal was just passing by and saw the liquid... going closer it then try to taste the liquid.....


"and with that, you will use this grammar to get the correct sentence"

'Where is Arthur when you need him?'

Shirou is currently struggling to make parts of the explanation, he always was bad at English these days he was able to make through with the help of his friend, and now that said friend is away because he said that he was sick.

Shirou then think back the days when he was alone, he likes to help others but others would always think of his actions to be annoying, he even got the title of janitor back in his old school.

When Arthur first talked to him, he thought that Arthur was a bit weird, but after knowing him for a while Shirou started to warm up, he feels as if Arthur knew about him for a long time and accepted him. he wants to keep hanging out with him, talking with him, perhaps even one day...

no, remember your dream Shirou! you must not forget what happened back then. to that incident...


Shirou snapped out of his thought when he heard a roar, he stood up and look outside at the source of the sound. however, before he took another step an alarm sounds out


"Allright everyone, make a line, don't rush"

Slowly all the students leave their class and go to the auditorium.Shirou remembered that Arthur went to the toilet.

"Excuse me sensei? Arthur went to the Toilet and hasn't returned..."

"it's fine,there should be another teacher checking the toilets and the fields"

Shirou could only nod, but he still couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong.

Nagumo saw him on the way and joined and got closer.

"Something's wrong?"

"...Nothing, it's just-"

Shirou explained to Nagumo about What happ as they walked together, on the way they both keep searching for Arthur but he is nowhere to be seen. Shirou started to fidget and felt more and more uneasy.

"Please, let me through, They might be in danger!"

A student could be seen talking,no more like screaming at the teacher.

"no means no Kuroo, we can't be Risking students to go by their own, you should go back since Machio sensei is already heading there"


They continue to argue as students gather out of curiosity,Shirou couldn't help but ask around about what is going on, Turns out that the speaker at the gym which is used to do Volleyball practice was broken so Tetsurou wanted to go there and tell them but now is being held here by the Teachers

"as i said-"

"What is going on here sensei"

Suddenly amongst the crowd a figure emerges, she has a small figure that makes her look childish but the way she walked and act says otherwise. her name is Shinomiya Kaguya and she is the daughter of Shiomiya Zaibatsu, the owner of the Shinomiya group.

"Ah, Shinomiya sama, please do not worry it's just a small scuffle"

"And that is?"

The teacher explains the situation quickly to kaguya with a respectful tone, Shirou couldn't help but feel weird seeing an adult talking to a student like a boss

"I see, then isn't it better or sensei to go instead of this student?"

"well you see, i need to standby the students i am a teacher after all"

Kaguya then puts her hand on the forehead and gave a disappointing look to the teacher.

"So sensei, you are telling me that instead of fulfilling your roles as a teacher you abandoned those students and used your privileges to seek shelter with the students?"

"Well, i-.. i-"

"How Cute"

The teacher couldn't help but be flustered for what happened, meanwhile as if taking this as a chance, Kuroo slowly and silently left the place.

"Huh, i guess that teacher's career is over, Right Shirou?"

Nagumo look towards his left only to see that his friend is gone.


"Get out of here Quick!!"


In the Gym there are different kinds of Tools lying around broken, the students are grouped up on the corner wearing despaired expressions and looking at the broken Exit door.

"We're trying sensei but it doesn't look like there is anyway!"


Sounds of something being hit could be heard From The place Machio is, Every time the sound comes, the more the students felt scared


"Ugh, i guess i can use this in my resume next time i apply for a job, hahaha"


"Everyone,this way!"

The students heard a sound they're too familiar with, it was the sound of one of their members, Kuroo. it seems he brought a Rope and tied it to a balcony, on the second floor, how did he get there?? is all the students could only think before rushing and climbing one on one to get out



Machio could see a student standing to far away from him, He knew him, it was one of his student



I scream trying to get both sensei and that thing's attention,Now that I'm closer i could see what this thing is

It's a Big Bull that looks 3.6 meters tall or 12 Feet, it's twice the size of me and its face are contorted in some way, there is also Greenish saliva oozing out of it's mouth

"Watch out!!" I hear Machio sensei scream, i saw The Bull coming at me Fast, thankfully with my heightened senses i could dodge easily and secure myself in a good spot.


I shiver as i look back on where i was, i could see a big hole in a wall not too far away from there, That would have Hurt, no that might Kill me

I took a few step back and saw The bull preparing another attack. If only i had a sword or a weapon that i could use... i said in my Head as i saw the bull charging at me once more

