
A fantasy(a wish fulfiller-fulfillment story)

Wish, a single hopeful desire, it is something that i never even thought to exist within me,and it would always be or so i thought.

shiro2141 · Cómic
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15 Chs

A mistake

Dear me, i didn't think that the one I've granted wish was The Yoriichi, I thought it was just a normal demon hunter, I can just get the basics and try to improve, but my luck said NO.

well, I'm cool with it, I don't have to try to Work out to get stronger or anything like that, then again My tentacle is already Broken

"(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)" the tentacle made a new expression. aww, who's a good tentacle, wait, when did i try to summon you out?

*School Bells* Oh shoot, lunch is over. gotta go back fast.


after school is over, I hurried home and opened my system, I postponed the reward since I know that it might hurt.

"Alright system, Do it!"

{affirmative, collecting reward}

{Receiveing : Demon Slayer Mark(Transparent world awakened), Strength(peak human(A)),speed(peak human(A)),Reflec(Peak human(A)),Endurance(Peak human(A)),Intellegence (A), Selfless State}


the sudden shock made me pass out, On the floor no less. i felt my muscles tearing apart, My bones cracking, my Whole body was in heat, sweat drops to the floor, and slowly i lost conciousness.

I woke up during the night and felt something different with my body, and a bit too smelly. i went to the bathroom to clean up and saw that, my body has grown.

I've grown a lot, now my height is about 180cm and my muscles feels more firm and thick now i can get back at shirou hehe,

anyway i gotta clean myself for now, after cleaning myself up i tuck to my bed but, somehow i can't sleep, i guess it's because i just "woke up"

i decided to take a stroll at the nearest convenience store, I've always loved Japan's Convenience store onigiris.

"it would be 400 yen, Thank you!" I enjoyed the onigiri while walking home. while on the way i kept thinking that somehow my Original skills must be able to be upgraded somehow like I wonder how can my tentacle just show up out of nowhere and do questionable stuff. can I try to control it or something?.

{Answer: host can try to experiment with the host's abilities by trying to fight villains or training with others, the system suggests the latter as the host has no experience in Fighting.}

well, how can i find one? i don't think this world has that kind of place where they teach kids how to use their abilities like UA...wait since Heroes exist here does that mean...

{Answer: negative, as MHA exists in another world. however, the host can Travel to the MHA world should the host's wishes}

That's really nice but, i don't think i can do that you know,i can be in 2 places at the same time Right?

{Answer : host would be able to control the time because Time is relative in Traveling, such as why the crystal balls may be collected faster or slower depending on the hosts needs}

oh yeah,my tentacles does break aspects and time is one of them, who could have thought i could time travel huh.still, i kinda like this place been though. even though my apartment is pretty bad.

*Tap Tap*

hmm? i can hear foot sounds, is someone following me? .

i then went to an alleyway and immediately hide myself, i can hear him coming too so i get ready.

the moment he went to the alley to follow me i immediately attacked trying to subdue him by Grabing his hand and locked it. The man seem to saw my movement and looks surprised but didn't try to fight back.

"Who are you and why are you following me" i said tightening the hands

"ugh, Master, it's me.... " i hear him say.. somehow, i feel like i know him but not at the same timetime

"Well i don't know who you are mr."me"you're following me is already pretty suspicious and you acting like you know me fuels it even more "

"forgive me master, please let me go i will explain it to you" i hear him say, his voice sounds like mature and contain no lie but " how do i know you're not lying"i stare at him

" I swear with all my life and being that i won't lie to you" that caught me of guard, it sounds so genuine. i slowly let go of him and he recovers from the ground, slowly he stand up and i can take a look at him better.

He has Blonde Hair and Green eyes with almost the same height at me, wearing a white suit with blue patterns, i feel like i know him.

"so, start talking" i said while trying to figure him out"

"Yes" He then kneeled and took my hand

"Servant, Saber. I greet My reason to live, My Light, My only master." he then kissed my hand. instinctively i pulled my hand, Excuse me? "WHAT THE, what are you trying to do!? " my Face reddens and i try to look away, He just kissed my hand! How am i supposed to Keep my Calm like that

Saber on the other hand, the moment I pulled my hand from him he seems sad, as if he lost something precious. but he also Smiles when seeing my reaction.

"EXPLAIN" i look at him still flustered for what Happened. "it's nothing Master, your hand is warm, that's all" ugh, stop looking at me like that.

"No, i mean explain why are following me" i tried to calm down.

"I just want to meet you"

"Wha-" is he crazy or something, wait he said he's a servant, does that mean his Master sent him here to confront me? but he said i'm his master, but i don't have Any memory of summoning him, heck i don't even know How to summon a servant.

"ugh, Whatever I'm leaving" I was about to leave but he grabbed my hand

"Wait, Master please hear what I am about to say" he looked at me like he's about to cry.

"and why should I do that" i tried to be mean

we stared at each other for a while, and then i couldn't help it, he haven't done anything yet

I turn to face him, "Alright What do you want? "

"Can i Accompany you?? "

"No" Why do you think i will say yes

"Please? "

"No, Really? the same tactic? " i rolled my eyes

"yes,and I'm sure it will work" he said as if it would work, heh, i'm not giving up


Later, At my Apartment

HOW, how did i fall for the same thing again, ugh

after what happened he followed me to my apartment , along the way he asked about how was my day, did i eat yet, and other stuff.

"Alright this is my apartment, it's a bit dirty because i haven't cleaned yet"

We entered My apartment and i can see a frown on his head, but shortly after it turned into a smile.

"This place smells like you" Does he have no shame Or something why is the first thing you said in another person's room that it smells???

"You don't like it? get out then" i turned to get away

"It's not like that, you just smell good that's all" I'm done, I'm gonna go get a drink

i go to the kitchen to drink water and clear my mind a bit, ok Arthur, you can do this, just Ask him why he's accompanying you and be done with it. i bring some Cola that i have from my fridge and brought it with me.

i went back to see him on the living room, sitting and waiting for me, upon seeing me he brightens up. what is he a golden retriever?

"Alright this is my last time asking, why do you want to accompany me" please, just answer normally.

"I just want to be with you" he said with a Smile.

"Fine i give up, you do you" i grumbled, what is this guy, why does he keep saying things and wanting to accompany me. i should stop since i think it won't go nowhere.

he looks satisfied as if he was waiting for that answer.

"Master, How was your day? " he asked me

"just call me Arthur, and why are you asking me about my day??" It's like he's a mother hen or something, heh, more like a Cock if i say so myself

"Right then Arthur" he Empazize on my name sending shivers in me"i want to ask your day because I want to get closer to you "

Hahh, alright, just stop asking for reasons and let it be "well, my day was-"

we then keep talking where he would also talk about himself, we keep going before i saw the clock and saw it was 1 o'clock.

"Alright it's getting late now so i need you to leave, i have school tomorrow" i get up trying to drag him

"Can i stay? "


I then threw him out of the door, "Well it's nice meeting you, Good night" i then turned to close the door but just as i was about to close "Good night" i hear him say.

after that i immediately went to bed what happened was too much for me to handle


Outside Arthur's House

"Good night"

as the door closes, the man keep standing there, seemingly likes he can see beyond the door and following the figure until it fell asleep. as soon as Arthur Fell asleep he then leaves while walking he grabs his phone and called someone

"Good Evening Milord, how Can i help you" an elderly voice came from the phone

"Prepare the Hankyu Heights, And It's Master room by Tomorrow" As if the sweet and bright sound from earlier was nothing but a lie, and only Coldness remain.

"Yes Milord" he then Hung up the phone, He then Realize he's out of the apartment building, he looked back at the room Where his master was

"You finally Returned" .