
A fantasy(a wish fulfiller-fulfillment story)

Wish, a single hopeful desire, it is something that i never even thought to exist within me,and it would always be or so i thought.

shiro2141 · Cómic
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15 Chs

A forgotten promise


I could see Shirou on laying on the ground, Tired from all the practices he's done. he did well for a normal person but..... i feel like something's missing.

I can feel that he already knows about unnatural things of this world and might get affected by it, but somehow it feels like he's not.

"Here, take a rest"

I handed him a water bottle to which he took and drank, after that he looks dejectedly to the ground.

"You think I'm a disappointment to right?"

He sounded like this isn't the first time receiving this response from other people.

"No, Rather i'm curious what is it that makes you like this"

It's as if his body was denying his existence, but at the same time, the moment it stops, Shirou would cease to exist.

I made the room to conjure a Medium sized flat rock that Shirou can lay downto.

"Can you come here and lay down a bit? i want to find out what is happening with you"

he does as i say and i activated my Eyes of death perception to perceive what is going on with Shirou's body. and there it was, a Giant Seal. it's making cobwebs all over his body. this makes his body had a resistance against that of supernatural things. but limits his growth to an average human.

i deactivated my eyes and made him stood up.i told him what i found. he seems surprised and asked me if i could remove it.

"Well, technically i can, but i would need to use something of an equivalent to make sure your body won't be malnourished after that."

"I know, i have the thing!"

Shirou ran to outside, a few minutes later he came back with...A Hammer?

"i have this, this was something that my Father gave to me. forme it was a good luck charm at first, but i feel like there is more to it than just a normal hammer."

I took the hammer and examineit carefully, it looks like a smithing hammer. is Shirou's family a descent of a blacksmith or something? that would explain to his obsession with swords.

I activated my eyes again and saw that the hammer does have a flowing line that i can cut, there is some sort of energy flowing means i can use it. but just to be safe, i checked the system's description of it.

{Hammer of Karma S+

A Hammer that was used once to Forge the blade Tsumukari Muramasa.}

"This is Perfect, with this i can help you get through but, are you sure to use this? you won't get it back."

"Yeah I'm sure, if it's you we're talking about even if it breaks it's okay"

He smiled at me showing his trust. i flinched a bit after hearing that but i didn't show it, thank lord my Acting skills are A or i might got found out.

"Alright let's get to it"

we returned with shirou now without his clothes to prevent it from bursting. i had to try to be blind and made sure not to lose control at such sight.

After making sure i was ready, i then grabbed the knife that i brought and slowly but surely cut the lines of his seal. slowly his seal was becoming looser as more energy began to sprout event more.

'this energy, it's much more than i expected it to be'

i continued until finally i cutted them off, at the last one, the energy burst out making visible pulses to the surrounding. it starts to envelope the air and the ground. making Flowers left and right, giving life to it's surroundings.

i was taken back by the sudden surge of energy, i saw shirou was groaning a lot because of it. i slowly approached him again and saw something emerged, with haste, i took it by force and made it enter the system inventory before focusing back on shirou trying to fuse the hammer with him.

The fusion started of well but at the last part of it, it starts to grown impatient and took all the hammer by force, instead of stopping, it began to thrash around even more.

'is the hammer not enough? what was the thing inside of him before this that has more energy than a S ranked item? wait, there's not enough time. i need to give him some sort of equipment strong enough but all that i had are things that is not compatible with him, it might even hurt him'

While i was panicking, there was a something moving around. when i saw what it was it confused me at first but i realized it.


??: (・∀・)

It's One of my tentacles, the last time i saw them was at school, they come over and start to engulf Shirou. Shirou was startled and tried to resist but seeing my gaze he stopped.

I was about to stop this guy but i saw that the thing that was trying to eat starts to become docile, that moment i felt like something was flowing form me. then, instead of fighting against it i just let it be.

After a while, It starts to calm down until it finally stopped. i let out a sigh of relief and lay on the ground.

Shirou Stood up and took a look at his hands, seemingly confused at his new condition. he felt that something that was blocking him before was now gone and he can reach levels of never seen before.

"You should try training now, with that kind of vigor i think you can go for days."

he nodded and went to do the training but this time with more power and stamina, thus breaking his new record. after that I tried to offer him some rest but he said he wanted to try more so i just let him. while i return to rest.


it's been 3 weeks since then. school returned to normal with more than before, after what happened i heard that a teacher was forced to retire and other different stuff. meanwhile my life was getting more rowdy as my daily activities now included shirou's training on it.

The thing that was inside of shirou turned out to be something incredible.

{Avalon (EX)

The Everdistant Utopia, the hallowed scabbard of Excalibur, the embodiment of the utopia of the long forgotten King.

Skill : Protection of domain

The user will be isolated from the world, nullifying damage that was done upon holding it.

*Upon contact With the promised one will it uncover it's true Form}

i tried to hold it but instead it felt like there was something invisible making me cannot hold it, i though it was normal but then when i gave it to saber he holds it just fine. since he was able to hold it i was about to give it to him but he refused.

"This is better in your possession since fate has brought the long-forgotten promise."

i was confused but let it go, i wonder where did Shirou got this.

Speaking of Shirou, he had actually mastered his own breathing technique, he called it Breath of flames, i wonder where did he get that.

even after He already learned everything i gave him he insisted that he needed to be by my side for something or so he said, so i just let him be.

and then Nagumo heard about him keep hanging around my home sohe also wanted to go even if he doesn't train. nowadays, he came even if i didn't invite him, the reason being that i had all different kinds of consoles that he never had and wanted to play together.

and me being an Ex Gamer won't lose to him, at first we were playing it for fun but when things get serious trash-talk happened. but we still had fun. Shirou sometimes tag along to play with us.

"Alright everyone, that's all for today"

The teacher went out as all students pack their belongings and left, Shirou had already left with nagumo saying that they are going to attend at an event about heroes.

As i was packing my bags i felt something, like telling me that something i need was close to me. i sat back again and slowly look around my stuff to see what it is. i found out it was my crystal ball, sending waves telling me that other crystal balls are near. when i concentrated on it, it not only gave back a signal but it gave back 6 signals, meaning that one person had all the other 6.

at first i was worried but then i calmed myself down, feeling from the sensation that i felt it seems this person is approaching me slowly, if it turns out to be a good person i will give it.

why didn't i use it for my own? well, i tried it and it didn't work, turns out i can't really have my wishbe granted.

after god knows how long, i could hear footsteps, slowly reaching my classroom and then i heard the door open, i look towards the source of the sound to only see a man with black long hair wearing a black kimono and white coat, this guy...

"You can see me?"

It's Byakuya Kuchiki. shit.