
A Fairy’s Journey

What does it mean to be free? Is it the right to do as you please? To live as you want? To not mind other’s opinions? Is it to live without regrets? Watch as a soul who tirelessly worked for others use his new life to understand and find his own freedom. *** [Note: I don’t own anything other than the OC’s] [Note: Cover is not mine]

SaintlyPervert · Cómic
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13 Chs

The Sin of Sloth and Greed

-Chapter 2: The Sin of Sloth and Greed-

Fairy King Forest.

Currently, in the inner area of the now reformed Sacred Tree, an unconscious King can be seen lying on Gerheade's lap with exhaustion and injuries clearly on his body.

Several fairies surrounded King and looked at him in worry and awe. A dozen or so metres away, walking in King's direction, was a very tall, muscular man with tan skin. He has short, spiky, pale blue hair; thin black eyebrows; and scarlet-red eyes. on the left side of his jaw and extending down to his neck. He wore a dark red long coat with matching red leather pants and shoes.

Since everyone was focused on King, no one noticed a person entering, but even if they weren't focused, it would be hard to notice the person's presence, since their existence seemed one with nature.

"That is one serious injury you got there, Fairy King." Everyone tensed when they heard a calm and androgynous voice just a few metres away from the King.

"Who!" Gerheade and everyone else present looked to the source of the voice and were stunned by what they saw.

They were greeted by a beautiful androgynous individual with long hair that shimmers with emerald green colour and jade green eyes. Their ears differ from a normal human's as they have pointed tips, though the long green hair makes this feature slightly difficult to notice. The person wore a plain white hooded tunic that completely covered them. The only thing out of place was the wooden walking stick.

"Ahem! Are you done staring at me? " Zephyr asked with a calm smile.

Hearing his question, everyone came out of their stupor and looked at him cautiously.

"Who are you?" Gerheade asked in a serious tone.


"Is that it? " Still in a serious tone, Gerheade asked.

"No?" Zephyr said with a cheeky smile.



[Why are you messing with her?] Luna curiously inquired.

'I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Can't you see that she's too serious and aloof'. Zephyr responded telepathically.

[Well, it clearly didn't work, evidently from the expression she's showing] Luna, mockingly said.

'I can see that, no need to rub it in. Anyways let me change the subject'.


"I think we should heal our Fairy King here before we continue." Zephyr interrupted.

Gerheade, surprised, quickly looked at the sleeping King to see if he was alright.

"Let me heal him," Zephyr said as he looked towards the pale blue-haired and scarlet-eyed man.

Ban looked at him for a few seconds and responded "Sure go ahead".

"E-Eh? S-sir Ban?" Gerheade looked in surprise at how casual he was about letting a stranger heal his friend.

Instead of answering, Ban looked at Zephyr curiously.

Zephyr walked to King and placed the end of the stick on his chest. A green glow rapidly healed his wounds. But it didn't stop there as it also affected everyone nearby and caused surrounding plants to grow.

"Druid's Healing!" Gerheade exclaimed in shock.

"I think it is." Zephyr casually answered and continued, "But it looks like I need to practise more with it to improve my control."

"How is that possible? Are you not a fairy?" Gerheade inquired.

"I am" Zephyr replied.

"Then where are your wings?" She asked suspiciously.

Zephyr smiled wryly and pointed at King, who had started staring at him as soon as he woke up.

Tilting her head in confusion, she said, "What about Lord Harlequin?"

King came out of his stupor when he heard his name.

Zephyr sighed and said, "My problem with my wings is like his, but the opposite."

"Opposite?" King asked, surprised.

Zephyr nodded and half-heartedly , "Yes, so I retract them."

"That's impossible! No fairy can just retract their wings!" Gerheade exclaimed.

Zephyr just shrugged and commented, "Well, it seems the impossible is possible for me."

[Of course it is! Who does she think she is comparing you to their mundane standards?] Luna said smugly.

'But aren't you the one acting smug over "mundane" matters?' Zephyr teased.

Luna just harrumphed and didn't say anything.

'How cute' Zephyr thought before turning to King, "Are you feeling alright now?"

"A-ah, yes, thank you very much, miss." King said stuttering.

Zephyr looked at him in confusion and asked, "Who are you calling, miss? My name is Zephyr, and I'm a man."

"Eh???!!!" King Gerheade, the surrounding fairies, and even Ban looked at him in shock and surprise.

"Are you really a man?" Ban said, walking up to Zephyr and staring at him with scrutiny.

"Yeah, I am. Just because I have long hair doesn't mean I'm a woman. And you are?"

"Ban…Fox's Sin of Greed of the Seven Deadly Sins". Ban introduced while looking to see Zephyr's reaction.

"Seven Deadly Sins huh…Sounds like the name of an evil group" Zephyr said with a small smile as he looked at Ban.

"We're not evil we where framed!" King exclaimed in defence.

Zephyr looked at him with a raised brow "I didn't say they were evil though. And I'm not one to judge anything before seeing it for myself".

"Hahaha! I like you!" Ban said patting Zephyr's shoulder a few times.

"Thanks I guess?" Zephyr replied with a wry smile, since he could feel the strength in Ban's arms. "Anyways, I would like to leave the forest, so do you know how?" He added as he looked to King and Gerheade.

"You want to leave?" King asked in confusion, since usually no fairy dares to travel outside of the fairy forest in fear of getting caught by humans.

Zephyr nodded in reply.

"The outside world is dangerous for fairies, you know?" Gerheade warned.

"Don't worry; I can look after myself. And who said I was going alone?" He commented as he looked at King.

"Eh? You want me to come?" King asked in surprise.

"No, I will go with you; I can tell that you won't be here for long." Zephyr replied, looking to Ban, "Are you coming too?"

"No. I have something else to do," Ban said as he turned his gaze to a petite blonde girl who was lifelessly lying on a bed of flowers.

Zephyr also stared at her and said, "If you want to bring her back to life, you need to find someone with a power related to souls or be able to access the other side."

Ban looked at him in surprise and smiled, "Thanks."

"Your welcome. Anyway, are you ready to go fairy king?"

"Ah, yes, and you can just call me King."

"Sure King". Zephyr nodded.

"We're going too Joricho," Ban said to a young woman of slim build and lavender hair who had been in a trance ever since she saw Zephyr.

"O-okay." She replied while looking at Zephyr from time to time.

Zephyr just smiled and stretched out his hand. "Nice to meet you, and sorry for not greeting you before."

"N-Nice to meet you too; you can call me Jericho." The young girl was introduced.

"Sure Jericho". 

"Hey, let's go to Joricho." Ban said before looking at Gerheade, "Look after Elaine's body for me, and if you ever try hurting her again, then be ready to get torn apart."

"Y-yes, sir Ban! I swear to look after her." Gerheade gulped in fear.

"Well, see you later, King; you better hurry and go back to Diane. And you too, pretty boy ." Ban gave a farewell to the two.

Zephyr's lips twitched but he still forced a smile "I have a feeling this farewell won't be a long one and we'll meet again soon enough".

Ban smirked before turning around to leave "You think so too huh."

"I guess it's time right King?" Zephyr asked.

"Ah, yes! Give me a few minutes" King said as he turned to a group of fairies.

'Luna, show me the quest rewards, I'll check out the bonus rewards for now and the starter pack later.'

[Oh? So now you only remember me huh?] Luna said in a 'dejected' tone.

Although Zephyr could tell that she wasn't serious he still said 'Sorry about that Luna. It's just that I hadn't seen anyone in so long so I got a little excited. Moreover, it was people that I only saw in an anime before'.

Feeling the sincerity in his words Luna didn't continue [Fine…I let you off the hook for now. Anyways, here look at the rewards.]

[You have finished the following quest]

[Quest: After-battle Recovery]

[Objective: Heal King from his injuries after he defeats the Albion]

[Assigning Rewards…]

[Starter Pack x1]

[Paradise Herb x1]

[Daji's Relic x1]

'What?! Is that second one what I think it? Luna! Hurry show me the description!' Zephyr said urgently.

[Sigh~ Getting worked up over a little herb when your destined for greatness. Anyways here]

[Paradise Herb(Grass)]

[Type: Herb]

[Grade: S+]

[Description: It can increase a person's lifespan after eating it. The Herb has ten leaves/petals, each petal increases a persons lifespan by 100 years.]

[Note: It does not heal any injuries/illnesses]

'Oh! It really was this, and there's also a small change to it. Luna, where is it?'

[In your inventory]

Zephyr in surprise asked 'I have an inventory?'

[Of course, how else do you think the skill ticket appeared in your hands before? But obviously you wouldn't know. If you hadn't been lazy for so long and checked the system before you wouldn't be in this position] Luna commented in dissatisfaction.

'My bad' Zephyr answered and looked at the item in his hand. It was a transparent plastic casing with a shimmering seven coloured leaf inside.

"It really looks the same. I guess each petal is in one case" Zephyr muttered out aloud. 'But who even needs it? Hmm~ Let me try remember…'

[That Beastman] Luna chimed.

'Oh you can hear my thoughts?' Zephyr curiously asked.

[Only if you are still connected telepathically]

'I see…Oh by the way who's the beast man'

[Zhivago, Ban's adoptive father] Luna reminded.

'Oh yeah! It's been a thousand years, so I guess I was bound to forget some things.' Zephyr said not knowing that he forgot more than some things, which he'll soon find out. Zephyr looked at Ban and Jericho's figure in the distance and called out.

"Ban! Wait up!" Zephyr shouted as he hurriedly walked to their direction.




Meanwhile in the distance was Ban and Jericho.

"How could someone so beautiful exist! Right Ban?" Jericho said with a red face.

"He's an interesting person…I wasn't even able to sense him, even when he revealed himself" Ban said seriously.

"Yeah your right! It's as if he was part of nature, like one of many trees where you can't tell the difference." Jericho said in awe.

"Yeah, he would be a good assassin" Ban added.

"You're right, maybe we should-"

"Ban! Wait up!" Both Ban and Jericho looked back to see Zephyr hurrying towards them.

"Hmm, what's up with him?" Ban asked in curiosity.

"Hehe~ maybe he fell for my womanly charms" Jericho said with a proud smile.

"Heh! Are you sure it's not the other way around? I saw you staring at him back there throughout the whole exchange" Ban mocked.

"T-that…you're wrong! I was just trying to figure out his gender!" Jericho exclaimed.

"If you say so" Ban responded, before turning to Zephyr who was now a couple metres away.

"Thanks for waiting" Zephyr said with a small smile.

"So? Why are you here?" Ban bluntly asked.

Zephyr put his hand in the pockets of his tunic and brought out the previous paradise Herb(petal), "Take this and make sure to keep it safe. As for what it is…just know that it increases someone's lifespan. I know you don't need it, but don't waste it, it'll come in handy at the right time". Zephyr explained and walked away without giving them a chance to ask questions.

"Ban! Ban! Let me see the item that increase someone's lifespan!" Jericho said in excitement.

Ban opened his hand and revealed a seven coloured leaf in a clear casing, he looked towards the direction Zephyr went before continuing his journey "Let's go Joricho".
