
Chapter 0

Author Note [important, I must say it here]

My calculations say that there's a 101% chance of this story being bad 

"So....this is.....how it ends....?"

Says a Man, kneeling down on the beautiful grass while wearing what appears to be knightly armor thats shining beautifully from the distance, on his hands, there's someone sleeping....around a beautiful scenery around....blossoming trees or signing birds....you name it, that would appear to be truth....although it isn't....as the Man quickly snaps back to his senses when he hears a scream...the Scenery around quickly changes to that you'd fantasize hell has, that you'd look in a terrible battle to say atleast, with mutilated....beheaded....half eaten you name it bodies around...with fires devouring the trees like cardboard and blood going around like water....animals feasting on the corpses of other dead humans...and most importantly (atleast i think), the Person that our Protagonist is holding....is infact dead....multiple arrows piercing her body, multiple wounds or scratches and the like....the Man quietly and forcefully, considering how beaten up he is, looks around, tears falling from his eyes like the Rain while he starts thinking,

"Where did it go wrong?" "Everything was going according to the plan"

and the various stuff like that....

While that is happening, a person...not particularly tall and also petite looking, wearing only a half ripped robe and carrying a musket, which is being pointed at our Protagonist approaches him, before him realising somehow, Being too distracted looking at the Person he's holding on his beaten arms, the Musket is now touching the Man's forehead, with the other Person's finger about to touch the Trigger, the Protagonist is quickly alarmed....albeit he still does move his head slowly to face....Her I guess it is....

"I'm....Karl....What's your name?"

the Protagonist says, trying to make it sound like he's trying to joke, albeit his expression says otherwise, the Girl doenst really react, yet he continues talking

"I Guess.....you hate me for doing....those bad stuff?"

He continues....again

"I don't.....hate you for hating me....but if you want to kill me....go ahead with it....this war's already over"

....The girl, despite appearing reluctant at first quickly chooses to pull the trigger, and thus, ending Karl's- or our protagonists life with it as a bullet, a magical bullet to say atleast, and so, this story would end if that would be the case, but hey that's not the case, so it continues

The protagonist, or as his name has come to be, Karl awakens to find himself on a black room...black void...black place I guess, unable to move around he simply stands there, doing nothing....Well he does, using his limited field of vision, look around as much as possible, noticing only more black....and the fact that he's wearing a worn out grey shirt

"This....is the same as the one I had in the morning"

He says, emotionlessly, almost NPC-like you could say as all he does is just look around and think, think of the People he loved, respected, or admired, think of His house, the place he grew up in, think of the cookies his Sister had made him once, his Bedridden Father and how he couldn't ultimately find the cure he needed, His only friend....other than his Sister, who also happened to he the- his thoughts are cut short, as what appears to be blue screen appears in front of him, two words being displayed in screen, those being "Start" and "End", a scenery appears on his mind upon reading those words, reminding him of his father before he was Bedridden, when he used to read books to a young him, books showcasing heroes who saved the world....he remembered a particular book where the Protagonist was given a second chance....he literally thinks of anything he could think....expect himself although

"Nah....the Gods hate me"

He thought

"I must be choosing if I want to go to Heaven or Hell"

"I initially thought I'd go to Hell surely, although it's really generous that I was given a chance to go to Heaven"


He thinks

"Of course, I'm going to Hell, I have a job I want to finish....even If it ended my life...my sisters life aswell....and thousands of hundreds of innocent peoples life's too"

And he continues....

"Although people much stronger than me couldn't stop it either....nobody guarantees I can stop it....but neither that I can't"

Karl looks at the screen again, now confused

"Uh....the Start choose must send me to Hell and the End to Heaven....considering if I go to Heaven everything Ends....and if I go to Hell it restarts again....I think atleast?"

He tries to move his hand, forgetting that he couldn't...Well he remembers it again, so he just....

"Alright....I Pick Start?"







Nothing happens, as Karl begins thinking that he was pranked in the end, giving him a slight glimpse of Hope mightve been a way for the Gods to tell him goodbye I guess?, but yet again, that appears to not be the case as Karl's vision begins blacking again, his consciousness slowly slipping away, and his last thought being

"Maybe I will find her Majesty there"

Karl jokingly says, just before he finally dies, only to reawaken.

Laying in a bed befitting of Royals, a blanket covering him up to his neck, Karl reawakens to find himself alive and well, with his first action being, without even thinking it...like....it was out of instict or something, he punches himself

"Huh....so it hurts"

Karl says normally, ignoring the fact he caused his nose to bleed, he quietly looks around, realising that he's in a room....his Room he thinks....with the various things you'd see in a room being here....a royal room although, it's extravagant and fabulous looking....but Karl ignores that, and just takes off his blanket, wearing only underwear, he simply stares at it, and although it may look like he's staring....at his pencil....or stick...or excalibur....or whatever you name it, but at the fact the Armour he previously wore isn't there anymore, happy as he is, the door of his room suddenly opens

A Maid entering the room, she looks alarmed quickly saying

"Duke Karl is everything alright?!"

Before looking at....the Duke it appears to be, the maid realises that the Duke isn't wearing anything other than his underwear, which causes her to blush and cover her eyes, quickly panicking as Karl simply looks at her with a really generic expression, not really caring about the situation

"A-ah! I'm s...sorry for barging in Sir!" The maid says....continuing on "I....I thought s-something Happened!...."

Karl simply covers himself with the blanket, before slowly getting out from his bed, he looks at the Maid

"You can stop covering your eyes now"

Karl says, as the Maid, listening to his orders, removes her hands from her eyes, she coughs, and then stops blushing, looking at the Duke again

"Ahem....Good morning Duke Karl, It's....its 6 in the morning, and today is your first day as a Major General in the Army.....so you had told me to awaken you earlier"

Karl Realizes something, he realises that he wasn't sent to Heaven or Hell at a replica of his home, but was infact just sent back In time....a few weeks back in time or months...or days....or years...who knows?, But that's enough to put a smile on his face

"Uh...if you don't mind me Sir, I'll get going now....Your Sister needed my help earlier"

The maid says before leaving the room, closing the door behind her aswell, and walking off to find the Dukes Sister, as the Duke now looks up on the ceiling, pondering his thoughts as to why, how or what is happening actually, as he starts aswell thinking that someone could just be messing with him and that this is a dream inside a dream or something like that....idk man he's getting paranoid, don't hate him...eitherway, Karl simply approaches his closet....proceeds to open it....dress it etc etc prepare for the day....look at himself in the Mirror and think

"I was given a second chance....it appears to be like that atleast....."


"If everything goes the same...maybe...just maybe I should be able to change the fate of things....and have a happy ending....albeit my current power doenst allow that to happen....and I didn't really advance my rank much on my first life either....."



"I wonder if I'll save Father this time..."

Karl simply looks down while talking to himself, some minutes passing until he finally finishes, before looking at the Mirror yet again, and then proceeding to walk to his rooms window and look outside....

....Outside appearing to be a garden...a beautiful garden to say atleast, full of flowers bushes and the like....with just past that being what appears to be some short of brick Wall, with two guards standing next to the Gate of the Wall, they seem to be talking to eachother while playing cards on an old table that looks like they found in a storage, their weapons laying around on the floor like garbage, the Duke continues looking around the Garden, noticing other people doing various stuff, happy that the people that previously were dead are alive and well, yet also...fearful? sad?....I don't know at this point, but all he simply says is

"I will protect all of you....even If I die on the process"

....before simply walking to the door, with a normal walking pace or type, just like the average way you'd walk, opening the door and looking outside cautiously, before sighing and walking outside

Only for a bucket to fall on his head, full of water, with the water doing....water stuff....and watering his clothes, as he takes off the bucket from his head, noticing the presence of a person just in front of him, hands in her waist and a proud gaze, about as tall as him, he realises who it is, with her not being even able to react in time he just hugs her, also watering her thus not only counter-attacking her water attack but also hugging her, thus....damn let's just continue


The girl says, just as Karl stops hugging as she pushes him away

"My clothes....you idiot!

"Damn now I've got to change again, I can't meet the other dumb nobles like this"


The woman looks at Karl

"You never Hug me"

In just a split second, the Woman quickly pulls out her sword, which was being held in the scabbard she had, and points it at Karl

"Who are you and who took my brother"

"State your Name, who you work for and why are you there and I'll maybe show mercy....."

"Although I may not show mercy"

"But you must be really good at impersonating other people, as you look exactly like my Brother!"

"Maybe if I cut your head in half....your mask will come off"

The woman continues talking, not really stopping, as Karl continues simply staring at her, just happy that she's, alive

But eventually he just opens his mouth and talks

"My name is Karl von Ahlen, I am the de facto Duke and de jure Regent of the Ahlen duchy of the Whitehart Empire, your name is Rosalina von Ahlen, the younger yet stronger sister that I'm unlucky to have gotten, we're the only surviving members of the von Ahlen dynasty, if you count our Bedridden Father out, as thanks to various schemes and other stuff, the family has been executed....exiled and various other stuff mostly based on charges of treason or helping the enemy which are obviously falsified but her Majesty and her predecessors can't really go against the will of the majority, who also have the backing of the two other dukes of the Empire, with support of the von Ahlen dynasty only being seen in three other Noble families, two of which are only Baron and the other being a Count"

Rosalina simply stares at Karl with a confused face, slowly lowering her sword

"Wow you're really my brother"

"Only my brother is such a nerd like you, like, I didn't even know there were more Dukes, that's useless information"

Rosalina proceeds to put her sword back in her scabbard, and then simply push Karl aside and look inside his room, quickly proceeding to smell it

"Ew...It smells badly"

Karl ignores her sister and starts walking along the hallway, around him there's more doors and rooms....a long and beaitiful red carpet on the floor or paintings on the walls, some flowers in a small table every now and then, with soon enough his Sister also catching up with him, they both reach the main room of the Palace, a vast room with two staircases on the north of it and two more hallways on both the left and right, along with more stuff like some couches along a really large table, paintings or photos in the wall and more stuff that you'd usually see 

"It looks as good as even!" Rosalina says

"Yeah....it does" Karl follows in saying

Karl looks at rosalina

"Could you tell me what time it is?"

Rosalina simply looks at her watch, a really expensive looking watch...but all watches tell the same time, so moneys wasted

"It's 8 in the morning, like 3 hours have passed"

"Oh right! Today is your first day as the new Major General, I'm I supposed to address you as Sir Karl now? Will you order me and my battalion around....oh god thats a nightmare"

Karl interrupts his Sister just as about she's to say something else

"Rosalina, I was promoted by her Majesty personally, although I'm not that talented on hand to hand combat, she has recognised my talent on multiple stuff"

Rosalina simply looks at Karl, her gaze quickly becoming that that you'd normally see on a proud, yet also envious person

"The only talent she recognised on you is your ability to attract women, despite not wanting any of them"

"I bet you've your eyes set on Her majesty"

"Well it could also be that she has too...."

Karl interrupts her before she could continue speaking

"My relationship with her Majesty only goes until friendship, we hold no romantic feelings towards eachother"

"If her Majesty although does indeed wish to be in a relationship with me, I honestly wouldn't reject her...."

Rosalina counter-attacks by interrupting her brother aswell

"If you rejected her, you'd end up in her bedroom, your hands and legs tied tightly, with torture machines and tools around"

"I bet Her Majesty is a great butcher"

"I Honestly would stay on her good side"

Rosalina says, before stopping and awaiting for a reply, which she gets

"I do not think her Majesty is like that, infact, she's keeping the nobles alive, and also listens to them" Karl says

"Yeah....she's trying to appear like a good person, y'k that right?

Rosalina says, before the two finally reach the doors of the Mansion

"I don't really think that"

Karl says


Rosalina says, as she opens the doors of the Mansion

"It's time to go to work, Sir!"

"You aren't funny" Karl says

"Neither are you!" Rosalina says

As the two leave the mansion, quietly closing the doors behind, they walk along the garden, with Karl meddling around the flowers...or picking some of them up, something that confuses Rosalina, as she hasnt seen him doing that again, meanwhile in Karl's thoughts, the only thing there are, are plans to change the events that follow this day.....and save the world, in a way.....making it a priority task aswell to cure his Bedridden Father.....which he hasn't been able to see for quite the time now, as his condition is really critical....or so they say....

this is my first novel, book, you can name it. so there's quite the high chance that it's terrible

_Bizzy_creators' thoughts