
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
49 Chs

33. Training prep pt 6

Looking at what they found confused them quite a bit, as what they came upon was a massive parrot around 30 ft tall with a wingspan of around 50 ft.

Though what confused them wasn't the size but the color of the bird, as its green body seemed to have an ethereal glow to it.

Looking over to Osiris, he quickly explained.

"As you might have already recognized, that isn't a normal parrot but a spirit parrot".

"Spirits are beings made of an amalgamation of pure mana that take on a random shape when born".

"They are also pretty rare, one being born maybe once every 200 years in the right conditions".

Nodding their heads in acknowledgement after learning new creatures, Adam spoke in a curious tone.

"If they are made of mana, then are we even able to touch or attack them?".

Which Osiris quickly responded.

"Yes you can, though they are formed from mana, the form they take is of flesh and blood, which can be killed".

He said before turning his head and looking at Eris with an outstretched hand.

"Lend me your bow and dagger for this fight, i will show you three how to fight with a bow as well as how to fight with arial opponents".

And Eris happily gave her bow and dagger, which she commissioned with her bow for close range support, in anticipation for the battle to come.

Osiris took the bow, dagger and quiver of arrows that Eris was carrying on her back, and made his way out into the open.

Facing his opponent, Osiris looked up to find the parrot perched around 20 feet high along a branch which jutted out from a large tree.

Staring each other down, neither of them moving at all for at least one full minute, Osiris quickly raised his bow and drew an arrow from his quiver all at once in one fast and fluid motion, barely taking a second, before firing an arrow aimed right between the parrots eyes.

Watching his movements, the parrot quickly attempted to doge out of the way with its fast reflexes, and managed to evade the fatal blow.

However its reflexes were not faster than Osiris's firing speed, and while it didn't die, the arrow that had missed its mark had managed to lodge itself into the parrots right eye as it moved its head.

Enraged at being blinded and the feeling of pain the arrowhead brought while moving around in its eye socket fueled the less intelligent bird into a blind rage.

It quickly took flight into the skies, gaining momentum as it prepared to make a dive bomb onto Osiris.

"The first rule of archery is to never let your opponent get close to you".

He said while firing another arrow towards the body of the parrot, which it swiftly doged, and began diving towards Osiris after flying high enough for an attack.

"However sometimes you get matched with opponents like these who might specialize in agility and maneuverability".

"In which case, this is where your dagger comes into play in order to make yourself space".

He said while hanging the bow around his torso and pulled out the dagger from the sheath hanging along his waist.

Watching the parrot extend its claws in front of it, as though it was about to swoop down and steal him from the ground like he was a small mouse, Osiris got into a defensive stance and prepared himself.

As the parrot flew at great speeds at him, in just a few moments, Osiris managed to parry the parrot's claws with his dagger, even going so far as to cut off its left foot.

As the parrot screached in pain, Osiris pulled his bow from his torso and drew his third arrow in rapid succession.

"In aerial battles where opponents don't have any means of ranged attack, their only option is close physical attacks".

"And after a failed dive bomb, if the opponent does not continue attacking from close range and attempts a second dive bomb, they are left wide open from attacks from behind".

He spoke calmly, quickly drawing the arrow along the string with great strength and releasing, the arrow whistled as it flew through the air and struck right into the right joint of the parrot where its wing met its body.

The parrot instantly let out a screech as it attempted to flap its wing, but went limp as the excruciating pain caused its right wing to go limp, and its body to plummet to the ground.

In seconds, its body landed on the ground with a loud.


Attempting to stand, it only managed to double over and fall onto its side as it was now missing a foot.

"Once aerial opponents have their flight capabilities taken away, they become much more vulnerable".

He said while walking over to the screeching parrot.

"The reason it wasnt able to see the third arrow coming towards it was because it lost its sight on that side, which is another lesson".

"Protect the important parts of your body at all cost, for it almost always leads to certain death if you lose your sight, hearing and so on".

Reaching near the parrot, Osiris pulled out his dagger again while approaching, and seeing him get near, the parrot did its best to defend itself with its remaining claw and beak.

But Osiris quickly maneuvered around the immobilized parrot and logged his dagger into the parrot's heart, staring it in the eyes as its life left its body.

After its death, Osiris quickly turned into his dragon form and swallowed every bit of the parrot as quickly as possible.

After swallowing the parrot, he spoke in his gravelly draconic voice.

"One of the main aspects of a spirit is its body, since its bacically living mana, the amount it gives you after being consumed is several times that of a normal being of the same order".

Suddenly closing his eyes, he quickly spoke.

"Watch over me for a bit, it seems I underestimated how much mana a mid third order spirit would give me".

Before curling up around himself, beginning to use the overwhelming amount of mana the spirit parrot had given him to push through into the third order.

idk if this battle training stuff is getting boring or not but its almost over, idk i feel like im not the best at writing immersive battles but its aight.

Osiris's op anyway to it helps a lot and doesnt make me write parts where he gets injured or sum and then i gotta write him haleling from the battle and yatta yatta.

literally did nothing today except read 'a journey that changed the world' which i highly recommend to anyone who likes harem wirh dragon mc.

thats pretty much it.


gn bbg, i see ya tmrow

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts