
A Dragon In Cultivation Chat Group

A normal person gets reincarnated in cultivation chat group If I get bored I will drop

IAmGoingToHell · Cómic
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

When me and shuhang went where the person from the phone said, we saw someone standing near shuhangs cousin who was unconscious on a bench.

Assassin "So you brought company shuhang? I don't know why Alter Master is so worry of you. I did my research you are just a normal cultivator.

I didn't want this to last longer so I used one of the battle techniques.

Alastor [Dragon Kick]

This kick is infused with Qi. Only a second stage True Master can use Qi so the assassin couldn't even react when I kicked his head off his shoulders.

Alastor " shuhang come near me for a second."

Shuhang was uncomfortable being near a dead body but I still made him look.

Alastor "this is the world we agreed to be involved in. So look at the body, think about what would have happened if someone stronger than you come here. You and your cousin may have been dead. Just think about this."

As I was leaving I saw shuhang searching the body. But I didn't say anything. I went home and waited for Nishikiyama.

[Some Time Later]

Alastor "Hey Nishikiyama!"

Nishikiyama " Yea what up boss?"

I wanted Nishikiyama to become a cultivator. Why? Because I want my own sect. And he would make a great elder.

After explaining things about the cultivation world, he accepted to become my "disciple" I will give him a lot of resources and even teach him techniques.

The great thing is that. The techniques which appeared in my mind had a version which was a LOT weaker meant for people who didn't have origin and nothingness Dragon bloodline which I thought him, so I gave him all my body tempering liquid because it won't help someone in the second stage but he can use that for people who are beginning cultivation.

Nishikiyama "Thank you boss I won't let you down"

He started kneeling and bowing his head to express his gratitude.

[Two Days Later]

In these two days I have been teaching Nishikiyama how to cultivate and a couple low leveled battle techniques.

But I didn't only teach him. I also raised my rank to the Seventh Dantian Dragon Head. If I cultivate even a little I will brake through and a tribulation will come for me. But leaving that aside I need to see Medicine Master. But before that I used my ability to create 10 High level, mutated poisonous dragon plants. After that I texted him saying I am coming to your house for "business"

[Some Time Later]

Medicine Master "Congratulations on your breakthrough Friend Alastor."

Alastor " Thank you senior Medicine Master, as for the business. I have 10 high level, mutated poisonous dragon plants and shan't to trade them with you. That's if you are interested."

He looked happy that he could continue his research with the plants.

Medicine Master "Of course I am interested. What do you want in return?"

Alastor " one pill that will help 3rd stage Battle Kings one pill for 2nd stage true masters and also the most widely spread normal cultivation technique."

He looked a little hesitant.

Medicine Master "Friend Alastor, 10 of the plants are so much more valuable than the things you ask. Also I can give you a technique you can pass onto others, but it will only work for people under the second stage. So anyone can use it to become a second stage true master. But after that they will need to change their technique to a better one."

Alastor " Thanks for being honest senior. But even if I give too much I don't care. Because I gave them to friend and not to someone who I don't know. As for the technique, I am satisfied with the technique. Please come with me so you can take the plants."

Medicine master summoned a USB containing the technique and gave me two pills. After that we traveled to my home with his flying sword which was exhilarating to say the least. He took the plants and left.

The moment he left I scanned the pills and started creating more and more. At some point I was so tired that I stopped and just waited for Nishikiyama to come home.

My intentions are quite clear. I want to create my own sect. This world contains the yakuza games. In the games there were a lot of people who were really talented. I want to recruit the ones who are loyal. If I can beat Goro Majima and recruit his best friend who was sent to prison. Goro will be 100% loyal. As for Taiga Saejima. I only need to promise him that his sister will have a good and healthy life if he joins me, and with the gratitude of me breaking him out of prison. He will definitely become loyal to me. I want to have 10 elders in my sect. Which means I need to find people who are both good at fighting, and have a special talent, like Shun Akiyama. The guy is so talented at making money that he alone managed to collect 1 billion dollars alone. He is also a talented fighter.

Shun Akiyama Is homeless now. He may have been talented but he was naive and too trusting of others. While working at a bank the supervisors framed him of laundering and stealing money. He was given two options get fired and not say a thing to the media. Or get fired and take him to court. The guy decided to go to court which in return made him spend his life savings. Inevitably, he lost and became homeless. An easy guy to recruit.

Nishikiyama "Boss what are you doing here? And what are all these pills."

Alastor " Nishikiyama, I want you to start recruiting loyal people. We are creating our own sect, but do not gives them the cultivation technique you have. I acquired a normal cultivation technique which will only allow someone to achieve second stage true master realm. The cultivation technique you have will only be thought to people I approve. As for the pills. The ones in the black bottles are 3rd stage pills. It will help your cultivation realm grow rapidly but thanks to the cultivation technique I gave you. Your foundation won't be damaged. You can give missions to the people you recruit and as a reword only give body tempering liquid and if the quest is hard Qi and blood pills which are second stage pills. Do not give them the 3rd rank pills."

Nishikiyama "Boss, may I request something from you!?"

Suddenly he shouted and did a Dogeza.

Alastor "Nishikiyama, I see you as my older brother so please don't do this to me. Stand up and keep your head high. If we are in public sure be respectful. But when we are alone. Amongst family, we should speak as equals."

Nishikiyama stood up and looked at me with determination.

Nishikiyama "I want you to breaks out or help Kiryu Kazuma. We may not be related but we are brothers."

He looked a little nervous at asking me this. But I was going to recruit Kiryu anyway so there is no harm in doing it.

Alastor " Nishikiyama, I promise you that by the end of the month Kiryu will be walking free."

I hugged Nishikiyama and asked him if he could store the pills and body tempering liquid which were all over the floor. While I went to my bedroom to sleep.