
A dragon in a zombie apocalypse?!

Derek was turned into a zombie but he wasn't like the rest he still had a conscience but the way he was turned wasn't by a bite he didn't want to remember it at all but it haunted him constantly one day a dragon appeared in front of him it didn't make sense why was there a dragon?! it was a zombie apocalypse what was a dragon doing here?! was this just some fantasy?!

Malik_druinace · Horror
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13 Chs

getting to know eachother better

Derek looked up at Emeros

he was now in his arms and he felt safe-

and happy- he didn't understand his feelings yet but he didn't want to lose him again

he had hurt the dragon more than once and he regretted it- he could tell that the dragon loved him- if he didn't why would he forgive him?

Derek didn't deserve it- but he wasn't going to let go-

"Emeros you told me before that you have a sister- can you tell me more about her?"

"you want to know about little Emeile?" Emeros replied

"mhm how old is she and what's she like?" he replied

"she's 15 or in dragon years 1500- and she's really sweet and passionate and she's very creative- she likes to draw and she has a good sense of fashion- she wants to be a designer someday for dragons and other creatures- she always wanted to since she was 5- and she was so adorable back then- I believe she'll be the best fashion designer ever- I've been with her since-" Emeros replied

"she seems great you really care a lot about her and I'm sure she appreciates it-

so did you meet her when she was 5 or did you grow up with her?" he replied

"I meant her when she was 5 I was adopted into the family- at the age of 13- I don't remember much before then-" Emeros replied

"so that would make you 23- you're a lot younger than I thought- and you don't remember anything before 13?" he replied

"other than you-No- I don't remember my parents faces or names- or if I had a sibling

but I have my dragon family- and that's enough for me-" Emeros replied

"is that why you have no empathy for humans?" he replied

"it could be and I haven't seen many good humans- most of the ones I ate were true monsters- but I have spared a few- if they were harmless- but I have lost control before-

but don't worry I wouldn't eat you at least not literally-" Emeros replied

Derek turned bright red hearing that last sentence- that pervert!

"You-You- pervert!" He shouted

"Well I can't help it- the more I look at you-

I can't help but want a taste- but I know that I have to be patient- no matter how tempting you are-" Emeros replied

"how am I the appetizing one? I'm a monster - well you are a dazzling young beauty- surely you attract both men and women-" he replied

"you think that? well, I appreciate it-

and I have been asked out by both men and women- but I never went with any of them-" Emeros replied

"why not? I wish I was in you're position-

but everyone judges me because I'm a monster I could never get anyone to like me-" he replied

"Well I like you and you don't have to worry about what others think about you" Emeros replied

"I don't understand why you like me so much- I wasn't nice to you I called you a monster- and said that I hated you -" he replied

"but you regretted it right? you gave me a second chance so why shouldn't I?" Emeros replied

"because you didn't do anything wrong- and I miss judged you-" he replied

"I'm glad you can see that but I'm at fault too-

I was the one who physically hurt you-" Emeros replied

"you mean when your nails dug into my sides? I'm fine and it's not that bad-" he replied

"Derek lift up your shirt let me see" Emeros replied

"It's not that bad you don't need to see it" he replied

"Derek show me! I need to know how badly I hurt you-" Emeros replied

"Fine" he replied and lifted up his shirt

[graphic gore]

the claw marks where the dragon dug in

the flesh was torn apart and bloody

and underneath the flesh deteriorated and was rotten and it was gooey and it was all open some of the blood was dried up

it was all red

the dragon's eyes widen

"what the hell Derek! did I do all that?!" Emeros shouted

"That's why I didn't want to show you and it's been like that for years- and I'm still alive- and the new scratches won't do anything to me-

did you forget that I'm already dead? this normal for a zombie-" he replied

"but it shouldn't be and you shouldn't be alive-

even though you're a zombie- it doesn't mean that when you get hurt you won't die

it makes you more vulnerable and it could kill you- especially when it's like this- so it's amazing that you aren't dead-" Emeros replied

"I am dead Emeros I know I am- I died many times and my heart didn't beat until I met you-

and it beats now and I felt emotions I haven't felt in years- that's why I didn't have to eat and I don't need any oxygen- you are the one who brought me back to life-" he replied

"then doesn't that mean you're dying now?

because I made you worse- with the state your in- you won't last long-" Emeros replied

"then let me die- and it's not like I won't come back-" he replied

"I can't let you die- I don't care if you're a zombie- but you won't be the same- all your humanity would be gone- and I hate for that to happen because I have lost it- and I don't want you to go through that-" Emeros replied

"I already lost it before- and I didn't care for humans either- and truth was I scared because you are monster like me- and I was projecting onto you- and that's why I felt bad-

because I treated you the way I was treated-

and I was terrified- because you were worse than me- I had killed both zombies and humans- but I couldn't eat them- but if I could I would- but the taste of flesh and blood tasted terrible- and made me sick- I was terrified of what I was capable of- that's why I insulated myself - and I'm sorry for acting the way I did-" he replied

"it's alright Der- I know you were scared and I don't blame you- I know that I'm a monster-" emeros replied

Derek wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight

"I don't care that you're a monster because I'm one two- and I'm glad that you care about me-

I don't care about others as long as you protect me- and with you I can be happy-

so stay by myside- promise me that you always be there for me- that you'll never leave me behind-" he replied

"I promise I'll never leave you behind- you are my everything and I'm glad that you are able to accept me- despite everything-" emeros replied

"You're the one I should be thanking- I treated you like a monster- but you still accepted me-" he replied

"I am a monster Der-" Emeros replied

"I know but that doesn't mean you should be treated like one- and I wish I could show you compassion like you did for me-" he replied

"Der- you already have you apologized and accepted me that is all that I need from you" Emeros replied

"but I want to say that I love you too- and truly mean it-" he replied

"you already have and didn't use those words but through your actions and you don't have to say it until you are ready to and you know what they say actions speak louder then words-" Emeros replied

"I-I- it's just because I don't want you to be treated like I was and you treated me so well-

and even though you hurt me you didn't mean it- and I want to return the kindness you showed me-" he replied

"you were able to accept me so I returned that to you- and now you are doing it again so I accept you now as well- and please don't hate me again-" Emeros replied

"I promise that I'll never hate you- you don't deserve that-" he replied

"you really believe that? but you told me so many times that you hate me and then you say that accept me and then you hate me and the cycle repeats- so do you really mean it this time?" Emeros replied

"I do I don't want to hurt you anymore after you accepted me so it's only fair that I do too

and I truly mean it-" he replied

"I'm glad Der that you let me in again and I'll never let you go-" Emeros replied

"me too I'll never let go-" he replied

Derek hugged him tight and nuzzled against his chest

"I love you too Der-" Emeros replied

"I-I- didn't say it- and I just care about you alot-" he replied

"that's what love is Der and you are saying it with your actions- and when you nuzzle against my chest it means that you love and accept me- and that I'm precious to you-" Emeros replied

"I-I- that's because I'm close to your heart- so I'm showing you that I appreciate it-" he replied

"alright Der I'll be patient-" Emeros replied

"I'm not in love with you- at least not yet-

but I do care about you- and I'm not sure if I can do more than that-" he replied

"It's alright Der- you don't have to force yourself and you already showed me how much you care- and that's enough-" Emeros replied

"I'm glad and I hope that someday I can return those feelings-" he replied

"Der- you've done enough already-" Emeros replied

"but I feel bad that I can't love you back-" he replied

"Der I never asked you to and I'm glad that you accept me and that's enough for me so don't worry about it ok?" Emeros replied

Derek looked up at him he felt his heartbeat-

he leaned in and kissed him