
Dragons Are Territorial

Yzranth cursed in draconian. His hair. Why hadn't he accounted for that? Such a small thing gave him away!

"I'm not an alien," he said reluctantly. "But you should probably sit down for this."

Hannah did so before looking at him expectantly. He didn't know what he was supposed to think of this. She had clearly suspected him for months but never said a thing and acted the way she always did. 

Did that mean she didn't care? That it didn't matter to her that he wasn't human? Had he really had nothing to worry about this entire time? 

Yzranth took a deep breath before looking at her nervously to gauge her reaction. "I'm a dragon." 

Hannah's eyes widened. "No way! That's a lot cooler than an alien! How do you look human then? I was thinking some sort of alien technology but is it magic?"