
A Dinosaurs Epic

It was a day like any other, but it ended up being the last for Dale. Now follow along as he now finds himself in a strange new land as well as a new body which comes with a few things he did not have before. Claws, razor sharp teeth and more, once a human now a dinosaur!

TheRealRussianArmy · Fantasía
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40 Chs

A Town in Turmoil

Uuuh man that does not feel good. I got into it, huh, I lose all concepts of dodging when I lose my marbles it seems. Oh wait, are they alright?

Looking around to find my two traveling companions I notice they are not too far away from me sitting down next to the cart we brought bandaged up and warming themselves by a small fire. It did not take them long to notice me stirring from my unconscious state and get ready just in case. I cannot blame them I just went crazy earlier I am just thankful they did not try to outright kill me and just kept me at bay until I was able to wrangle control back from my other self.

They stood a good distance away from me and Alanda connected to my mind.

"Are you in there, I don't want to hurt you so soon after meeting but I will have to do what I have to if you are no longer in there." (Alanda)

"I am still here, you can relax. I hope you can forgive me for whatever happened. I was not the cause for any of those bandages was I?"

She looked down to her partner and crossed her arms.

"Some of them, yes. I am willing to forgive you but I am not so sure Vuander is." (Alanda)

The man next to her was gesturing strongly between me and him. Alanda with an exasperated look waved her hands the way she has every time she has talked to me but this time light came from Vuander.


If I could make a surprised expression I would in this instance. The moment his voice came into my mind it was if a loud speaker had been put up to my ear and yelled into. Well what else am I supposed to say in this instance besides sorry? I have nothing to give, nothing that I can provide but my company. But first I need him to stop yelling into my head.

"ALRIGHT, Alright, please stop. I cannot hear myself think. What else am I supposed to say, if there is something tell me and I will do it."

"FIRST OF ALL YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD US THIS COULD HAPPEN! Haaa, you have been risking our lives since we met. If you had told us this could happen then maybe we would not have been so surprised. You know what I am too, mad forget talking, I need a drink." (Vuander)

There was the sound of shattering glass as the connection between our minds was forcefully ended. Vuander stormed off back to the cart where he proceeded to grab a bottle of . . . something and start downing it like water.

"Excuse him, he can be a bit . . . temperamental." (Alanda)

"No he has every right to be, I could have killed you both and I should have told you about the possibility of me going berserk. Its just that the last time it happened I was not aware of it until I woke up. This time however I was fully conscious when it happened and I had no control over my own body. It took a lot out of me to get back my control."

"Is there any guarantee that you can give me . . . us that this will not happen again." (Alanda)

"I believe so, I feel like I have a better grasp on what has happened and how to stop or counteract it."

"Good, good. But you should know that if this happens again I cannot guarantee that you will come out of it next time. Now lets get moving, we have quite a bit of time to make up." (Alanda)

If her gave could cut me it would have when she said those words. I should never get on her bad side, she has the quite anger and that unsettles me more than loud angry like that of her husband. She is right though we have lost a lot of time between fighting those giants and me going awol. We should get moving.

I got my legs under me and stood up walking over to the cart not to close of course and got ready to get back to traveling.


The road thereafter was really quite, and awkward. I would have liked to start up a conversation but after what happened I did not really think that was a good idea. We spent nearly an hour and a half just in silence until we could see some smoke stacks in the distance.

Alanda said those were probably from some of the smelters and processing builds they have in the town. They put out a ton of smoke almost as if the town had ignited in a blaze. Only a little later did we all realize that is what the town had come to.

AN: Hey there readers thanks for sticking with me. I have had my head deep in job searching as of late and it is kicking my ass. I hope to find something soon wish me luck alright. But enough of that this chapter is the prelude to one of the first big interactions of our main character and the Vrac empire I cannot wait to show the next chapter. Thanks for reading as always and have a wonderful night or day.