
A Different Nobita

When Nobita comes back being away for two years and without doraemon and friends, he is changed. The lovely Nobita everyone knew just faded away and become something cold and distant. Without Doraemon, how will Nobita face the brutal threats on his way?

Peeper_Writes2002 · Cómic
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20 Chs

Chapter 17

Both Nobita and Yumi walked back towards their apartment. And during that time Yumi looks at his way time to time. He haven't spoke anything for some time, which confused her. How can someone look so done with the world. How much tired they must be to look uninterested at everything? Well, only god knows.

She shook her head mentally. Why on earth is she showing interest in him anyway? He's an asshole and that's all there's to it. She tried to convince herself and surprisingly her own remarks seem fake to her.

Is she actually thinking this right now? Well recently her emotions are like a rollercoaster. Ever since this guy came to her life, things are going like awkward. And right now she wants to speak something. anything. Because the silence is bothering her and she's not a silent person either.

"S...so how are your injuries? And I'm asking this because of some formalities. Not because I care." She said all at once.

Nobita, up until now forgot her presence- looks at her way. "I'm able to walk just fine." He replied and looks ahead.

Her eyes twitched in annoyance. "Yeah, and don't think it matters to me. You hear? I have zero interest in asking you or anything." She yelled.

Nobita sighed. "It don't matters to me, either. My concern is this thing. So I don't want your clarification." He said plainly, pointing at the thing on his hand.

Yumi didn't speak anything after hearing that.

Then there was another silence as they walked. No matter what she did, her eyes eventually wanders to his way. She won't deny her curiosity anymore, but she won't show it to him. Everytime she looks at his way, there was always something she wants to ask him. After all she heard so much about him from her friends. They never mentioned anything bad about him. He was like a hero in their stories. Always a nice guy who she wanted to meet for some time. And finally when the time came, she was faced with a complete opposite reality. Nobi Nobita is an alien who have no similarities to his story counterparts. And that's why she's curious. If she wasn't in bad terms with him, she wouldn't have shut up and keep asking things to him.

And she won't lie that, after a long time something seems to interest her more. Especially when the answer she seek is hard to get.

She gulped and looks away for a second. The silence between them is awkward. So she decided to ask one thing.

"S..so. Your friends always talked about you. And the other one who left you." She started and saw him slow down. "Who were they? I have only heard of that person only a little. Shizuka said it's complicated. I don't get why." She said and there was another silence.

Yumi almost thought that he's ignoring her again, and she was about to complain when he looks at her. "Why are you interested? It's not something of your concern." He said without showing any emotions. Because of that, she don't know if he's angry, confused or sad. So she decided to just speak.

"You have zero idea. For I've been hearing your name ever since they let me join them. But the stories I've heard from them are way different than any of this. You weren't much of an asshole back then." She said. "And don't you dare blame me for getting curious. I was curious. Still is. But I won't fall on my knees just so you open your mouth." She said everything all at once.

Nobita held the object a bit closer and took in a deep breath. All this noise around him felt so..... Alive. He don't remember a second where someone walked next to him and won't shut their mouth- for the past to years. And now he's back where he left off. Only, the difference between then and now- he don't feel alive anymore.

And then again he paid her attention because of the word she used. She said that she was curious. Just like him. He was curious too. So he once again looks at her.

"I don't know which part is complicated for them. To make it simple, I lost my brother. He left. That's all there is." He said plainly. It wasn't a lie and she could sense that. He's serious.

She was confused though. "Your brother? He was your brother? Nobody mentioned that part." She said with a brow raised.

Nobita scoffed. "Because I was the one close to him. Nobody would've known about his existence if I didn't introduced them. So it explains why I'm the only one who sees him as my brother." He said without looking at her.

She just heard something new. She never heard anything much about that person until now. She knew he left with Nobita. And she also knew their so called adventures. But still whatever he said was a news to her.

Yumi looks ahead and nodded. "I see." She said.

She then prepared to ask something else. "S....so where is your brother now? Why haven't I seen him yet?" She wondered.

Nobita shook his head. "Like I said. He left. So don't ask me more. I'm over it." He coldly stated.

Her eyes twitched. "Y..yeah, whatever. It's not like I'm dying to know." She said.

"I bet." He said.

She puffed her cheeks in annoyance. "Why are you a pain in the ass?" She whined.

"It's because I'm talking to one." He countered.

They exchanged some more talks before she gave up. He's just unfazed by her every words.

Then all of sudden, Nobita stopped walking. Yumi senses his absence on her side and look back at him. Nobita was standing there looking up at something so closely. She followed the direction he's looking at. And she was just confused when seeing him looking closely at the bakery sign. He seems so lost in the staring contest that he wasn't noticing anything else.

"Hey, glasses. You're drooling at the bakery sign or what?" She mocked.

Nobita didn't bothered to look at her. Instead he changed his direction of walking and moved close to the bakery entrance. He was moving like, as if a magnet is attracting him.

She wasn't sure why he seems so lost in his world all of a sudden. "Are you going to buy something?" She asked with a brow raised.

Nobita didn't speak, instead he entered the bakery.

She stood there and was deciding, whether or not follow him. But she only sighed and decided to wait there. Besides, she don't have anything to buy. Nor have the money to buy anything.

It took five minutes for him to walk out of the bakery, holding a paper bag in his right hand. But he seemed so confused for some unknown reason. It's rare to see any emotions on his face, so she figured something's wrong.

"Why the long face?" She asked and Nobita just walked up to her and just made her hold the paper bag with a distant expression.

"H.. hey... What the hell?" She yelled.

"What's even is this?" She questioned and opened the bag to see some sweets in there.

"Dorayaki. M...my brother loved those." Came his reply, which was barely audible.

"Why are you giving it to me then?" She wondered and ran up to his side.

"I don't need them."

"Then why bother buying them?" She almost yelled.

Nobita shook his head. "I don't know." He said in voice that sounded so sad.

She raised a brow and looks at him, only to see his eyes watering a bit.