
A Demon's Will

‘Power, Supremacy and Pleasure’ These are the three things that every and all demons prioritize above everything else…well, every demon except me that is. I am the current and only heir of the Demon lord, my mother Morana, the Queen of darkness and death. From the moment I was born, I had always acted differently from the other demons, and now I was about to find out why. The Oracle decides to pay me a visit and gives me a way to find all the answers I’ve been looking for. Now I must journey to the human realm to find out the truth… And of course, have some fun along the way…

Just_a_guy17 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs


NOTE: The entire story will have multiple points of view besides the main character's, as well as the OVERVIEW, which is basically the reader's point of view.


Morana flapped hard with her long black wings, weaving through the trees so fast that it was a miracle she hadn't crashed yet.

Well, it would be a miracle…if she weren't a demon.

Something screeched loudly behind her and she cursed under her breath. She looked down at the bundle she was holding in her arms.

"Hold on, little one", Morana panted as she flew even faster ,"We're almost at the shrine"

Something whistled through the air and hit her wing. Morana cried out in pain and wrapped her wings around herself and the bundle before she plummeted to the ground.

"Protect me from harm and shield me from danger", Morana chanted ,"Prostrea!"

Right before she crashed to the ground, a faint blue glow enveloped her wings.


Morana got to her feet, completely unscathed from the fall. She quickly checked her wing and cursed. There was a small hole in it that was sizzling around the edges.

"Excellent protection magic as always, Morana", came a quiet and wispy voice from behind the trees.

A man stepped out of the shadows. He wore a full pitch black suit. He looked young but his hair and beard were cloud grey. His emotionless eyes were filled with swirling grey fog.

"Lucius", Morana gritted her teeth and cradled the bundle in her arms even tighter ,"You can't do this. I won't let you!"

Lucius sighed tiredly ,"Morana, my love, that child is too dangerous-"

"He is still what he is", Morana insisted ,"Just a child!"

Lucius' expression didn't change but a tear rolled down his cheek ,"He's my son too, Morana! I don't like this anymore than you do but you heard the Oracle's prophecy. That child could be the very end of our entire race, as well as everything else in all the realms!"

"Could be, Lucius", Morana said defiantly ,"But I will make sure he won't be, I swear it"

Lucius shook his head and held out his hand ,"As the Demon lord of this realm, as well as your husband, I demand that you hand over the boy"

"No!" Morana screamed ,"Never!"

She spread her wings once more and tried to fly away.

"Restrain and capture my target", Lucius chanted and pointed at Morana ,"Anchia!"

Morana flew into an invisible force and was thrown back toward Lucius. She snarled in frustration.

Lucius looked at her with pity in his eyes ,"Morana please, I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have to. Just give me the child. I'm sure even your father would agree that this is the right decision"

Morana straightened up and tilted her head towards the sky ,"Let us see then…"

Lucius stiffened ,"Surely you wouldn't-"

"Father!" Morana shouted at the top of her lungs ,"I call to you as your one and only daughter, I ask that you may heed my plea and grant my wish!"

"Morana!" Lucius snarled ,"Stop this at once! This-"

The blood red sky of hell turned blue and an aura of bright energy appeared in front of them. It shimmered with power. Neither of them moved.

"Speak, daughter", a voice boomed, shaking the entire realm ,"What do you ask of me?"

"I ask for my son's safety", Morana pleaded.

The voice was silent for a moment, before finally answering ,"So be it"

"M-master Agarha", Lucius knelt and bowed his head ,"Pardon me but I strongly oppose this decision. Surely you know of the oracle's prophecy"

"Of course"

"In that case", Lucius said ,"Please reconsider-"

"My word is final, Lucius"

"But-", Lucius protested.

"If you cannot follow my will, Lucius", said the voice ,"Then begone from this realm"

A portal opened up behind Lucius. Black chains flew out and latched onto him, pulling him in. He cursed as he was sucked in and the portal closed.

Morana bowed and looked up at the blue sky ,"Thank you, father"

"Morana, you should know that no wish comes without a price"

Morana swallowed ,"I am ready to accept that price"

"Very well", said the voice ,"I shall bless the child but he shall also carry a curse"

The aura of energy flew towards the bundle in Morana's arms and enveloped it.

At the same time, a black collar appeared in front of Morana. Ancient inscriptions were etched into it. Morana held it and brought it to her bundle. Then she looked up and nodded.

"It is done" the voice declared ,"As for you my daughter, you shall take up your husband's duties as the new Demon lord. Lead well my child and I bid you farewell"

The sky instantly reverted back to it's usual blood red color and Morana let out a breath of relief. She looked down once more at the bundle in her arms.

Laying asleep there, was a little baby boy with two small horns jutting out from his head. His short black hair shimmered grey in the moonlight. He now had a black collar around his neck.

Morana smiled ,"We're safe now little one. And I promise I'll protect you and raise you well. I swear it"