
Chapter 36 (final chapter)

Chapter 36 (the final chapter)

Third Person POV

The Castle family got home after a bit more talking and told the news to the rest of the family. They called Alexis and asked if she was free to go out later on that day. Alexis gladly accepted and told them she wanted to know every detail from that interrogation.

"Hurry up, we're late!" Kate shouted around in the house and everyone except Johanna and Alexis came to the hall. "Where's the girls?" Kate looked around and looked upstairs.

Johanna came down the stairs with a beautiful red dress and Alexis was right behind her with a bright smile on her lips.

"Where did you find that?" Kate asked stunned.

"Alexis borrowed it to me" Johanna said and Kate hugged her.

Castle gave Alexis a wink and remembered when she bought that dress. It was the dress they had bought for one of his book signing parties, and it was the dress she had carried that day when they first met detective Kate Beckett, who now happened to be his lovely wife and mom to three of his kids.

Kate did recognize the dress but she couldn't really place it, however it looked beautiful on her daughter who looked so much alike herself when she was in that age.

They all leaved the loft and went to the restaurant where they met up with their friends.

Johanna and her brothers had a really great time since it wasn't that often this kind of thing happened. Alexis had been at a lot of parties but she thought it was amazing to be there to celebrate the fact that sister had gotten a confession from a killer and by faking her emotions. Martha said it was her side of the genes that had helped Johanna and all laughed about that. Caslte and Kate looked at each other during most of the dinner. They loved this moment and they would always remember it. Lanie, Javier, Kevin, Jenny and even Gates was there celebrating Johanna's conquest.

They all had a good time and it was just perfect. Thanks to Castle's money they didn't have to think about the costs of the food or the drinks. They ordered dinner and then they celebrated even more with desserts. The children, including Alexis, drank coca-cola and the grown-ups drank everything from beer to wine.

Johanna didn't want this night to end. She didn't want to get back to school the next morning, yet she couldn't wait to tell everything to Olive and Gale. She loved the way everyone was looking at her, Especially her parents. It didn't really matter how sweet the others were or how much pride they had in their eyes, the only ones that really mattered were how her mom and dad looked at her.

The first one to get tired was Roy, he almost fell asleep and dropped his head into his dessert, luky for him he sat beside Cosmo who immediately caught his brother. They all laughed low and tried not to wake the sleeping boy.

Kate's POV

"Maybe we should get going" Kate said and looked at Castle.

He smiled at her and nodded. Kate looked at Johanna and could see how tired she was, even though she knew she wouldn't admit it. Kate smiled and stood up.

"I'll take Roy" Castle said and went to Cosmo to remove his brother from his shoulder.

Johanna stood up to and thanked everyone for making her night and we all started to go towards the exit.

"Did you enjoy it?" Kate asked her daughter and Johanna nodded excitedly before a big yawn escaped her lips.

"You tired?" Castle asked and Johanna nodded again.

Castle took Kate's hand in the his free hand, he still carried Roy and he would have to do that until they came to the loft. Before they left to the restaurant they had decided to walk since it wasn't that far, plus they didn't expect to be there late enough for Roy to fall asleep.

"Dad, are you sure I shouldn't take over and carry him a bit?" Cosmo asked and Castle shook his head in determination.

"No, I told you, I got this" Castle said but even Kate could hear him having a hard time to keep up the pace and carry their son.

He was starting to grow bigger amd bigger and was a little too big for Kate to carry, even it she had muscles it was hard carrying him longer distances. When they were close to their building Castle finally gave up and gave Roy to his brother.

"You're silly being subborn sometimes, you know that?" Kate asked Castle in a flirty-kinda way.

"Says miss Stubborn herself" Castle teased back.

"Actually it's mrs Stubborn" Kate teased and their kids laughed at them.

"Wait, that would make me mr Stubborn" Castle said with a 'shocked' facial expression.

They all laughed, including Castle. Castle pulled in Kate and stole a kiss from her lips.

"Oh, get a room!" Cosmo shouted and they all laughed.

Kate blushed but tried hide it through laughing. She always thought it was embarrassing when their kids saw them kissing but Castle didn't seem to think that, or at least it wasn't something he showed.

They got into their building and rode the elevator up to the loft.

"Off to bed" Kate said and followed their kids up to help them.

She took Roy out of Cosmo's arms and carried him to his bed while Cosmo and Johanna went into theirs. She switched Roy's celebrate outfit into his pjs and put him into his bed.

"Good night, sweet dreams" she said and kissed his forehead.

He got a smile on his face in his sleep and Kate closed the door. She went into Cosmo's room and found him in his bed, already passed out. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Good night, honey" she whispered before closing his door too.

She went towards Johanna's door. She went inside and found Johanna with an open bag in front of her.

"What're you doing, sunshine?" she asks and sits in front of Johanna and her stuff.

"Uhm, nothing" Johanna said and started to take away the stuff but Kate stopped her.

"What's all this?" she asks and looked at all the stuffs.

There was two pairs handcuffs, a few notebooks and a lot of other investigating stuff. There was a few paper clips from articles on her and Castle working on cases.

"I... I love investigating" Johanna told Kate the truth.

Kate smiled at all the things, there were a few articles from cases they had worked before they got the kids. There was one clip on the case were they had been in the Hamptons and their vacation had been disturbed by a dead man in their pool. Kate chuckles when she saw it.

"You're not mad?" Johanna asked, surprise in her voice.

"Not really, and even if I was I've realized I wouldn't be able to keep you from it anyway. But please, wait until you're older and actually becomes a cop, I don't want to loose you ok?" Kate asked and Johanna nodded.

Kate smiled and helped her put together all the stuff. Johanna hopped in bed and Kate went to her and sat down on the bedside.

"Can't you tell me about the first time you and dad met?" Johanna asked and Kate chuckled.

"Not tonight sweetie, it's time for bed" she said and kissed her daughter's forehead.

Johanna's eyes slowly closed and Kate smiled looking at her sleeping daughter. Kate stood up and turned to get out of there. Castle stood in the dooropening smiling at her. She blushed and walked towards him. She closed the door after her and looked up at him.

"What?" she asked blushing even more.

"I love seeing you be all motherly, see, I told you you would become the greatest mom ever" Castle said and stroke her cheek.

Kate closed her eyes and focused on the way his hand touched her. His lips was softly pressed against hers and she immediately kissed him back. When they pulled away the tingling feeling was still there. Kate took his hand and together they went into the bedroom.

Their kids were asleep, two sons and a daughter of a writer and his muse.

The End


Thank you all so much for reading, I really hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to leave a finale comment to tell me what you think of the whole fanfic :)

If you have any tip or anything you think I should know that wasn't good please comment that too cause it would be great to know to the next time I write a fanfic, I know there are a few/a lot spelling wrongs and stuff like that but that's mostly cause my iphone auto correct and me have some argumentations sometimes...

Well, once again, thank you all for reading!