
Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Kate's POV

Castle shook his head. They had gone into the coffee room to talk about it, they had left Johanna out in the precinct but since Kate didn't want them to go behind her back with her she had called Lanie and asked her to get up there and kinda babysit her.

"What if something goes wrong? What happens then?" Castle asked and Kate nodded.

"I know, Castle, but what if we can't get him into jail? Then she might never be safe. Not her, not her friends" Kate said, she didn't want to admit to it but Ryan and Esposito was right.

They that confession.

"But if we let her go in there it... it just doesn't seem like the right thing to do... I don't want her near any of those guys, and I know you don't either" Castle said and stroke his hands up and down on her arms.

She didn't know how to react. If she would agree and tell them no and risk that guy not getting thrown to jail or if she would try start arguing with him. She didn't want them to fight but she did start to think it would be to the better if they did it. She sighed and sneaked into his embrace, wrapping her arms around him, he layed his hands on her back and stroke it while she sniffed in his wonderful scent with her head against his chest.

"I don't know what to do" she mumbled into his chest and didn't quite expect him to hear.

"I know, I know..." he whispered into her hair.

"I don't like this idea at all" she mumbled trying to keep herself calm.

"Me neither, but maybe they're right, you're right. We should do it, at least she will have you and I know you can protect her" Castle said and she pulled away enough to watch him in the eyes.

His blue eyes were calming, and so was the love and trust he shared with them. His hand moved to her cheek and he bent down and kissed her lips. She immediately kissed him back and knew what to do. As soon as they pulled apart she nodded, looking up into his eyes again.

"Let's put this son of a b*tch behind bars" she said and he smiled at her.

"I'll be right behind the glass, if anything would happen I'll be right there in with you, protecting both her and you" he said and pecked her lips.

She smiled and they let go of each other to go back to the gang outside who patiently waited for them to decide. When they got out of the room Kate could see the hopeful look Johanna had on her face. That face she was giving her, right there, was the face Kate loved to get from her. It was a face filled with amdire, hope and it showed Kate that no matter how much they would argue or be mad at each other, she would always be a hero to her daughter and they would always find their way back to each other.

"Soo?" Johanna asked, Kate could see she couldn't bare another minute not knowing if she would be able to help or not.

Kate couldn't help but smile at her daughter's excitement. Kate looked at Castle who nodded towards her, to let her be the one to told their daughter about what they had decided.

"Johanna, look, this is something none of us really want you to do, but we've come to realize this is the only way to keep both you and your friends safe" Kate started and her daughter looked at her with a wide smile across her face.

"You will really let me help you in there?" she asked with big eyes.

Kate sighed and looked at Esposito and Ryan who just smiled with their confident smiles.

"Yes, but you will not go near him, you'll have to stay either beside or behind me" Kate commanded and Johanna immediately nodded.

"Kate?" Lanie said and Kate turned to her best friend.

"Are you sure about this?" Lanie asked her and she nodded.

Kate knew the only reason Lanie asked was because she knew how protective Kate was when it came to her kids.

"I'm sure Lanie, I won't let anyting happen to her in there" Kate said determind and Lanie nodded.

Kate walked towards Johanna and sat down on her knee in front of her daughter.

"If you go in there you'll have to promise me that if you feel even the least threatened you will tell me and I'll get you out of there immediately" she said and looked her daughter in the eyes.

Johanna nodded.

"I will, I promise" she said.

They shared some small smiles before they stood up and walked towards the interrogation room where Ronald Hawk was already waiting.


Just wanted to let you know I've written the last chapter, there will be 4 more chapters, just thought you should know[3