
chapter 3- rude jerk

Alexandria Felix

I was still trying rack my brain thinking how I got here but the only thing I remember was that I puked on a very handsome stranger. Damn! I'm already embarrassed. I never drink this much. Numbing the pain was a bad idea.

"OK, Alexandria take a deep breath" I said inhaling and exhaling. I can do this. Just try and remember!

The door squeaked open dragging me out of my reverie. A man dressed in grey armani suit walked  in with such powerful aura. I immediately recognize him to be the unfortunate man who got the receiving end of my puke. He was busy with his cufflinks. His head was down. When he raised his head I was met with the most beautiful cobalt eyes.

I felt my face turn red in embarrassment. OK I can do this....it was just puke. I looked down nervously shifting from foot to foot. No one makes Alexandria this nervous. I always had the intimidating stare. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to him

"Hi, I'm Alexandria Felix but you can call me xandria for short and you are?" I said extending my hand for a handshake. He just looked at my hanging hand with a bored look and then my face before he pushed his hands into his hands into is pocket. I raised an eyebrow at this and held in my scoff.

"Look, I'm sorry about the puking drama, it was gross....I know. I was just having a terrible day and  I may have drank too much." I said in an exasperated tone.

Still complete silence from him. Maybe he's deaf. I raised my hands to try out a sign language but stopped when he said,

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Oh wow! You talk and here I was thinking you were deaf. I even wanted to try out a sign language." I replied sarcastically folding my hands.

He rolled his cobalt eyes at me and pushed his hands deeper into his pocket and shrugged

"I don't think your so called sorry is enough for the disgusting puke I received. Imagine if the media had access to an information like that..."

He said looking at me coldly. Media? He must be famous I guess.... Sadly I would also be in a huge dilemma if a heiress like me is found snoring in her puke on a man's chest few days after her dad's demise.

He smirked and tilted his head before taking predatory steps towards me while I took a step backward before I realized....I take the predatory steps.... I'm not a coward. I took my stand as he approached me and he seemed to be amused by my confidence when he raised the corner of his lip in a half smile, wow he's handsome but I will never tell the arrogant bastard.

Before he could get to the edge of the bed where I stood. The unexpected happened,

He slipped. He freaking slipped!! Damn! movies are such great liars.

I thought the guy corners the girl and they share a heated moment but...

He fell with a thud on his butt and hit the edge of

the glass table in the room with his forehead. He cursed loudly and hissed in pain with an irritated look on his face whilst shutting his beautiful cobalt eyes.

I don't know whether to laugh or help him up. I did the most logical thing and went over to him and helped him up trying my very best to sniffle my laughter. It was quite hard to support him because he was much taller and bigger than me.

I eventually made him to sit on his bed (I guess)

"Where is the first aid box?" I question with my hands on my hips

"Forget it, just call my housekeeper" he snapped at me.

"Oh yeah, and how am I supposed to call your housekeeper" I replied sarcastically whilst quoting the word housekeeper with my two fingers in the air when I said.

He looked at me, irritated and said,

"I'll do it myself" he tried standing up but sat back down and hissed in pain. I rolled my eyes at this and said,

"I'll go get her...or him, just stay put and don't do anything to worsen your situation okay?"

I didn't wait for his reply and walked out if the room. I'm impressed by the huge size of the house and the exquisite design, he has taste.

I walked down the stairs and decided to check the first place a housekeeper might be which is the kitchen. After minutes of knocking and opening countless doors I finally found the kitchen. The sweet aroma of the delicious breakfast hit my nose the moment I walked in.

"Hi" I said to the woman who was probably in her fifties busily preparing the breakfast.

"Oh dear!" She turned holding her chest

"You scared me"

"I'm sorry about that" I said sincerely looking at her brown eyes.

She gave me a warm smile an waved it off, pushing her short brown hair with some strays of grey behind her ear. She wiped her hands with a clean white towel and extended her hands towards me

"I'm Clara Daniel and you are?"

"Alexandria Felix" I said with a slight smile whilst shaking her. She had a firm grip.

She took in my appearance and I became cautious of the white shirt I had on which I had no idea how I ended up in it.

"You must be here for your black dress.." She said whilst removing her apron

"Oh no that's not the case I..." She interrupted me with a kind smile and said

"Don't worry I washed it properly and cleaned you up....you had a lot to drink dearie" she joked

I smiled sheepishly.... That's what happened.....come to think of it I never dwelt on that matter.

"I'm so sorry for troubling you.....thank you for helping me" I said with a sincere smile I must have not expressed for sometime now.

"It was no issue" she replied with a motherly smile and her eyes held laughter.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

Oh right,rude jerk.....

"Uhmm....I actually came to inform you that rude....I mean your boss had a mild accident in his room. I guess?"

"Oh dear! What happened?!" She exclaimed while hurrying out of the kitchen.

" he uhm...slipped and is in a pretty bad shape. I came to get the first aid box." I said trying my best not to laugh.

"Good lord!" She exclaimed when she got into the room and went directly to the place I assume to be a walk in closet and brought out a first aid box.

She treated his forehead and bandaged it before applying some ointment on his sprained ankle massaging it cautiously. He didn't even budge he just glared at me. What did I do wrong?

Oh well I still smirked. When she was done she asked with her faced etched with motherly concern,

" how are feeling now Mr Michaels? "

"I'm fine, thanks" he replied.

She nodded and returned the first aid box to the closet.

"I'll go get your dress now Miss Felix" she said directly to me

"Sure thank you and please call me xandria"

She nodded with a smile and told her boss to call her if he needed anything before stepping out.

I burst into laughter the moment she left and was rewarded with an icy look from a certain someone. When I finally controlled my laughter I said " I guess we are even now, I helped you"

"Yeah right, you wish"

I was about to retort with a sarcastic comment when a knock interrupted me. Mrs Daniel came in and gave me my dress, that was fast. I said a quick thank you to her as she also passed me my phone and car keys. My mood dropped when I saw mum's countless text messages, voice mails and missed calls. Wow! I nearly forgot the reality of my world and pain in all this drama.

"I'm gonna use your bathroom" I said quietly to rude jerk who simply ignored me.

I got into the unnecessarily big bathroom an supported my weight with the sink because I felt my legs were giving up on me. Dad is dead and I have to face the reality again....a reality I don't want to accept.... Ever. I wiped a lone tear that slipped. I hated this reality....it hurts so much. The nightmare I had did not help me at all.

After washing my face and changing back to the black dress I'm starting to hate because of how much it reminded me of my real world. I walked out of the bathroom. Rude jerk seemed to be making a business call so I ignored him.

When he was done he said,

"I'll drop you off"

"No thank you, I have my car"

"You left it at the bar remember?"

"I'll get an uber"

"Stop being stubborn"

"Well you are being stubborn, how will you drop me off when your ankle is sprained" I snapped at him.

" I have a driver.."

"Forget it okay? I'm going home myself rude jerk!" I said already irritated. The last thing on my mind right now is a conversation with him.

"Rude jerk? That's new" he said with a charming smile. This dude is definitely bipolar  and a certified playboy.

"Yeah....you refused to tell me your name remember?"

"Alright, my name is....Andreas Michaels" he said with a proud smirk. I felt like I've heard that name somewhere but my mind couldn't process it when my phone rang....It was mum. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone

"Hey mum," I said when I answered the call.

"Oh goodness xandria! Where have you been I've been worried sick about you since I woke up" she said in a weak voice. I was supposed to be there with her when she wakes up in the hospital but my dumb Idea to numb this pain backfired.

"I'm sorry. I had a lot going on" I replied whilst rubbing my forehead.

"You know what? We'll have this conversation when you get here okay?" She said airily

" OK mum, I'll be there before you know it" I hung up the call and made my way to the door. When I placed my hand on the door knob I turned ,

"Thanks for what you did....I'm glad I don't owe you any favours, goodbye" I said to the rude jerk

He simply shrugged with an 'I don't care look' on his face and went back to taking off his expensive suit....I think the hilarious accident made him quit going to work.

I walked out without a backward glance.

I said a quick goodbye to Mrs Daniel who escorted out of the ridiculously huge house and helped me call an uber.

I told the uber driver the hospital address and relaxed into the seat before calling my driver to take the spare key and get my car from the bar I left it. I guess I better get ready to deal with my pain.


A/N: As promised I made this longer

Please do comment on what you think about it. Vote if you also think Andreas is bipolar.
