
A Dagger For The Princess

Princess Atyrae wakes up to an explosion- the anticipated coup has finally come. She rushes to meet her assigned guard who leads her out of the castle to safety. But something isn't right - days go by and nobody has claimed the throne yet. Relying on her training as an assassin, Atyrae and her guard try to find an answer to the crumbling kingdom. Can she find her family... if they're even still alive?

Sassypant · Fantasía
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5 Chs

The Escape

I awoke to the resonating sounds of an explosion. We were under attack. For the past few years everyone in the castle had been preparing for a day of invasion. Whisperings and rumors of a possible coup spread throughout the kingdom like wildfire. Ever since my father, the king, took ill a few years back, these vile thoughts have been circulating our land. It seems as though today was the day all of those damned words finally came to fruition.

I rushed out of bed, grabbed my cloak and daggers, and ran to the door. For the past three years I had been sleeping in my gossamer, a lightweight clothing traditionally used by assassins that absorbs light and sound, as well as increases aerodynamics. I cinched my cloak around my neck, pulled up my hood and paused, my hand hovering over the door handle. All of the drills, the training, everything has prepared me for this moment. And here we are, this damned moment. I am about to leave my entire life behind.

Before I can let the weight of reality sink in, I bite my lip, straighten my shoulders, and open the door. With one hand over the throwing knives at my hip, I silently make my way into the hall. I must not stop for anyone or anything until I reach a safehouse. For a moment I think about my siblings, hopefully doing the same as I, dutifully executing our escape plan, just like father had gone over so many times.

I swiftly made my way down the hall and in the direction of the secret passage where I will meet up with one of our secret guards and get the hell out of here. My siblings and I each were assigned a guard from among the highest rankings of the secret guard to escort us on our flee from the castle. When the time would come, we were to make haste out of our rooms and toward the nearest escape route, dozens of which we had to memorize depending on where we were and when. We cannot stop for anyone, not even each other. Our rooms had been spaced apart so we would not run the risk of crossing paths. If we were all to group together, well that would be quite the target. And should we be taken out, the future of this kingdom would die with us. No, we had to escape separately in order to have a chance of taking back what is ours.

The upper corridors were empty as I made my way through, the silence being pierced with distant screams of despair, and the horror of realizing our worst nightmare-come-true. I am nearing the opening of my escape route when I hear a stifled cry on my right. I freeze just before another hallway and from the shadows I stare at the glowing threshold, waiting. Out runs a young girl, maybe around eight years old, wide eyed and pale as a sheet. She starts to run my way, constantly checking behind her. I know I shouldn't do it, but my body is moving before I can object. I glide out of the shadows and grab her by the shoulders. I know I don't have time and have already made a possibly fatal error. Before she can scream, I cover her mouth with my gloved hand.

"What's happened." I demand. "Quickly, there isn't time."

"Princess!" she exclaims and relaxes slightly as she recognizes my stormy grey eyes. "There was an explosion, Mother told me to run and hide! I ran out of the maid's quarters and then there was a loud sound...screaming. I started to turn back until I saw the blood under the door and heard footsteps coming towards me." I made a mental note that the maid's quarters to the East had been struck. Who knows what other direction they'll be coming from as well.

Rapidly, I instruct the girl, "You have to keep running, and don't stop for anyone, ok? You never saw me here. If you keep to this corridor it will take you out to the grounds. Your best bet is to get outside and as far away from the castle as you can. Grab anything pointy and use it as a weapon. Trust no one." With emphasis on my last words, I move around her and make haste toward my goal, having lost too much precious time already.

The girl behind me gave a soft whimper, "But...my mom." I pause and sigh. Turning sharply, I see the girl still standing there, tears about to spill from her giant eyes.

"It is too late, there is nothing I can do to help your mother. You need to forget her and run before it is too late for you as well." With that I dash back into the shadows and double my pace toward the secret passage. I can hear the little girls' light footsteps fading in the distance as I approach the end of the hall. I reach for the hidden trigger in the wall and look back to make sure I won't be followed. As I scan my surroundings my eyes fall on the girl. She has stopped, and is clutching her hands to her chest, staring down an adjacent hall in horror.

"No, no, no!" I mumble to myself as I quickly push the trigger and the passage glides open. Unable to take my eyes off the girl I dash into the dark space and quickly search for the trigger to close it. She looks back at me and for one horrible moment we lock eyes. I can see only her fear. I shake my head, begging her to look away, to run, to try and survive. I find the trigger and press it, aching for the passage to seal me in on time.

And that is when I see the flash of a sword as it strikes through the girl. I can almost hear her gasp of surprise as she realizes this is not some sick dream, but her horrific reality. Before I could see what happened next, the passage sealed me in with a final hiss. There is no time to mourn the girl, not with the enemy so close. This is why father had instructed us not to stop for anyone. I turned and ran down the passage, hoping I would run into my guard along the way.

"You must not stop for anyone! Yes, I'm lookin' at you, my little Rae of sunshine, no one! One hesitation, one small act of kindness and it could be your last. You four are the last hope of this empire and your safety is what will save our future." I tried arguing this point with my father that day when all this preparation was in its first year. Later he came to my chambers and sat down with me. "Atyrae, I know you don't understand, but someday you must. You, of all your siblings, have the biggest heart. Now, don't give me that look, they are all kind and caring individuals, but you who show it the least, secretly care the most. One day soon you won't have that privilege. When the time comes, you must think for yourself before others. Please tell me you will do this." I nodded, hearing the importance in his gentle voice.

Being the youngest, there was always extra concern behind his words. Thinking back on that memory now only inflicted more pain. I had betrayed his advice, and in the end it didn't matter. The girl had been killed. If I had wasted another moment my blood would've been spilled on those cold stones as well.