
A D&D Wizard in DC

Alexzander is your not-so-average nobody. He wakes up, goes to work, comes home, and sleeps. Only the occasional superhero battle breaks his days of mediocracy. Then one day everything changes. Suddenly he gained the ability to cast magic and not just any magic. No, he gained the spells and abilities of a high-level magic caster from D&D. Not only that but he gained the ability to use powerful rituals. However, life won't be easy for Alexzander as old wounds from a past best-forgotten open. ...... This fanfic is a slow burn. So don't expect major plot points to happen quickly. Additionally, this is kind of my " Don't think too hard about it fic", so don't expect a masterpiece. Also, the Cover Pic isn't mine.

ForThe_Lolzs · Cómic
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12 Chs

Modify Memory

A/n: All spells will be in a auxiliary chapter or in the comments, depends on my mood.


Walking through the night streets of Gotham alone normally isn't a good idea if you could avoid it. It wasn't because of the Supervillain elements either.

It was the low lives, those at the bottom of the barrel that made the streets of Gotham dangerous. While the chances of running into a villain or gang member, unfortunately, weren't zero, there were fewer talked-about dangers that plagued the city.

Debt holders, the desperate, rapists, and more.

Thus it wasn't a surprise when I found myself cornered by three men holding knives in a random ally.

As for why I decided to take a walk? I just really needed time to think and clear my head. After the incident today with Killer Croc, or rather my thoughts as it occurred I-

" Hand over the cash before I cut your throat!" Yelled one of the men breaking me out of my thoughts. This one wearing some ridiculous bandanna.

Momentarily I gave the man a slight glare but forced it down a moment later.

Weirdly enough I didn't feel threatened by him whatsoever despite having been terrified every time this happened in the past. It felt like a barking puppy trying to be threatening.

Valiant, but ultimately useless.

" What the fuck are you waiting for?" Said a butterfly knife-wielding man.

I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at that one. He was the least threatening member of the group with him standing only at 5"4', and his lack of any meaningful muscle being the most prominent thing about him.

I could hit him wrong with a {Bull strength} enhanced kick and his head would pop off, spinal cord intact and all. Blood would gush out in a rush of red gore as his body shut down and fell limply on the cold concrete. A pool of life liquid would form around the body, creating a beautiful work of art.

A small smile wormed its way onto my face at the thought.

Visibly, the third and final member of this group flinched at my smile. His eyes spoke of fear and his body's fight or flight response obviously kicked in.

" G-guys I think we should leave this one alone. I don't like the way he's smiling." The third man said with a slight tremble in his voice.

That fear was what temporarily snapped me out of my darker thoughts.

'What the hell is wrong with me? First Croc and now these three idiots?' I thought as I frowned, completely ignoring the goons.

These…Thoughts weren't anything new to me. I've had them since I was a kid.

Most of the time they're contained by doses of ADHD pills and various anti-psychotics, and they're potent enough to last me through a few days if I forgot a day or two.

But now it seemed their potency was in question.

As the leader of the group went to turn around to scold the weakest member of their group I took my chance and cast a { Mass Hold person} spell.

Suddenly their limbs, mouths, and even eyes locked in place. They looked unbelievably like statues. Only the panicked raising of their chests showed that they were still living breathing creatures.

Running a hand through my brown hair I let out a large sigh.

"Now what to do with you three? I can't exactly let the word of a new meta in Gotham spread right now." I said to myself aloud.

My frown deepened as a thought occurred to me.

' Is that even accurate? My abilit- sorry, spells, manifested themselves spontaneously like any other meta I read about. But instinctively I know calling myself that is wrong. Like a gross underestimation of what I am.' I thought while looking at the three frozen men.

The way my spells worked wasn't one hundred percent faithful to the source material either. {Hold Person} and {Mass Hold Person} for instance didn't have an exact duration unlike in the Table Top. A person trapped within one of these spells would stay that way until they broke out or I dismissed the effect.

'Then there's the fact I don't have spell slots.'

Instead, I had a 'pool' of energy I pulled from when casting spells. This Pool was quite large as well, with me instinctively knowing I could cast every single spell up to the 6th level at least once before emptying it out. That's with taking into account that each level of the spells was increasingly larger in price.

' If I'm not wrong this is similar to the Variant rules for spell casters called spell points.' I mused mentally.

Turning my attention back to the men frozen in place, I realized that I had been spacing out for the last three minutes while I contemplated my new abilities.

"Sorry for leaving you hanging, blame my ADHD for ignoring you," I said with an embarrassed smile.

Reaching out, I placed the palm of my hand on the Bandanna-wearing goon's head. Then my hand flashed blue as I cast {Modify memory}.

Six seconds later the man's muscles relaxed as he reached a state of unconsciousness when my spell took effect.

Pulling my hand back, which still glowed blue, I looked at it oddly.

'That was weird.' I thought awkwardly.

Imagine using a video editing software to mess with a five-minute video. Now imagine being able to not only be able to cut, edit, or even delete parts of the video, but also have the capability to change the contents in the video itself.

That's what using Modify memory was like.

You could make people think they had an encounter with Batman when in reality they were getting drunk in a bar. They could believe they had a quickie with Wonder Woman where in actuality they were just eating some tacos.

Hell why even keep to things that make sense? Reality could be warped and demented within those five minutes. Up could be down, fire could be cold, air could be toxic, the universe could implode, and they could stare at infinity.

The changes you make are only limited by your imagination.

Moving such thoughts to the back of my mind, I proceed to do the same to the other two men.

As for what I did to their memories?

Instead of me they found someone else who "unfortunately" had no money to give, and quickly sent them away.

However, as I walked out of the ally another thought occurred to me.

' Can I create items?'