
A Crown For Throne: Guild Incantation

The last thing she remember is that she died because of the car accident, she was admitted in hospital and announced comatose. Until she was out of breath, out of heartbeat and out of line. Not until she resurrected, but in another world.

goddess_aba · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 2


I am now staring to myself in the whole body lengthy mirror showing my beautiful image. It is still me, my small face, cupid bow shaped-like lips, cute pointed small nose and a snow white skin. But my eyes are different, they are all right. My eyes are rainbow color and when I am staring at it, it is like bringing me to a paradise where I can do all things without being observed. Unlike to human world, I did everything but my parents are just like that, giving me nothing but shit stares and disappointed look. People are staring at me like I am an illegitimate daughter, I am their daughter too! They treat me like a garbage, they treat me like a dog with a leash on my neck that they can always drag or lead me astray in the forest.

That's tiring, painful and sad my story was but I am still thankful that my two younger sisters are there with me. Protecting me from harm and insults, looks like I am their youngest but I am their nothing but an older useless sister.

But now, I can't still believe that I am alive! I am resurrected! Rebirth but in another world.

I looked at the hall of this building, it's dusty outside but you can tell that they are clean person when it comes in inside. Their business is a restaurant, but it looks like they are planning to take it down because there are no customers are visiting this building. They are planning to make it as their official guild without business, but they are still thinking if they'll continue to take it down. Oceana is their cook, her assistant is her husband while Thunder is the waiter and Violet is in cashier.

If you get inside of this building, first thing first that you'll notice is the restaurant. The dining part where all the tables and chairs are made of crystals but they put comfy foam on the chairs so it is not hard to sit on. The tables were perfectly carved, and in front, you can see the cashier part where you can order something to take out, and there's a big screen up there where you can choose whatever food you want to eat and order.

I suddenly stared at my tattoo on my shoulder, it's a golden crown tattoo.

"It's beautiful right? Hell think that our golden crown tattoo is the reason why we are still alive after the attacks from other guilds. It's a charm, that tattoo idea is given by his mother." I looked at Violet, I didn't expect that she is talking to me right now. She's the least person that will talk to me. But I noticed that she still has this kind of personality to intimidate people around her but I know she is good to be with. Your first impression of her must be her defense mechanism to avoid belittling.

I stared at her tattoo, it is on her right chest where her cleavage is showing, Violet has black shoulder length short hair and her height is also towering but I am more taller than her. She is beautiful actually, that eyes makes her more gorgeous. She loves applying super red lipstick, a tint as her blush on and cat-eye by an eyeliner.

"How come they attacked you? What's the reason?" I curiously asked, she sighed and looked away.

"One of our members in Incantation played an important role in our world. She is powerful, beautiful and kind. She is the most amazing woman we've ever met in our entire life. And she is a Princess, the Princess of Realm Kingdom where all the most powerful people are there. One of the strongest Kingdom in the world." Princesses and Princes are real! Kingdom of Realm? Sounds so powerful, but I think that's the least place I've wanted to visit.

"What happened?"

"She died, an unknown person killed her but they blamed us for her death."


I wipe all the dirts on their window, doors and walls to make it look so pleasant. Hell already knew that I am one of them, the oath and the giving of tattoo. But I can't still trace him, he is always out of the picture.

I suddenly remembered Violet's said, that Princess must be so powerful that everyone ready to avenge her death. It must be so unfair to them, they loved that Princess but the blame is on them. It must be sad and painful, that girl must be scolding all the people by her spirit because of the wrong accusations.

After a minute, I'm done!

There! It's clean! The building is big, but sad. But the pitch and brown combination colors are good to look at. It feels like I am in Greece country. I also fixed the signage of our restaurant, clean and bright and hang it carefully so that people will see and notice.

"Hello Miss, are you open? it's Sunday right now and every restaurants we visited are all close and hoping one building is open? Is I-Incantation Restaurant is open? We are from the Kingdom of Monarchy. Hoping you are open." I almost jump because of the voice behind me and I stopped when a group of women with pleasing eyes looking at me intently, obviously they are all starving. I smiled.

"No problem Ma'ams, we are actually open right now. Come inside please." I smiled at them, I think they are all in the same age? Around forty plus? I lead them the way, and carefully opened the door. The nice and clean ambiance welcomed them, I noticed that they are amazed because of the wide space. The new smell of the building is relaxing, the fragrance is so cool.

The four members except Hell came out with their confused faces, I immediately run towards them and smiled.

"Guys, I don't know if you already decided to take down your business but I think this is not yet the right time I guess. They want to eat here because no restaurants are open on this day, and they are all away from the Kingdom of Monarchy if I am not mistaken." After I mumbled those words, their eyes literally widen and lit up.

"Oh gosh, move everyone!" Thunder get the menus and give it to the five women who are now sitting comfortably. Those women, their appearances are like gold because of how they expensively and sophisticatedly move and how soft their body flows with just a hand gestures. They smiled back at Thunder, while Violet is on her move with paper and ballpen on her hand ready to jot down their orders for the dine in. I am very confused right now because of their sudden attitudes!

"What's happening, Oceana? Care to explain?" Oceana hugged me that makes me more confuse. She smiled at me and look at my eyes.

"They are from the Kingdom of Monarchy, Alfalla. Meaning, the most powerful Kingdom in the world is here. And I knew one of them, I saw her in last event and guess what? She is the head of the knights of the Monarchy Kingdom!" Gosh! I am still confused but well, I think those women played an important roles in this world. Lucky them, they are almost rulers!

"I don't know but I think you are the luck that we are looking for, Alfalla. We didn't expect that those important women will be eating here in our restaurant! We must be lucky, Hell will find this interesting! He must be!" Midori shouted.

I am the bad luck of my family but I didn't expect that someone will treat me as their luck.