
A Constellation's Prophecy

"You are destined for greatness Lyra, your old life is what you are returning to." The woman backed away from her with agonizingly slow steps, and the storm was riled up again. Lyra closed her eyes at the ferocity of the rain, and when she opened them again, the woman was gone. ************************************** Lyra has known nothing other than the human world she's grown up in, until she bumps into a wolf larger than life, with midnight hair and eyes of crystal blue. A shy and timid girl that loves her books and herbs is thrown into a world only a crazy person could envision. Well, she might just be crazy too. Thyrius? He is a level headed, completely logical Lycan, he believes in controlling his future and leading his territories with precision. He hides his emotions behind an intimidating silhouette. What happens when a shy and timid girl meets a wounded wolf? Prophecies, apparently.

Kelly_Alice · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 11: Complicated, Just Complicated

Lyra (2022)

The walk that followed the three laps they managed to finish, actually made Lyra feel more energized. She was ready to see the schedule that Gus would come up with her, and get it over with. She needed to talk to Thyrius, if Eleni was able to connect him to the prophecy there's no way he couldn't have either, and he decided not to let her know. "Eleni, Lyra, good work." Gus began as the pair made their way back to the stage. Most of the other men who were training had left, and only a few stragglers at the targets and punching bags remained. "Lyra, I see you have a good form for someone who doesn't work out. You have potential, and I feel like I have a good idea of the areas you need to train more. Cardio is a given with every workout from here on out. I want to see you work on your core, and your leg muscles at first. With how tiny you are, your leg power is going to be a key element in improving your fighting skills. Today, were not going to spar or anything, I just want you to do some floor exercise." Gus looked satisfied with his orders, and made his way off the stage. "Eleni if you will, I want you to show Lyra the exercises you do normally for your core, and throw in some longer planks. When you've finished, I want you to work on lunges, and bicycles for the legs, don't overwork them today. Heard?" Gus' orders to Eleni were firm, and authoritative. Eleni only giggled at his words and tugged on Lyra's arm, leading her to the far side of the grounds.

"Just 15 more seconds Lyra!" Eleni's voice boomed at her.

"Please! This is torture!" Lyra was begging at this point.

She cursed under her breath, if there was anything that Lyra hated more, it was planks. She felt her core burn with intensity, and she didn't think she could take one more second, let alone 15. Eleni's laugh was enough to enrage Lyra, it fueled her motivation to continue, but she'd give her hell for it later. "Okay, five, four, three, two, one! Go get some water, Lyra, you need it!" Lyra fell from her planked position and slowly made her way to her feet. She brushed off the few blades of grass that stuck to her leggings and went turned to get her water when she crashed into, what felt like a wall. When she looked up she saw that Thyrius had joined them on the training grounds, and he looked even more magnificent. There was sweat glistening on his toned chest, and his basketball shorts hung low on his waist, exposing a very trimmed v-line. Lyra had to force herself to keep her eyes on his face. She noticed that he had a water bottle in his hand, and was offering it to her. She graciously accepted the bottle, and took four large gulps from it before wiping her face and looking at him again. "Hi, Lyra, sorry it took me so long to meet you out here, Patrol needed my help, it took longer than expected." His voice had an edge to it, and his features obviously expressed anger and frustration. "Oh, that's okay, Eleni and I were just getting water. Are you going to join us?" Lyra was hopeful he wouldn't, she looked a clumsy mess when she worked out and she was fearful she would embarrass herself further if he did join.

Thyrius looked past Lyra and over to where Gus was standing with another man, both in an intense conversation. "No, not yet, I have to see Gus for a moment and then I'll join." He excused himself and made his way over to the other men while she sat there, dreading the next few minutes, or hours, of whatever she had to endure. She looked nervously at Eleni, who just wore an evil grin on her stupid, perfect, face. "Were gonna do lunges across the field now Lyra!" She called over her shoulder as she ran past the men and past the stage. Lyra gave an exasperated sigh and followed Eleni's trail. When she passed Thyrius she gave him a pleading glance. She saw him laugh and give her an apologetic smile before she was met with Eleni's torture.

When they finished in the field, Lyra and Eleni went over to join Thyrius and Gus. Sweat covered them and it felt sticky against her skin. The sun was shining straight above the four of them, making three glisten with perfect beauty. Lyra suddenly felt small, and self-conscious. She was completely and utterly weak next to them. "Are we finally done Gus? I'm hungry, and Lyra probably can't take much more." Eleni was short of breath, for the first time that Lyra had seen, and honestly still looked completely normal next to Lyra. She couldn't even make a sound come out of her mouth, she was too busy focusing on trying not to die. Gus looked at the pair with amusement clear in his eyes. "Yes, the both of you can be done for the day. I would like to get some lunch before we all need to be in this goof's office" Gus nudged a very serious looking Thyrius and looped his arm through Eleni's. The pair walked off, talking nonsense to one another, and left Lyra alone with Thyrius. She had finally caught her breath when he grabbed her hand and held it to his nose, and placed a small kiss on the top of her hand. Shivers ran down her spine, making her breath hitch in her throat.

This man was doing things to her, fogging up her mind, she had nearly forgotten what she wanted to talk to him about. Nearly. "Hey, Thyrius, why didn't you tell me that the prophecy was about you." She felt him stiffen, and promptly let go of her hand. "Because it may not be about me, and there's still more information that we don't have. I'm working out a plan to find the coven, and it's taking a lot of resources. Witches are not easy to find, and that's not by accident. I have a druid acquaintance that may be able to find someone to help manage and control your power, but until then, please don't put yourself into a stressful frame of mind. Gus told me that you meditate, Could you try to meditate every night, and morning. It would put both of our minds at ease." That made sense to Lyra, it was usually how she was able to stay calm, it was just that the past few days had taken a toll on her mentally, and it was harder to put herself into that mindset.

It still made her heart ache though, his cold demeanor had switched on at the mention of him being involved in the prophecy, and she had felt him pull away from her. She wanted the opposite, she wanted to lean on him, and be as close as possible. There was no denying the connection, the bond that they had when they were close to one another, but when they were apart, Lyra only felt herself questioning that same bond. She only nodded in response to his words, and then made her way to the pack house. She was hungry, and she was exhausted, and she knew Alana could help with at least one of her those problems.