
Welcome To Highschool {BTS}


Highschool AU


Age: 14

Jungkook: 14

Tae/Jimin: 15

Jin: 18

Yoongi: 17

RM/Hobi: 16


"Have a good day first day at school my little munchkin" Your mother sings out happily as she pulls up to the large, intimidating building.

You stare at the highschool, dread immediately filling your entire being.

"Umma, do I really have to? I mean it is the middle of the school year." You whine out like a spoilt child, clutching onto her arm.

"Yes [Y/N], you do. Don't you want to get a good education?" She asks you, raking her fingers through the back of your ponytail in a comforting manner.

"I can get a good education by taking online classes." You tell her with a frown.

"I know that munchkin, but there's something about going to school, that online classes can't give you." She says in a wise tone

"And what is that?" You question her with pursed lips, knowing that this isn't a fight that you will be able to win.

"Experiences. Now, I want you to have a good day at school.

"And try socializing, it wouldn't kill you to make some friends." She says giving you a quick peck on the forehead.

"Okay." You huff out, unbuckling your seatbelt and jumping out of the car.

"I'll be a little late picking you up today due to having to go pick up the twins from preschool.

"Remember I love you my little munchkin." She says using your childhood nickname.

"I love you too, Umma." You say giving her a small smile. And within seconds she was halfway down the street.

Taking a deep breath, you start your journey towards your new school.


You quietly make your way inside of the office. Right away you notice the office secretary typing away on her computer, not even noticing your presence.

"Umm...excuse me Ajumma?" You call out softly.

Immediately she stops typing and looks up at you with warms eyes.

"Yes, dear?" She asks you softly.

"I'm here to receive my schedule. I'm the new transfer student Cho [Y/N]." You tell her before giving her a respectful bow.

Her eyes shine brightly once she hears your name.

"Oh, we've been expecting your arrival." She says handing you your schedule from you don't know where.

"Now if you'll just wait here, I'll have the principal escort you to your next class." And with that, she was gone.

With a huff of your breath, you seat yourself on one of the chairs, waiting for the arrival of your principal.

A few minutes later, in walks, the principal from his own office, followed by the sweet secretary.

You quickly stand up, flattening out your skirt in a way to look more presentable.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Seonsaengnim," You say before giving him a ninety-degree bow.

He lets out a gentle hearty laugh at your actions. You immediately grew red in the face.

"There's no need to use the honorifics [Y/N]. Just call me Principal Bang." He says giving your hand a firm handshake.

"It's truly an honor to have you attend our school. I was very impressed with your academic scores, and I knew right then that our school would need to have such an intellectual student like you." Principal Bang says with a happy smile.

Suddenly the office door opens and in walks a boy with raven hair. Principal Bang's smile falls at the sight of the young male.

"Yoongi this is the twelfth time you've been sent to the office in the past month." Principal Bang says to the bored looking boy.

"I know PD Nim, but it seems that Ms.Lee doesn't like me very much," Yoongi says nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulders.

Your eyebrows raise at the name Yoongi calls the principal.

Principal Bang lets out a deep sigh at what Yoongi said.

"Just wait inside of my office until I'm done taking Ms.Cho to her class." Principal Bang says to the troubled boy.

At hearing your name, Yoongi's eyes immediately find your face as if now noticing your presence.

His eyes slightly glare at you once he sees you already looking at him.

"Yeah yeah," He mumbles underneath his breath with a roll of his eyes before making his way towards Principal Bang's office.

"A troubled child he is. Talented but trouble." Principal Bang says with a shake of his head before placing his attention back onto you.

"Sorry for the wait [Y/N]. Now if you'll follow me, I'll take your right to your next class, which should be the fourth period if I'm not mistaken." Principal Bang says opening the door for you.

With a quick bow of your head in thanks, the both of you were off.

Your walk with Principal Bang was rather comforting as he explained to you the different clubs or organizations you could join.

You were so enthralled in the conversation, you didn't even notice that he stopped in front of a wooden door that had 'English' labeled at the top of the doorframe.

"Ah, here we are. Your fourth-period class." He tells you before opening up the door and walking in.

The class immediately quiets down at the sight of him.

"Sorry to interrupt your class, but I've come to inform you that the new transfer student has arrived." Principal Bang tells the teacher with a soft smile on his face.

"Oh, they have?" The teacher asks with a happy smile.

You nervously take your hair down from its ponytail, and frizz it around a little, in hopes of making it look more average-ish.

"Yes she has, Ms.Cho can you please enter the classroom?" Principal Bang asks you in a soft voice. The class all breaks out into hushed whispers as soon as they hear 'she'.

Slowly you make your way inside of the classroom, not caring about the sets of eyes watching your every move.

You silently take your place next to an excited Principal Bang and equally excited teacher.

"Class this is Cho [Y/N]. She has scored the highest on her school exams at her previous school, and she has been transferred here in hopes of bringing up our academic scores." Principal Bang says while showcasing a proud smile.

You fidget in your spot, not liking all of the stares you were receiving from your peers. Some where judgemental, others pervertish.

"Now, if you all will excuse me, I must head back to my office." Principal Bang says before giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze as he made his exit.

As soon as he's gone the teacher turns to you with a smile on her face.

"Hello [Y/N]. My name is Mrs.Kin, and I will be your English teacher for the remainder of the year." She says in English.

You go quiet, not knowing how to respond. Some of your classmate snickers, thinking that you must have not understood her.

"If she's so smart, then hoe come she can't speak English?" A girl says to a boy next to her making the room burst out in giggles and laughter.

"[Y/N]-ssi, its okay if you don't understand-"

"No, I understand. I just didn't know if you wanted me to introduce myself in English or Korean." You tell her with a sheepish smile on your face.

The class immediately goes quiet when you begin speaking in English with no problems.

Mrs.Kin even has a surprised look on her face, not expecting you to speak with such fluency.

"Well then, if you don't mind, can you please introduce yourself to the class in English?" She asks you in English.

With a nod of your head, you turn around and begin introducing yourself to your peers.

"Hello everyone, my name is Cho [Y/N]. I am happy to be able to attend Big Hit High School for Performing Arts.

"I hope we'll all be able to get along. Please take care of me." You say before giving a small bow to your stunned peers.

Half looked at you in awe of what you've just said, while the other half looked dumbfounded not understanding a word you've just spoken.

Mrs.Kin immediately breaks out into applause once you've finished your introduction.

"Isn't that a pleasant surprise." She says to the class in Korean. The shrill sound of the dismissal bell breaks the class out of the trance they were in.

"Alright class, on tomorrow we will finish today's lesson. You are dismissed." Mrs.Kin says before straightening papers she had on her desk.

Everyone immediately jumps out of their seats and shuffle out of the classroom, but not before giving you a curious looks as they left.

You waited until the last person left before exiting the room yourself.

With a huff of your breath, you look down on your schedule to see what you had next on your agenda.

Block 1 (Mon./Wens./Fri.):

1st period - Homeroom - Mr.Lee {Room 318}

2nd period - Math - Mr.Lee {Room 318}

3rd period - Biology - Mr.Park {Room 429}

4th period - English - Mrs.Kin {Room 205}

5th period - Music - Mrs.Do {Room 567}


6th period - Free

7th period - PE - Mrs.Kim {Gym}

8th period - RLA - Ms.Tuan {Room 320}

Block 2 (Tues. & Thurs.):

1st period - Homeroom - Mr.Lee {Room 318}

2nd period - Kor. His. - Mrs.Lay {Room 432}

3rd period - Chemistry - Mr.Hin {Room 208

4th period - Health - Mr.Byun {Room 131}

5th period - Home Ed - Mr.Jung {Room 310}


6th period - Free

7th period - CW - Mrs.Beak {Room 427}

8th period - Dance - Mr.Wong {Dance Studio}

You were not surprise to see that you've been put in all AP classes.

With one more look at your schedule, you begin your journey of searching for your next class, Mrs.Do.


You've been roaming the halls for the past three minutes, looking for your locker 469, and frankly, you were very close to giving up.

"Aish! Why does the school have to be this big?" You ask yourself, as you walk aimlessly down the hallway.

You were sure to keep your head up, not wanting to bump into anyone.

You frown, not liking how your locker was probably on the other side of the long hallway.

"Why couldn't just get a shorter locker number?" You whine out, noticing that the closest locker number to you was 295.

"I'm telling you Hyung, this girl was speaking perfect English.

"Probably even better than Namjoon Hyung." A boy with caramel colored hair boy says in excitement a few feet in front of you.

"Quit over exaggerating Kookie, no ones better than Namjoon Hyung at speaking English." A boy with red-silver hair says with a slightly deeper voice says.

"Yea Jungkook quit playing as Hoseok Hyung said." A pink haired boy with a higher pitched tone spoke.

"But I'm not Jimin Hyung. Even Mrs.Kin was impressed with her fluency and that says a lot." Jungkook says crossing his arms across his chest.

You bite your lip, not even concerning yourself with the conversation that was happening only four feet ahead of you.

You look down at your schedule, trying to memorize all of your classes for the rest of the day.

You were so emersed in the piece of paper, you didn't even notice the figure in front of you.


And then suddenly, everything happened within a flash.

One minute you were on your way to your locker, the next you were on the floor rubbing your sore behind with a frown etched on your face.

You slowly stand up, making sure to fix up your skirt before turning around to face the culprit.

"Yah! Watch where you're going next time pabo!" You spit out before walking around the wide-eyed boy.

"Tsk, what a disrespectful little girl." A chocolate headed boy says shaking his head at your disappearing figure.

"T-that was her Jin Hyung." Jungkook stutter out, watching you storm away.

The tardy bell suddenly rings, knocking you out of your episode of streaming profanities.

A minute later, you manage to find your locker. Quickly you unlock the padlock, only to find that all of the books you need were already neatly stacked in one pile.

As you were grabbing the remaining books needed for class, a locker was suddenly slammed shut to the left of your body.

You jump surprised at the sudden sound, causing you to drop all of the books you were carrying in your hand.

You squat down and hurriedly try to pick them all up.

Just as you were about to pick up your biology book, two sneakered feet steps in front of it. You slowly raise your head up to see who the feet belonged to.

Your breath was caught inside of your throat at the sight that laid before you. Two gorgeous, almond shaped brown eyes stared right back at you.

You quickly divert your eyes somewhere else, suddenly shy of the stranger in front of you.

"I'm sorry that I caused you to drop all of your belongings." The deep voice says, stretching his hand out in front of him for you to grab.

Hesitantly, you place your hand into his. He swiftly pulls you up from off the ground as if you weighted nothing.

He then quickly bend down to pick up your biology book for you.

"Here you go." He says handing it to you.

"Thank you." You say, taking and stuffing it into your backpack, right along with your other belongings.

The second you shut your locker, you were off down the hallway.

"Hey, wait!" The voice yells out. You continue walking, without a clue as to where you were going.

Just as you were about to round a corner a hand lands on your left shoulder, prohibiting you from all movement.

"Hey...I was...calling...you." The person huffs out. You turn around, only to find the almond eye shaped stranger in front of you.

"Yes." You say softly as if you didn't hear him calling you earlier.

"You dropped this when your other books fell." He says handing you your schedule.

Your eyes soften, suddenly feeling guilty that you made him chase after you.

"Thank you." You say giving him a small smile in gratitude. He stares at you for a little longer before clearing his throat.

"Would you like for me to show you where it's located?" He asks you with a nervous smile, pushing his plum colored hair away from his eyes.

You're eyebrow raise at his question, not expecting him to ask you that.

"You look a little lost, plus I saw that you and I share the same exploratory class." He says as soon as he saw your confused face.

You nod your head in understanding.

"Yes, I would very much appreciate it if you do." You say letting out a sigh of relief with slumped shoulders.

"Okay then just follow me." He says, and then the two of you were off.

Soon enough, five minutes later you found yourself in front of a room labeled 'Music'.

"Thank you so much..." You trail off, not knowing the stranger's name.

"Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." He says before bowing his head at you.

"And you are?" He questions with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Cho [Y/N]." You say sticking out a hand for him to shake.

Usually, you're not this straightforward with people, but Namjoon has a comforting aura surrounding him that you've taken a liking to.

"Well, it was very nice to meet you [Y/N]," Namjoon says, shaking your hand before giving you a dimpled smile.

You blush at being able to see such a magnificent thing up close.

"You too." You say, giving him a genuine smile.

"I guess we should head on in before we get caught out here," Namjoon says, sheepishly rubbing his neck.

"You're probably right." You say nodding your head. And with that Namjoon knocked on the door.

A few seconds later the door opened, revealing a middle-aged woman.

"Ah, so nice of you to finally join us Namjoon-ah." The teacher says in a calm voice. Namjoon quickly bows before the elder in apology.

"I'm very sorry Mrs.Do, but I had to show Ms.Cho where the class was being held," Namjoon says looking at you.

Mrs.Do immediately notice you standing shyly behind Namjoon.

"Wait...as in Cho [Y/N]?" She asks with shinning eyes. You slowly nod your head 'yes'.

"We've been expecting your arrival. I'm so excited!" Mrs.Do says before waltzing into the classroom.

Namjoon looks at you once more before following Mrs.Do lead.

You suck in a deep breath to shake all nervousness off before following the both of them inside.

The first thing you notice when you were brought inside was that trophies lined the entire room.

You stop staring at all of the trophies only to notice a class filled with a bunch of students chatting away quietly.

You subconsciously hide behind Namjoon's large build in hopes of staying hidden from the group of people.

"Alright class, sorry for the interruption but I've been informed that we'll have a new student attending our class." Everyone's attention immediately goes to Mrs.Do.

Mrs.Do looks on her left expecting you to be beside her, she looks around trying to locate you, only to find you peeking from behind Namjoon.

"Come on sweety, there's no need to be shy." She coos out at your shy nature.

Some of the students snicker, thinking she was talking to Namjoon. A warm blush covers Namjoon's face in embarrassment.

Slowly you walk from behind Namjoon, making sure to look straight ahead and not at the gawking students.

"You may be excused to your seat Namjoon," Mrs.Do tells him.

Clearing his throat, Namjoon makes his way towards a group of boys, who immediately pelts him with questions as soon as he sits down.

"Class, this is Ms.Cho. She has recently transferred from her previous school on a four-year scholarship to be able to attend Big Hit." Mrs.Do says excitedly like a teenage girl talking about her crush.

"Ms.Cho, can you please introduce yourself to the class. Make sure to tell us your talents and what you want to accomplish when you graduate from Big Hit." Mrs.Do says, giving you a warm smile.

With a clear of your throat, you turn around to face the awaiting students and begin your introduction.

"Annyeong Haseyo, my name is Cho [Y/N]. My hobbies are photography and dancing.

"I also enjoy reading to pass time. I guess my hidden talent is that I am able to speak four different languages.

Umm...I after graduating from Big Hit I'll go to college to get my Doctoral degree in science and medicine to become an RN nurse." You say with a small smile on your face.

After you finish your introduction, the class is left silent.

"Isn't that something. You're probably the first student to every attend Big Hit and not want to become an idol." Mrs.Do says with an impressed look on her face.

"So, do any of you have questions for Ms.Cho before we resume today's lesson?" Mrs.Do says turning around towards the rest of the class.

Half of the class hands shot straight up into the air.

Just as Mrs.Do was about to call on someone the intercom cuts on.

"Mrs.Do you're needed in the office this instant." It says before cutting off.

"Okay everyone, you have until I get back to ask Ms.Cho your questions," Mrs.Do says before exiting the room.

And as true to Mrs.Do word, as soon as she left a brown headed boy rose his hand into the air.

"Umm...you." You say shyly, nodding your head at him.

"Do you really know how to speak four different languages? If so, what are they?" He asks, with curiosity shinning in his eyes.

"Actually I knew how to speak five, but I'm almost fluent in German.

"But the other four I know how to speak fluently are English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean." You say with a proud smile.

"Hoseok Hyung, that's the girl I was talking about earlier," Jungkook whispers out as he watches you stand by Mrs.Do.

"You mean the girl that bumped into you and was completely rude to you?" Hoseok asks with squinted eyes.

"She doesn't look as if she would do something like that. Are you sure that's the right girl?" Jimin asks, watching you answer everyone's questions.

"Hey, Namjoon-ah, was she rude to you when you brought her to class?" Jin asks the silent male.

"No Hyung, in fact, she very respectful to me," Namjoon says smiling at his elder.

"Isn't she so cute!" Taehyung says out of nowhere, watching you interact with one of the students.

All of the boys nod their head in agreement. A few spaces away, a blonde haired girl hears this and jealousy immediately floods her veins.

"Prove it," The blonde headed girl shouts from the back of the class, interrupting you answering another girl's question.

"Prove what?" You ask her, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.

"Prove that you can actually speak five different languages.

"Unless you actually can't, and you were lying." She sneers out to you with dislike shinning in her eyes.


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