
A collection of stories

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON FANFICTION. COM 1-4 story dropped by author next 1-10 Harry Potter 1(one) story dropped by me, because I don't like it going forward 2nd volume another story, (complete) from website 3RD VOLUME: Home is Where You Are by a fisch Volume 4: Stay by HannahFranziska 5: Prophetic Intervention by Harmonious Cannons 6:First Hope by LeafRose 7: The Grey Lord 1: Potterverse Lichdom by nobodez 8:Three to Triumph by HermiHugs

arhan_malik · Derivados de obras
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77 Chs


Chapter 4

Sirius hugged Harry for a full five minutes before letting go and laughed wetly when Harry kissed his cheeks. He kissed his cheeks back, then his forehead and the corner of his eyes and his jaw until the boy dissolved in a cacophony of giggles and pushed his godfather off him. Minerva with eyes shimmering, embraced him as well and patted him lightly on the back until she heard about his celebratory plans at her house then she whacked him across the back of his head. Sirius just laughed and apologised, though not sincerely and carried Harry in his arms while they sat in the sunroom discussing everything that Harry did while Sirius was at the Ministry. Though a little slighter than others in his age group due to the mistreatment, Harry was still a growing boy and yet Sirius didn't put him down even once, preferring to have him in his lap as the boy talked animatedly about all his new toys and the potions he brewed with Severus and the creatures that Hagrid showed him. At lunch, Sirius, with Remus' wand, transfigured one of Minerva's tea towels into an apron with a dog print in the centre that earned him another assault from the woman and declared loudly that he would cook.

"Your grandmother taught me how to make this dish," he told Harry, "it was one of your father's favourite dishes from his childhood."

Harry listened reverently and insisted on helping. Unfortunately, Sirius couldn't make the dish he talked of, Minerva's home devoid of at least two thirds of the spices so he made another simpler dish instead that was also one of Euphemia's recipes. Sirius cooed like a besotted parent as he witnessed Harry's concentrative little tongue out of mouth at work for the first time as the kid dutifully peeled some onions. Remus watched them fondly, blushing whenever Sirius turned his attention to him with a large grin. Minerva caught them one time and her eyebrows raised so high they almost disappeared into her hairline.

"Ah, we forgot to tell you that we're dating now, I asked him out today." Sirius said with a wink. "I'm proposing to him tomorrow." Minerva pursed her lips, then folded her arms.

"About time you made an honest man out of my favourite student."

"Wha- I thought I was your favourite student!" Sirius cried, one hand over his heart in mock offence. Remus laughed with Minerva. In retaliation, Sirius transfigured one of her kitchen knives into a child safety knife and gave it to Harry to hack away at the peeled potatoes.

"Oh for Merlin's sake…you have the most childish godfather Harry,"

Harry giggled. Sirius raised a brow as if she issued a challenge and a few moments later, she lost another one of her tea towels as it became a small apron for Harry, complete with a deer print. Sirius yelped as Minerva sent a stinging hex his way. Remus paved the way to peace after promising to return everything to normal. They had a nice lunch outside and under a cooling charm as Sirius wanted to savour the outdoors. Euphemia's cottage pie was a hit with Harry and the boy had two whole servings. During their meal, several owls came and went, congratulating Sirius on his freedom, Sirius stopped checking the senders after the fourth one, choosing to leave them all in a pile for later. Remus kept the cooling charm up while Padfoot and Harry played in the backyard, running and playing tug of war and fetch. He sighed contentedly, feeling the joy of domestic bliss wash over him as he watched the two people he loved tussle in the dirt, laughing and playing. Sirius had completely tired Harry out and the boy was out like a nox when nap time rolled by. Remus helped clean the worst of the dirt off him with magic and decided to bathe him properly after he woke. Sirius himself was showering while Remus and Minerva settled themselves in the sitting room.

After a few minutes, Sirius swaggered into the sitting room, shirtless with only a towel draped across his shoulders. He kissed Remus on the cheek before squeezing in the love seat beside him and leaning his head on his shoulder.

"Must you be indecent?" Minerva chided immediately.

"Yes, I don't have a wand or clothes that aren't Moony's. I need to go shopping…Between the sweater vests and living in this cottage I'm starting to feel like an old bat."

Minerva hadn't brought up them leaving, Sirius was pretty sure she enjoyed their company, at least for the holidays when she didn't have to be at Hogwarts. Sirius didn't mind the cottage, sure that Harry at least loved it as his first real home but he still wanted a place of their own. Cnoc Cottage was so uniquely Minerva, despite her only living in it two months out of the year and he wanted that for their own house. A space uniquely Sirius and Remus and Harry.

"Good, the sooner you move out the sooner peace will return,"

"Don't worry Minnie, even after we move out we'll come over plenty to bother you."

Minerva smiled and took another sip of her tea. "You'd better," she replied.

Sirius didn't host the celebration for his freedom that day, or the next. He wanted to take a few days to enjoy his new relationship with Remus and to spend time with Harry. Minerva was a little vacant. It was nearing the new school term and she was busy preparing the castle and her classes so the couple mainly had the house to themselves. Sirius took the opportunity to flirt with his Moony excessively, often without care if Harry saw or not. He didn't really see the merit in keeping their relationship secret from him but they also hadn't talked to him properly about it. They had just been contemplating it one day when Harry came downstairs to join them in the sitting room, one hand rubbing his eyes and the other clutching a tabby cat plush with spectacle markings.

"Good afternoon Pads…Mooey,"

Remus chuckled at the mispronunciation of his name and brought the boy in his arms. Harry rubbed his face against his shoulders affectionately like a kitten and Remus wondered bemusedly if Minerva was influencing him too much.

"Good afternoon baby, sleep well?" Sirius asked, moving closer to them and kissing Harry's head.


Both men laughed softly as the boy proceeded to fall back asleep in Remus' arms. They enjoyed the quiet for a while until Harry woke again, eyes now brighter and fresher.

"Harry…have you noticed anything new lately? About your Moony and Pads?"

Harry thought for a moment.

"You two kiss more, like Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia sometimes do."

"Yes but aren't we much better looking?"


"Ahem, anyway Harry, what do you think about it?"

Harry cocked his head to the side as if to say, 'I am supposed to think about it?' which made Remus smile.

"I…like it?" he said after a while, "it makes Moony happy when you call him sweetheart and it makes you happy to call him that so I'm happy."

Sirius chuckled at the innocent train of thought and ruffled his hair.

"Are you getting married?" Harry asked curiously. Both men blushed and looked shyly at each other. Sirius took Remus' hand in his and squeezed, grin blinding. Remus squeezed back and smiled.

"Well sort of, the law won't really allow us to be properly married but we'll live together,"

"And I'm getting your Moony a ring that he has to wear whether he likes it or not."

"Why won't the law let you get married?" Harry asked with a frown.

"Because the law is stupid," Sirius said without hesitation. Remus rolled his eyes and explained to Harry briefly that most people were not accepting of two men together. Harry pursed his lips in a very Lily way before saying that the law was indeed stupid. It made Sirius crack up.


Minerva convinced Severus to follow her to Cnoc Cottage for dinner. It was the first time he had come over since Sirius was freed and he wasn't feeling particularly inclined to accept until his colleague guilt tripped him about neglecting Harry for so long when the boy often wondered when his Uncle Severus would come back and teach him how to brew another potion. When they arrived, no sooner had they gone through the front door when little footsteps thundered across the wooden floor. Harry threw himself at Minerva, laughing and giggling as she picked him up and swung him dangerously close to the floor.

"Minnie! Minnie I'm falling!"

"Well, we can't have that, can we," she stopped swinging him and blew a loud raspberry to his cheek, making him laugh more. He gasped when he saw Severus.

"Uncle Severus!"

Minerva put Harry down and the boy approached him shyly.

"May I hug you Uncle Severus?"

Severus blinked and nodded. Harry hugged him tight but quickly, pulling away with a full smile. Severus never thought his boundaries about personal space would be respected by a three year old but here Harry was. Severus smiled and patted the boy on the head. Harry asked him if he could hold his hand and when he said yes, Harry led the both of them to the sitting room where his other two guardians sat. Severus felt the customary swoop of anger and hatred bubbling in his chest as he looked at Sirius. The other man didn't seem at all pleased he was there either.



There was silence while Harry looked between them confusedly. Sirius took a deep breath, got up and came to stand in front of him.

"I'm sorry, for…the you know what I did at school. It was a terribly irresponsible and moronic thing to do. If things went wrong, you could have died, and I would have made my best friend a murderer."

"Are you asking me to forgive you for almost killing me?"

Sirius shook his head.

"No, not forgiveness. But maybe a truce… If it helps, James didn't speak to me for a week after that and Remus punched me in the face."

The corners of Severus' mouth twitched.

"...You're thinking you'd like to punch me in the face?"

"No, that is far too rougeish and beneath me. I would have liked to see it though."

"I am more than happy to reenact it," Remus piped up with a sardonic smile on his face. Sirius looked from his boyfriend to their old enemy, insulted.

"When did the two of you become friends?"

"When he spoke on behalf of my boyfriend at his trial even though my boyfriend almost got him killed."

"So he's your boyfriend now…Where can I vomit?"

"Out back,"

"Please act your ages, there is a child watching," Minerva chimed in. They all cleared their throats and Sirius extended a hand for Severus to shake.


"...For Harry." he said and shook his hand.

Severus didn't think he and Sirius would ever become friends, there was too much unresolved animosity but he was confident they could at least coexist. He had a tentative almost friendship with Remus which wasn't completely abhorrent and although he'd never admit it to anyone, Harry was slowly worming his way into his heart and he didn't think it would be a good idea to antagonise his legal guardian too much if he wanted to keep seeing him. Key word being, 'too much'.


They had their first visit from the Ministry a week after Sirius' trial ended by an Auror named Mariah Jones. She was a young and cheerful witch who conducted herself respectfully and formally. She spoke to the three of them together, then Harry alone, then Remus and Sirius. Minerva came home halfway through her visit and so she also talked to her as the owner of the house.

"Right well, I see no cause for worry! All I see are three loving parents and one very happy child!" She said once she was finished with her inspections.

"I'll write up my report and I don't think I'll have to come back unless something comes up."

"Thank you so much Ms. Jones," Remus said politely.

"No worries!"

"Goodbye Ms. Jones!" Harry said. Mariah's fun and open personality made Harry warm up to her instantly.

"Stay groovy little man," she said to Harry, giving him a little fist bump.

"Bye Mr. Black, Mr. Lupin! Bye Professor!"

"My, and like a storm she's gone again." Minerva said with a laugh. "I miss having her in my classes."

"She must have been quite a riot,"

"Yes but a well behaved non rule breaking riot, unlike some other students I know."

Remus kissed the pout off Sirius' face.


After a week, Sirius was starting to feel a little cooped up. Minerva would be dining at Hogwarts that evening so Sirius suggested a night out for his family in muggle London. They could shop and eat out and take a stroll through the city. Harry was excited, he had never been to London before, all the times his Aunt and Uncle brought Dudley there he had been left with Mrs. Figg, their neighbour who owned too many cats. He grew more excited still when Sirius told him they would be stopping by at Gringotts, the wizard bank in Diagon Alley. Remus was a little hesitant, worried about the press but Sirius said there was no use avoiding them forever and that he didn't think there would be many wix photographers in the muggle world. Remus went through the floo first, then Harry, then Sirius. The Leaky Cauldron, which was where they emerged, was full of life. The patrons that were staying there were obviously enjoying some dinner and each others' company. The cheery and distracted atmosphere was perfect for the family of three and they managed to inconspicuously make their way to the bins out back without being recognised. Remus took out his wand and tapped the bricks with practised ease. Sirius made a mental note to get himself a new wand another day. Harry watched fascinated as the bricks melted away to reveal Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley was almost the complete opposite to the lively pub. It was quiet and mostly empty which was understandable as there were only a few shops still open, including Gringotts. Harry looked around in awe. Despite the quiet, the sights were still fascinating to him. Instruments he had never seen before in shop windows, the moving pictures of posters and newspapers, then finally the grand marble building of Gringotts, still alight with faint glow from within. Harry, nervous about entering a big building, made grabby hands towards Remus and the man picked him up and held him close. When Harry caught sight of his first goblin, he let out a little gasp.

"Goblins," Remus explained quietly, "they run the banks and are meticulously good at it."

"Good evening, I'd like to make a withdrawal." Sirius said to the goblin at the front desk. The goblin looked at him up and down and bowed slightly.

"Good evening Lord Black,"

"Just Black is fine,"

"Very well Mr. Black, Gronuk will help you down to the vaults."

Another goblin, Gronuk probably, walked over with a parchment.

"This way Mr. Black,"

Gronuk led him away to a small sitting area and placed the parchment in front of him.

"Blood test, if you will,"

Sirius pricked his finger with the provided pin and dropped some of his blood onto the parchment. It glowed faintly and letters started writing themselves in loopy cursive.




"Which vault will you be accessing today Mr. Black?" Gronuk asked.

"Vault five hundred and ninety eight,"

Sirius claimed a vault for himself as soon as he became of age, Fleamont and Euphemia helped him with the initial deposit, and it was on that day that he discovered his Uncle Alphard had left him a considerable fortune. He didn't know why, Uncle Alphard and he were never close, he had never considered tapping into it at all at the time, feeling bitter towards his family but he wondered faintly if he would need it now that they had to buy a house.

"Very good, follow me."

"Remus, stay here with Harry. I don't think he'll agree with those wretched carts."


Sirius smiled and kissed Harry on the cheek, before following Gornuk down to the vaults. Remus waited with Harry, feeling distinctly out of place. He never had much cause to stay in Gringotts for longer than it took for them to convert his measly pounds. To settle his nerves, he started telling Harry about the bank and the history of goblins. Harry listened with a sparkle in his eyes and Remus wondered if they would have a little Ravenclaw on their hands. Sirius returned with an obscene amount of money, half of which was converted to pounds and then they were off, back through the Leaky Cauldron and to Muggle London. Harry walked cheerfully between them, his hands held in their firm grasp, he had seen his Aunt and Uncle do the same for Dudley many times, but this time he's the one in the middle, being swung lightly by his two favourite people as they walked to the shopping centre. It made his heart all fluttery and pleasant, it felt like they were a family. He shook his head firmly, no, he thought, not like, they were a family.

They entered the shopping centre and Harry was just as amazed by it as he was Diagon Alley, maybe more because unlike Diagon Alley, the shopping centre was still bustling with life and activity. All the shops were still open, there were a flurry of other families and older teen groups. The crowd was quite hectic and Sirius picked Harry up in fear of losing him.

"Alright, first stop, leather jacket!" he said happily. Remus rolled his eyes but followed his boyfriend fondly. As it was, they didn't get a leather jacket first, and instead gotten distracted at the records store, the children's clothing store, where Sirius very nearly bought out the entire stock of clothes, and the toy store where Remus had to wonder who was the one having more fun, the adult or the child. Harry, Remus noticed, was hesitant to voice what he wanted and liked, most of the clothes had been chosen by Sirius, the man buying everything his godson looked adorable in and even in the toy store he had looked and been fascinated but he didn't ask them to buy anything, a stark contrast to the other children, some of who were throwing tantrums on the store floor to get their parents to buy the toy they wanted. He would have to talk to Padfoot about it and figure out how to help Harry become more selfish with them.

Finally, they arrived at one of the adult clothing stores and Sirius cried out in excitement as he saw the leather jacket in the window. Remus and Harry sat at the waiting area while Sirius tried on a lot of clothes, coming out to show them each outfit with a swagger that was very Sirius. The part-timer that was helping them looked from Remus to Sirius with curiosity in his eyes but he didn't comment on their odd situation until Sirius was paying. He leaned in to whisper conspiratorially, a small smile on his face.

"I think you three make a beautiful family,"

To say he was pleased was an understatement. Sirius beamed at the teen, all teeth and closed eyes and left him a generous tip.

"Thank you for your patronage!"

Satisfied that he finally had some clothes to wear that weren't Moony's 'librarian clothes', they took a break to eat some dinner at the food court. Sirius' fingers twitched again as he felt the urge to take a picture of Harry holding his much too large hamburger in his hands. He brought a napkin to wipe the sides of the boy's face which was puffed up with food.


"Vewey," Harry said, mouth still full. Sirius snickered as Remus slapped his arm lightly, scolding him for making Harry talk with his mouth full. When they were done with their meal, Sirius only had two goals left, buy a camera and buy his Moony clothes. The first was easily achievable as he didn't need to convince a stubborn werewolf to just let himself be spoiled. The first picture he took with his new camera was of course, of Remus and Harry. The shop helper had suggested it, to try it out and Sirius motioned for them to pose under the fluorescent lights and snapped a beautiful shot of his family, identical grins on their faces.

"Excellent," he said, looking at the picture fondly. He bought a couple more sd cards, convinced he'd wear out the first within the month and turned back to Remus and Harry. Remus was staring off into space with a frown while Harry looked up at him in concern. Sirius followed his gaze to a lunar chart in the shop opposite them with crystals and dream catchers.

"Full moon soon, we'll have to be careful."

"We will," Sirius said, grasping one of his hands. "The forest near Minnie's looks good, we can go hunt, it'll be like old times."

Remus shook his head.

"Way too close to Harry, and you're staying with him."

"What? Harry can do without me for one night!"


"No, fuck you. I did not go through a gruelling trial just so you could be alone on the full moon!"

"Ssh, keep it down," Sirius opened his mouth to continue arguing but shut it. He grabbed the shopping bags and walked out the store, Remus' hand still in his.

"We can talk about it later, come on. Let's get you some clothes that have style."

Remus muttered something under his breath which sounded a lot like 'I have style'.


That night, Sirius betrayed Remus by bringing Minerva into the discussion and she immediately shut down Remus' 'pity party' as Sirius so eloquently put it, and told him there was no way in hell he would be without Padfoot during the full moon. She did however, tell Sirius that the woods near Cnoc Cottage weren't an option, too many muggles nearby that were prone to use it for camping trips. She suggested the Forbidden Forest instead, it was familiar grounds for both of them and there would be no students up at the castle. Finally, with two stubborn Gryffindors hounding him, Remus finally agreed to spend the full moon with Padfoot and leave Harry to Minerva's care for the night.

"Don't look so smug, you ganged up on me." Remus said to him later in Harry's bedroom. The boy was choosing a bedtime story for them to read to him. Sirius puffed up his chest like a haughty peacock and replied.

"Because my dear Moony, you were being completely daft."

Remus rolled his eyes. Unable to choose, Harry abandoned his bookshelf and walked up to them, climbing into the bed between them and linking both his arms with theirs. He had been listening intently to their conversations since Remus brought up the full moon and his curiosity could no longer be held back.

"Are you going away on the full moon?" he asked.

"Yes Harry, do you remember when I told you I was a werewolf?" Harry nodded. "Well, being a werewolf means I turn into a dangerous creature during the full moon and that's why I can't be with you until I turn back."

"But Padfoot can?"

"That's right, because werewolves don't hurt animals, only humans." It wasn't really that simple but the explanation would more than suffice for a three year old.

Harry sat, thoughtful.

"So, if I become an animagic I can join you on the full moon?"

Remus looked at the boy fondly and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. The thought that Harry wanted to become an animagus just for him was touching and heartwarming, making him feel the same way when his friends had done the same for him years ago.

"It's animagus and well, we'll see, Harry."

"I'll study really hard so that I can become a powerful wizard and an animagus and then run with you and Padfoot on the full moon!"

Sirius chuckled wetly.

"Sure kid, looking forward to it."


Remus had almost forgotten how painful it was to transform into a werewolf in light of his new happiness. He had been skittish all day, worrying Harry immensely, and now that it was time he didn't feel any better. Sirius had convinced Severus to brew the Wolfsbane Potion for him, covering all the costs of the ingredients and the service charge. It didn't feel good for his pride for Sirius to spend so much money on him just for one night but he had to admit it was nice having the peace of mind. After his transformation was completed, he blinked and felt the familiar rush of overwhelming senses but none of that immediate need to rip and tear, to hunt. Being under the influence of the Wolfsbane potion was interesting, it felt similar to the lucidity that came with being around Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail but much more…human. He was fully in control of all his thoughts, just with a few added wolfish instincts. He presumed it was what being an animagus must have felt like.

Padfoot nudged his furry shoulder with a wet nose and whined softly. Remus, or Moony now, licked Padfoot's face in one dry motion. The dog shook his head and Moony made this strange chuffing noise that he gathered was a wolf version of a laugh. Running through the woods with a clear mind and a companion made all the difference and soon the pain of transforming was forgotten. They chased after rabbits and unicorns, ran away from a herd of thestrals and tried and failed to climb the trees. It was the best night Moony had as a werewolf for a long time and while his canine heart missed the other two members of his pack, his mate's presence and the promise that his cub might join soon made him feel lighter than air.


Minerva watched amused as Harry, tongue out, combed her cottage for all the books she owned and brought them into the sitting room. It was unlike him to make a mess so she let him get on with it, figuring she would ask him what he was doing once he was finished. After it seemed, the last book, a particularly difficult Transfiguration research paper, was dragged into the room and placed on the pile, the boy sat on the floor with a determined look on his face and picked up one of the volumes of her favourite cook book and started staring at the pages with an intense look. She took a picture of him with Sirius' camera before she knew what she was doing. Harry stared at the pages for a long time before turning the book upside down and turning the page. She did her best to stifle her laughter as she took more pictures, before deciding to put the poor boy out of his misery.

"Harry… what are you doing?"

"I'm studying!"

"I see… and why are you studying?"

"I'm studying so that I can become a powerful wizard and become an animagic and run with Moony and Padfoot."

"It's animagus, dear, and while I'm not one to discourage tenacity, you won't be able to become an animagus until you're much much older. It's a very difficult process and involves a deep connection with your magical core, among other things."

Harry frowned and looked down at his lap. Minerva smiled and rifled through the collection of books Harry brought into the room. When she found what she was looking for, she went back to her chair and patted her lap.

"When you're ready, Sirius and I can guide you through becoming an animagus, for now, maybe you'd like me to read to you all about them." She pointed to the title, and spelled out the words on the front. Harry tottered over and followed along. 'Animagi; Transfiguration or Transformation?'. After Harry was in her lap, Minerva expected him to fall asleep halfway through the first page. The book, although basic by her standards, was definitely not for three year olds to follow along or understand but the boy fixed his vivid green eyes steadfastly on each word as she read, mouthing some of the longer words to himself. They managed to finish the whole first chapter before the boy's eyes started drooping. He protested all the way up to his bedroom, claiming he wasn't sleepy and wanted to hear more about animagi.

Minerva tucked him in and ran a hand through his hair.

"Baby steps Harry, if you study too much all at once, you won't remember anything. It's important to find balance with work, play and rest."

"...Do you think Moony is okay?"

"I'm sure he's fine, love. They'll come home tomorrow, can you promise me to be gentle with your Remus? He'll be worn out for a while so he'll need all your love and support, you can't be loud or rough."

"I won't," he said, stifling a yawn, "I will be gentle…"

"I'm sure you will, good night darling."

"G'night Professor Minnie…"

Minerva shook her head fondly at the nickname and kissed the boy lightly on his head. The corners of his mouth quirked up in a small grin and she sat beside him, stroking his hair until the boy fell asleep. When she offered up her home to the boy and her former students, she never thought she would come to care for him this much. She knew some amount of affection would be inevitable, he was Lily and James' son after all, two people who she thought the world of, but her love for Harry had grown tremendously since getting to know him. He had Lily's protectiveness and James' humour, some of Remus' calmness and Sirius' playfulness. Sirius even claimed the boy was inheriting her sass and she pretended not to be pleased about it. But Harry was also entirely his own person, little as he was. He was a little shy, unselfish, and so sweet he had even melted Severus' cold heart. With one last kiss to his forehead, she closed all the lights and retired to her bedroom, the smile never leaving her face.


Remus didn't know whether to be pleased or frustrated at being fussed over by not only Sirius and Minerva but by Harry as well. All day the three of them kept popping their heads into the room with a varying assortment of things in their arms. Chocolates, tea, ice packs, heat packs, flowers and half of Harry's toy collection were now arranged haphazardly on the bed and the bedside table. Currently, his visitor was Harry, who seemingly had the most trouble staying away. He sat on the chair next to the bed, one of his stories in his hands as he read, or tried to read, it out to Remus. Every now and then he would press the small Padfoot Remus made for him back into the man's arms and stroked his hair with little hands before returning to his adorable and yet horribly incorrect rendition of 'The Wizard and the Hopping Pot'.

"No Moony you have to rest!" he would say everytime Remus sat up to go to the bathroom from all the copious amounts of tea they kept making him drink.

"Please Harry, I haven't become completely useless you know."

Harry frowned at him sadly and sat back down, hands in his lap. Remus smiled softly at him. It must have been unnerving to see one of his guardians look so weak and frail. Sirius told him about it once, how agonisingly helpless he felt after every full moon when no amount of pain relieving potions or medication could help Remus recover from the strain of transforming.

"Come here," he said softly, smiling when Harry hesitated, "you won't hurt me Harry, you're too little."

"I'm not little…" he said with some attitude, before sniffing loudly and wiping his eyes and climbing into Remus' lap.

"I'm really happy you're all taking good care of me, but really, I'm fine. Severus told you about the wolfsbane potion right? It made me calm and able to keep my senses. I'm not as tired or in pain as I usually am, plus I had Padfoot, so stop worrying, okay?"


"So can I please go to the bathroom without holding your hand this time?"

Harry giggled and nodded. Remus kissed him on the head before depositing him roughly onto the bed, face first right into the pile of toys. Harry squealed in indignation and Remus laughed loudly, hands on his hips.

"That's what you get for treating me like I'm fragile!"

"I'm sorry," Harry said, not looking sorry at all. Remus rolled his eyes, wondering when Harry had become so like Sirius.

When he came back from the bathroom, he saw Sirius balancing a fresh tray of tea and biscuits in his lap and sharing a cookie with Harry, who ate while sitting in the bed. Remus would have found the sight heartwarming if he wasn't so annoyed at being babied.

"Enough with the bloody tea," he said exasperated, waving his hands. Sirius looked down at the floor like a kicked puppy, making him want to scream with frustration.

"Alright, listen to me, both of you. Leave me be for at least two hours, I'm going to take a long nap then I'll join you for dinner, okay?"

"Okay?" He repeated when they didn't reply.

"Yes Moony," they said with their heads hung low.

"Merlin…you can't act like this every full moon Pads,"

"I'm sorry but that is non negotiable."

Remus huffed but smiled.

"Just take the tea and Harry and get the hell out of here," he said quietly with no real heat. Sirius chuckled and kissed him briefly.

"Alright Harry, let's go before cranky Moony hexes us into next week."


A letter came for Sirius one morning when the house party was enjoying a simple breakfast in the kitchen. It was delivered by a small scops owl who came fluttering down and landing in Sirius's palms. It hooted softly and held out its tiny leg for Sirius to take the letter it had brought.

"Who's it from?" Remus asked.

"Gordon Jensen, no idea who that is." he said, seeing the name on the back of the envelope. He noticed the owl stuck around, waddling across the table to help itself to Harry's bacon. The boy laughed and petted it softly, making it break out into happy trills. He made a mental note to get a couple of owls for them once they found a house. He was looking, he really was. Got into contact with some wix real estate agents and even a couple of muggle ones but all the houses they showed didn't strike his fancy. He wasn't even sure what he was truly looking for but he knew he would feel it once he saw the right house.

He tore open the letter carefully then began to read, his eyebrows receding further and further to his hairline with each sentence.

Dear Mr. Black,

I'm sorry to contact you out of the blue but my name is Gordon Jensen, I was Alphard Black's solicitor. I'd like to meet with you to go over the assets and the fortune he left for you. I understand this must be a bit of a shock but let me explain briefly why I have only contacted you now.

Before Mr. Black senior passed away, he organised all his material assets and divided them between yourself and your cousin, Andromeda Tonks. I was tasked with going through them with you along with passing a letter. However, I was unable to carry out my assignment because of the dark times that loomed over us back in 1976. You see, I am a squib and it was especially dangerous for my wife, a muggle born witch and myself to stay in Britain while You-Know-Who gained power. She had some family in the United States so we fled there before the worst hit.

I returned to England in 1981 with every intention of following through, I managed to contact Mrs. Tonks but heard you had unfortunately been taken over by the dark side and was serving time. Of course, you could imagine my joy when I heard about it all being a mistake.

I do hope you can make some time for me and meet me at my office at four o'clock tomorrow, you can send your reply with Raya, the scops owl. She'll be instructed to wait.

Congratulations on your release,

Gordon Jensen.

There were floo coordinates under his name, probably to his office.

"It's…from my uncle's solicitor…"


Sirius nodded.

"He wants to see me to pass on a letter and discuss what he left for me."

"Why only now?"

"He was apparently on the run, he's a squib married to a muggleborn."

"A squib? Your uncle employed the services of a squib?"

"Well, Uncle Alphard never felt strongly about the pureblood bullsh- I mean bull…poop. At least, I think he didn't."

Sirius went into the sitting room and was surprised when Raya followed him. She perched herself on his shoulder and hooted. Sirius smiled, amused, as he wrote out his reply. He tied his short note to her leg and then sent her out the front door before returning to the fireplace and floo calling Andromeda to ask her about Mr. Jensen. Andromeda confirmed that the story he told Sirius was the same one he told her and that Uncle Alphard had left her quite a bit of gold and a few businesses. When he asked her what he wrote in the letter, she just laughed and said she'd tell him after he read his.

His curiosity led him to arrive thirty minutes early to Mr. Jensen's office the next day, unable to sit still at home any longer. The room he entered once he stepped out of the fireplace was very muggle in design. There were several bookshelves lining the wall and in the centre was a desk with a computer and a stack of papers. How very curious.

"Uh, hello? Anybody here?"

A man entered the room moments later, giving him a small smile, tea tray in hand. The man, who he assumed was Mr. Jensen, was stocky and a little stout, with a short beard and kind eyes hidden by spectacles.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Black, my name is Gordon Jensen,"

They shook hands and Mr. Jensen gestured to the chair in front of the desk. Sirius sat. He poured them both tea and sat down across from Sirius.

"Thank you for keeping your promise to my Uncle all these years, I was quite surprised when I learned he left me anything, maybe you'll finally tell me why he did."

"Then perhaps you'd like to read his letter first? I can't tell you much myself, he wasn't one to share beyond business matters."

Sirius took the letter from him, taking in the neat handwriting and the Black family crest wax seal. Mr. Jensen also handed him a letter opener which he used. He opened the short letter and read.

Dear Nephew,

You must be confused to receive something from me, given we had no past closeness. I'll have to admit, leaving you children anything came purely from an impulsivity that I was not aware I possessed.

Along with part of my fortune, I'd like to leave you my personal sanctuary Lia Nora, the home I built for myself to escape our family. It is hidden by muggles and is protected by ancient wardstones to prevent other wizards from finding or stumbling upon it.

I was always a solitary creature but from what little I know of you, you are quite the opposite. Should you choose to bring those you love with you to Lia Nora, just place both hands on the central wardstone and bequeath them entry.

Your bemused Uncle,


Ps. Send my regards to my faithful elves when you visit Lia Nora.

Sirius' eyes bugged. Impulse? Lia Nora? ELVES? He took a full five minutes to compose himself. Mr. Jensen gave him privacy, idly occupying himself with some papers from his desk and looking the other way. Sirius had no idea just how eccentric his Uncle Alphard had been, but he must have been quite the oddity if he left his fortune to his two outcasts of a niece and nephew from pure impulse.

"What the hell?"

Mr. Jensen chuckled.

"Mr. Black was always a reserved man,"

"Reserved? He sounds like he was downright bonkers."

Mr. Jensen made an amused choking sort of sound before clearing his throat.

"From my dealings with him, I would say Mr. Black simply wanted to be a free soul. His home, which I understand no human had ever set foot in except him, was his escape."


"So you never went...?"

"Oh no, I never even heard of it until he decided to leave it to you. We had all our meetings via firecall or owl or occasionally but rarely, at my office."

"How did he get so wealthy?"

Mr. Jensen smiled and took a sip of his tea.

"He made most of his money via muggle stock trading."

"I'm sorry, WHAT?"

"He also owned some land, most of which belong to your cousin now, Mrs. Tonks."

Sirius listened in astonishment as Mr. Jensen continued to list all of Uncle Alphard's business ventures. Some failed, but most were successful and not all muggle. A lot of the still running wix businesses were under Andromeda's name, a few were in his, steadily filling his vault with more gold.

"Hang on," Sirius read the parchment of assets in his name more carefully.

"Do I technically own the post office in Hogsmeade?"

"Yes, I believe so."

Sirius rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"Shall we take a break?"

Sirius sighed deeply and stood.

"Yes I think I must, I'll come with my family next time. Sort of the important particulars."

"As you wish Mr. Black."

"Do you know where Lia Nora is?"

"Is that the name of the house? No, I'm sorry I don't. I thought Mr. Black would have told you in his letter."

Sirius looked back at his letter and felt foolish when he saw the coordinates at the bottom. He was so shocked about the rest of the letter that he hadn't seen it. He bid goodbye to Mr. Jensen, taking the documents with him to review with Remus. Remus was astonished to hear about what he had learnt and together they found where Lia Nora was on the map. The coordinates that were in the letter weren't floo coordinates like he originally suspected but muggle map coordinates and it took them a while to find where it was. Surprisingly, it wasn't that far from where they currently were. The coordinates pointed to a small forest in the north of Scotland and after much deliberation, Sirius decided to visit it in the morning.

From what little his uncle had told him in his letter, he assumed the house was still heavily warded and saw no point in bringing Remus or Harry with him before he was able to find where the supposed central wardstone was. He apparated nearby and navigated clumsily through the woods with his muggle map before he felt a strong surge of natural magic guiding him subtly through the trees and the branches. He shivered as the telltale feeling of wards washed over him and when he found what he was looking for, he gasped.

Lia Nora was breathtaking. The large estate was mostly wild grounds filled with trees, flowers and organised vegetable patches. The house itself was made of stone and brick, every inch of wall covered in different types of climbing plants, next to it was a simple greenhouse filled with its fair share of interesting looking plants. In the distance, he saw some ward stones that stood on what he assumed was the boundary of the estate. He set off to find the central wardstone at once, wanting to share the sights with Remus and Harry but he was halted in his journey when a small body came crashing into him. It was a house elf with light purple skin wearing a unique green toga that looked as if it were made with the leaves and vines growing around the house.

"Mister Sirius! Mister Sirius has come! Milly is so pleased!" She cried happily, looking up at him with wide blue eyes.

"Milly! Get off him!" another voice cried. Sirius looked up to see another house elf in the same strange leaf clothing, only his was in another style, like a tunic.

"Hullo, you must be Uncle Alphard's house elves."

To his surprise, the male elf glared at him with severe blue eyes.

"We are not house elves, you ignorant wizard!"

"Bad Remy! You cannot be disrespectful to Master Alphard's nephew."

The female elf pulled away from his pants to do a little curtsy and she smiled kindly at him.

"It is very nice meeting you Mister Sirius, my name is Milly and this is my brother Remy."

"It's very nice to meet you too, thank you for caring for Lia Nora all this time,"

Remy sputtered and waved his finger in Sirius' direction, clearly offended.

"Listen here, wizard, the only reason we served Alphard was because he saved our forest, he was a good and respectable person. But we are not like house elves blind with submission, we are not slaves!"

"I never took you to be slaves," Sirius said calmly. "My Uncle left Lia Nora to me and I hope you will continue to serve it as you have."

"Foolish wizard! We is doing that even without you saying it. Lia Nora is our home."

Sirius scratched the back of his head. He didn't know how to deal with this overly hostile house elf, elf, his mind reminded him. He had to get used to not referring to them as such. They were clearly not like their…subservient counterparts. Milly at first glance seemed a little similar, with her respectful address and eagerness to please but there was something more liberal in her actions that he never saw the Black House elves.

"Will you be living here now Mister Sirius?" she asked. Sirius smiled. Even though he hadn't seen much of the estate, he was drawn to it. It had the feeling of home. It was clear that Lia Nora was a very special place and he longed to show Remus and Harry to hear what they thought of it.

"Maybe, I'll have to come back with my family, I wonder if you know where the central wardstone is?"

"Milly knows, Sir!" She took his hand, yet another action the Black house elves would have never dared to do, and led him to a small trap door covered by ferns and weeds next to the house. She opened it with a snap of her fingers and Sirius felt goosebumps forming on his skin as the feeling of old, ancient magic surged out from within, surrounding him and examining him. He shivered as it passed and receded.

"Are you okay Mister Sirius?"

"Yea, I'm okay, thanks."

Milly went in first and Sirius followed after, climbing down the ladder. The small basement was cool and incredibly clean, the elves had obviously been tending to it dutifully. In the centre was the largest wardstone he had ever seen, covered in small vines and plants. There were large runes etched into it, when Sirius observed closer, he found it was written with smaller runes.

"How…how long has this been here?"

"Master Alphard brought it here to protect Lia Nora. It has been here for twenty or so years, Milly doesn't know for sure."

Sirius took a deep breath, stretched his wrists and fingers before placing his hands on the top of the wardstone. He didn't really know what he was doing, the runes glowed faintly and he figured it wouldn't hurt to just…ask the stone to let Remus and Harry in. He repeated his wish in his head and kept his hands firmly on the stone as the runes glowed brighter as if confirming his decision to let them in. After the glow receded, he let go and looked to Milly, wondering if she could tell him if it worked or not, but she just smiled vacantly and cocked her head.

"Is Mister Sirius finished with his business?"

"I think so…uh Milly, do you know what happens to those who enter without the wards' permission?"

"They get sent back to outside the forest," she said.

Ok, Sirius thought, that wasn't so bad. If Sirius hadn't actually managed to change the wards at least he had the reassurance that nothing violent would happen.

When Sirius climbed back out of the basement, he saw Remy pacing, muttering to himself. He felt a little bad for him. He had obviously inherited more than just a house, there was more to the estate and the forest than he thought, more to Uncle Alphard. Sirius wished his Uncle was still alive so that he could talk to him, ask him what the bloody hell he was thinking, leaving all of this to him without a lick of explanation. He hoped the elves could tell him more, but he wanted his Moony by his side before he started asking them anything.

"Well, I'll be back soon, I'll see you two later."

"It was very nice to meet you Mister Sirius!"

Sirius tried to apparate but realised he couldn't while within the ward boundaries. He walked out to the edge of the forest then apparated to Cnoc Cottage where he found Remus and Harry in the kitchen, making what looked like black shapeless lumps. Sirius chuckled. Remus wasn't a bad cook, but he could never bake to save his life.

"I'm back," he said, kissing Remus and Harry on the cheek.

"Welcome back Padfoot!" Harry said cheerfully. "We made scary cookies."

"Probably best no one eats these…" Remus said sheepishly, "We'll ask your Aunt Poppy to make us some cookies later." He vanished the abominations and they sat at the kitchen table with some water.

"How was the house, Pads?" Remus asked.

"Amazing. It's in the middle of a forest that I'm sure is shrouded in old magic, there's a greenhouse and a pond and flowers and plants and trees everywhere and two very weird but kind of endearing elves. I'm not sure if I adjusted the wards properly but we could go see if it worked."

"Where are we seeing?" Harry asked.

"We're going to Lia Nora, an estate that my Uncle left for me. You'll love it Harry, there's plenty of space to ride your broom, and I'm sure there's loads of magical creatures for you to observe."

Remus smiled.

"You really like it then?"

"I haven't checked out the house yet but, I am feeling it, Remus, this could be our home."


It was the first time Harry had gone anywhere with side along apparition, not counting the time Remus brought him to his apartment when he was unconscious. It was an extremely unpleasant feeling and the poor boy got sick at the edge of the forest. Sirius rubbed his back guiltily. Apparition was the fastest way to Lia Nora, at least for now.

"I'm so sorry pup, you alright?"

"Alright…" Harry said weakly. Remus performed a quick mouth freshening charm to get rid of the acrid taste in Harry's mouth and Sirius conjured him a glass of water. Harry thanked them both and drank gratefully. Sirius vanished the glass when he was done and they set off through the woods.

"Once we get to the house, we can open up and connect the floo and you won't have to ever apparate again until you're older."

"Floo's no better," Harry mumbled. "Wizard travel is dizzy."

"There's also broomsticks, but the journey would be much longer."

"That reminds me, I wonder where Hagrid put my motorcycle, it would be great to go for a fly."

"...You can't bring Harry with you on the motorcycle."

"But Moony! He came along when he was one!"

"Yea and Lily flayed you and James within an inch of your lives, he's not getting on that damn bike again. Not until he's seventeen."

Sirius grumbled under his breath. Harry giggled and held his godfather's hand to cheer him up. Sirius squeezed his hand and smiled, leading them deeper into the forest.

"Wow, it's a bowtruckle!" Harry said, pointing at one of the trees and sure enough Sirius found it moving stealthily among the branches after looking carefully and squinting.

"You have a good eye pup, I imagine you'd be a damn good seeker." Harry grinned as he ruffled his hair.

"Is this a magic forest?"

"Yes, I think so. One of the very last in Britain I imagine." Remus replied.

"Oh, we're here." Sirius said as he felt the wards wash over him. "Feast your eyes,"

Sirius watched in delight as both Remus and Harry's mouths fell open at the sight before them. Lia Nora stood in all its glory, beautiful and serene. Sirius had to steer them with hands on their backs and they checked out the grounds together. The vegetable patches were growing all sorts of summer produce and looked tended and well cared for. The overgrown grass and ferns almost towered over Harry and Sirius was just wondering where the elves were when he saw a small round door with windows on either side built into the face of the hill.

"How curious," Remus said, walking around the house.

"This must be where the elves live." Sirius commented.

"I don't think I've ever seen an elf house before, kind of looks like what I thought Hobbit houses would look like."

"Heh, it does yea."

Harry walked up to it without hesitation and knocked on the door.

Remy opened the door and he startled as he saw the little boy staring at him with excitement. Remus and Sirius were too amused to stop him.

"Hello sir, my name is Harry! What's your name?"

If Remy was surprised before, he was shocked now, eyes bugging and mouth hanging open.


Sirius couldn't help cracking up, even Remus was stifling a laugh behind his hand. Harry looked curiously at them, not knowing what they found funny.

Milly came out from behind her brother and beamed at the new people.

"Visitors! Visitors to Lia Nora!"

"Hello Milly, Remy. This is my boyfriend Remus Lupin and our son, Harry Potter."

Remus squirmed happily at the introduction and couldn't help looking at Sirius affectionately. Harry too was extremely pleased by it and he puffed out his little chest in pride.

"It is very nice to meet you all," Milly said with a smile. "Master Alphard never had visitors so Milly is pleased."

Milly shook Harry's hand happily while Remy continued to have an existential crisis. Milly asked them if they'd like a tour of the grounds and the house and Sirius saw no reason to object. Harry took Milly's hand and the three of them set off across the garden.

"This here is the vegetable garden that Master Alphard asked Milly and Remy to grow, he didn't like to go outside and buy food."

"These are the apple and pear trees! Remy and I is making cider every year. Master Alphard never cared for alcohols so we is drinking it all ourselves."

"Delicious, I love cider." Sirius said, smacking his lips.

"Milly will make you and Mister Remus yummy cider when the fruits are ripe. If you is looking carefully, there is already lots of young fruits." She pointed to the small pale green fruits in the trees and Harry looked straight up at them, he would have fallen backwards if it wasn't for Milly's hands supporting his head.

"Thank you Milly, that is very kind." Remus said smiling.

"Can I have some?" Harry asked innocently. Milly giggled.

"Silly child," she said, "Alcohols is not for you. Milly will make you juice instead."

"Yay juice! Thank you Milly."

Milly called him a polite child and patted his head.

"Ah the greenhouse! Master Alphard's treasure. He was growing many important plants in here."

She pushed the door open and entered the greenhouse. Sirius and Remus noticed immediately that it wasn't a typical greenhouse. There were rows and rows of planters, which was not odd in itself but a few were encased in domes of differently coloured translucent lights. When Sirius waved a tentative hand within one of the domes with a pale orange glow, he felt hot humid heat prickle his skin.

"Amazing, I think each of these is a controlled climate."

"That is correct," Milly said, "before he passed, Master Alphard was giving us very strict instructions on the caring of these plants and taught us how to harvest and maintain them. Many important clients be needing them and their owls still come for them regularly."

Remus and Sirius looked around the greenhouse identifying a few of the plants. Harry was a little too short to see them and quickly grew bored.

"Can I go see the pond with Milly?" he asked Sirius and Remus. They exchanged a glance and looked at Milly wondering if they trusted her enough to leave Harry to her care.

"Do not worry Misters! Milly can take care of the small child."

"Alright dear, have fun." Remus said with a small smile.

"Come young one, Milly will show you the water pixies."

"Wow! There are water pixies?"

Milly nodded as she led him to the pond's edge.

"Master Alphard was not fond of them at all but he never made them leave." She pointed to the small glowing specs floating on top of the water. Harry thought they were dragonflies at first, but then one of them landed right in front of him and he saw with a little gasp of surprise, a small pointed face looking at him just as curiously. The water pixie had dark green skin and black beady eyes. It wore a light covering of vines and its wings fluttered rapidly. Harry didn't know if water pixies had distinct genders but the one that had approached him looked androgynous.

"Hello," he said, stepping back and extending a hand. The pixie landed on his finger and bounced carefully as if discerning if it was a worthy seat. He giggled.

"You are very beautiful," he said to it and it blushed before flying up into the air and twirling.

"So now he's moved on to charming magical creatures," Remus said amusedly behind them. Sirius laughed. They had followed Harry and Milly outside, wanting to see how the boy interacted with the elf. Not wanting to be noticed, they kept their distance and their voices low.

"He's going to break so many hearts and not even know it. Remember Susan?"

Remus chuckled. Susan had met Harry at Sirius' celebratory dinner and it took all but a few smiles and some flowers to have her blushing and giggling.

"We sure he hasn't got any veela genes or something?" Sirius asked as a small group of pixies crowded around Harry, bringing him shiny stones and leaves. Remus shook with laughter. They watched Harry for a little longer until some of the pixies started getting into his hair, pouring droplets of water onto his face. Milly scolded them and shooed them away with her hands. Harry said goodbye to the sad pixies and Milly helped him deposit all his gifts from them in a small leaf bag that she had on her. With a snap of her fingers, he was dry again.

"Shall we see the house?" she suggested, bringing Harry back to Sirius and Remus. They nodded and followed her up the hill.

The house was quite unexpected. Milly opened the front doors to reveal a simple entrance hall, almost completely devoid of any furniture, save for a coat rack and a bin. There were stairs leading to the second floor and a kitchen right across from the front door with a couple of steps leading down to it. Milly turned left first so they followed her into a bright sitting room where the fireplace was. Again the room was sparse. There was all but one armchair by the fireplace, a few low bookshelves and a small round table.

"He lived rather simply didn't he," Remus commented. Sirius didn't reply, his mind was already thinking excitedly of all the kinds of furniture he could get and how to arrange them in the empty canvas that lay before them.

"Master Alphard did not host," she said simply before bringing them back to the hall and down to the kitchen.

"Watch your step, child," she said kindly to Harry.

The kitchen was just as simply decorated as the sitting room and not really a kitchen at all. There was one stove just big enough to house a kettle or a small pot and the cabinets were bare except for one teapot and a mug.

"Master Alphard never did cooking, we would always send his food with magic."

Milly took them upstairs where they found two rooms and a bathroom. The first room housed several more book shelves, a desk, a chair and most surprisingly a computer. Sirius had no idea how his Uncle Alphard managed to get a computer to function at all around this much magic and vowed to check it out after. The second room was a bedroom. There was a queen size bed in the centre of the room, a bedside table, and a rug.

"Either Uncle Alphard had no personality or he didn't live here at all." Sirius said to Remus under his breath. Remus smiled.

"You must make allowance for difference in taste and character, Pads. This might have all been perfect for your Uncle."

Harry didn't have much thoughts about the house, he just wanted to go back outside and play. He said as much to his guardians and they decided to set up a table and some chairs outside so they could keep an eye on him while discussing the house with the two elves.

"Don't go beyond trees Harry! Remember, keep within our line of sight."

"Okay Remus!"

Remus and Sirius had transfigured a temporary sitting area out of some large stones and were now sitting waiting for Milly to come back with her brother. They came out of their house moments later, Milly carrying a tray of some drinks and her brother trailing after her sullenly.

"Berry tea for the Misters! This is one of Remy's best recipes."

Remy's demeanour changed at once, and he blushed and avoided eye contact and kicked at the dirt, mumbling that it was no big deal. Sirius was highly amused, Remy was a particularly strange elf.

"Thank you Remy, it's delicious." Remus said. "Please sit, we have some questions."

The elves sat and took a sip of their own tea, waiting for them to speak.

"You said that Uncle Alphard saved your forest?"

Milly nodded a little sadly.

"Do you know much about the way elves used to live?" Remy asked Sirius and Remus. They shook their heads.

"Back before the humans gained power, we elves was living in the forests, feeding off the natural magic that existed in the earth. But when the muggle world developed and the forests were destroyed, elves were forced into serving wizards and witches to stay alive. That is how some of our kin became known as house elves."

"My sister and I fled here when our forest was destroyed a hundred and seven years ago. Lia Nora was one of the few untouched entirely magic forests left."

"Hang on, Lia Nora is the name of the forest?"

"Yes Mister Sirius," Milly replied.

Did Uncle Alphard seriously leave him an entire bloody forest?

"We lived peacefully at Lia Nora for a long time before the savage muggles started to chop down our poor trees," Remy said bitterly.

"But then Master Alphard came to us like a hero and saves the entire forest. No more muggles came near it after that. We went to him to thank him and he says he is wanting the forest to be his home so we helped him and decided to serve him for his kindness."

"Alphard seems to have been a great man,"

"Oh yes Mister Remus, Master Alphard was a good and kind wizard."

Sirius' heart clenched painfully with pangs of regret. He never knew what a great man his uncle had been, how clever and resourceful and knowledgeable he was. He wasn't sure if they would have gotten along even if he knew but it felt…wrong somehow, to only learn about all this now. Why had he chosen to leave something that clearly meant a lot to him to an estranged nephew? Why him and not Andromeda? He had so many questions that no one alive could answer.

"Sweet child, come have some tea to hydrate yourself." Milly said to Harry.

Sirius watched with a smile as Harry came running back to them, a bowtruckle somehow successfully tamed and riding on his shoulders. They sat together with their tea and Remy blushed again as Harry praised the drink liberally. Remus took Sirius' hand under the table and looked at him knowingly. They hadn't discussed anything properly but Remus clearly knew how much he wanted to live here, judging from the soft look he was giving him. He brought their joined hands to his lips and placed a soft kiss in answer.

They had found their home at last.