
A collection of stories

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON FANFICTION. COM 1-4 story dropped by author next 1-10 Harry Potter 1(one) story dropped by me, because I don't like it going forward 2nd volume another story, (complete) from website 3RD VOLUME: Home is Where You Are by a fisch Volume 4: Stay by HannahFranziska 5: Prophetic Intervention by Harmonious Cannons 6:First Hope by LeafRose 7: The Grey Lord 1: Potterverse Lichdom by nobodez 8:Three to Triumph by HermiHugs

arhan_malik · Derivados de obras
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77 Chs


Chapter 2

Remus didn't just send a letter to Kingsley yesterday but also to a few others who he thought could help. Amelia Bones, Hagrid, and Andromeda Tonks all sent their replies in the morning. Remus sent each of the three owls back to their owners. He would have plenty of time to drop off his letters at the post office before meeting with Kingsley in the Leaky Cauldron. Sirius and Harry were still asleep, spread eagle on his transfigured bed. He smiled and pulled the blanket higher up their chests. As he stepped back out into the living room, he saw Minerva's head in his fireplace.

"There you are," she said impatiently. "I didn't want to be loud on account of the child. Is he resting well?"

"Yes, I like to think he's quite comfortable with us now."

Minerva smiled. "That is very good news. I hope he won't feel too displaced with me."

"On the contrary, spending a few days in the countryside with fresh air and sights will do him some good. And I reckon Sirius has plans to come over so much you may soon get sick of us."

The woman chuckled softly.

"I've got some good leads to follow today. Kingsley is meeting me at the Leaky Cauldron at one o'clock and Amelia, Hagrid and Andromeda have all written back to me as well. I was thinking of inviting Hagrid to Cnoc Cottage, if it is agreeable with you."

Minerva frowned.

"Hagrid is Dumbledore's man, through and through, not to mention a most terrible secret keeper. Have you thought this through?"

"Hagrid was the only one who saw Sirius the night of…the thirty first. Sirius was with Harry long before Hagrid arrived and when he did, he gave him the baby and his motorcycle. Hardly something a Death Eater would do. We need his testimony."

Minerva hesitated. She could see the value in the testimony of course, but Hagrid always did horribly under pressure. She could just imagine him now, fumbling and tripping over his words and being manipulated into saying things he shouldn't be by the cutthroat members of the Wizengamot.

"If you have made your decision I have nothing further to say, as long as you understand the risks of asking him."

"Nothing about this is risk free, Professor."

"No…I suppose not. So what of Bones? Tonks?"

"Amelia was more understandably suspicious. We'd never spoken before, our only connection being her excellent brother. We will continue with letter correspondence for now."

"Poor Amelia, what happened to her family was horrific." Minerva retreated from the flames to blow her nose.

Remus nodded, agreeing.

"Andromeda is happy to receive me tomorrow for lunch, I was thinking of bringing Snuffles with me."

"Is that…wise?"

"Andromeda and Sirius were always friendly. Even if she may not have anything of significance to contribute to the trial, she deserves to know that at least not all her family has been claimed by the darkness."

"Very well…"

Remus smiled reassuringly. "You are our rock Minerva, and I can't thank you enough for taking Harry on while we run around doing this."

"No need to thank me, just do right by Harry and free his godfather. By the way, you can bring him around anytime."

"I think we'll have a light breakfast first, he needs to take Poppy's potions."

"Very good, I'll see you after,"

Minerva nodded to him and then vanished. Remus wanted to let the godfather and godson sleep a little longer as he prepared breakfast, toast with eggs, but Harry appeared shortly after in the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Remus smiled and set down the eggs to carry him. Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and his paternal affections rose to the surface, settling in a lump in his throat.

"Good morning love," he said gently, placing a kiss on his forehead. Harry hummed contentedly.

"Good morning Moo…" he trailed off in a yawn, not quite awake. Remus chuckled.

"You used to call me that when you were younger, had trouble saying Moony."

Harry laughed softly and Remus set him down.

"I help,"

Remus raised a brow. Harry shifted, uncertain.

"I want to help,"

Remus eyed him and Harry feared he may have just made a mistake. Maybe Remus didn't want his help, he had messed up at the Dursleys after all. He wasn't nimble or talented, he might just be in the way. He was just about to retract his offer and go hide in the bathroom when Remus replied.

"Hmm, if you insist, so long as you understand that you don't have to do this."

Harry smiled shyly and nodded, relieved. Remus helped him roll up his sleeves so that they would not get dirty then handed him two bowls, one filled with eggs and one empty. Not wanting the child to slip and fall again, he helped him carry the eggs to the coffee table and showed him how to crack the eggs.

"Ok, now you try,"

Harry took an egg and poked his tongue out in concentration, just like Lily did when she was concentrating. The boy's first attempt was not bad but he did get some shell into the mixture. His face fell and his bottom lip trembled. Remus frowned, was he expecting to be scolded?

"If you get any shell in it, it's okay. You can scoop it out easily with another shell." Remus showed him how. Harry relaxed and grabbed another egg determinedly.

"I'll go make the toast and reheat the soup. Be back for the eggs later." He placed a kiss on the top of Harry's head, smiling as Harry grinned up at him. Despite still having lots of internal scars that needed healing, the boy was opening up to them at a satisfactory rate. Sirius joined them in the kitchen sometime after Harry finished with the eggs and he groggily pulled Harry into a hug and used him liberally as a pillow, nuzzling into his shoulders. Harry kept giggling as Sirius' long hair tickled his cheeks.

"Come now Pads, don't be lazy. Go wash up and take Harry with you."

Sirius yawned then set Harry back down to the floor. Immediately Harry took his hand which had his heart dancing. Harry and Sirius brushed their teeth and washed their faces then the man helped Harry into the green overalls which he looked so adorable in that Sirius wished he had a camera. He resolved to buy one the day he'd be free and able to access his vaults again.

"My, my. You look positively smart in that outfit," Remus commented, grinning at Harry. The boy blushed and grinned back, twiddling his thumbs.

"Your handiwork is impressive, once this is all over, perhaps you'll consider going into fashion." Remus said this with an air of amusement and teasing but he knew how perfect Sirius would be for such a profession should he think himself suited. Sirius hummed, stroking his chin.

"Not bad," he said, "muggle style clothes with magical enhancements. Could be quite the market."

Remus smiled. The conversation might have been nothing out of the ordinary for others but to them it was everything. It was about hope for the future and will to continue living and to live well. They settled down for breakfast, Harry back in his high chair. They told him a bit more about Minerva, how she could appear cold and distant at first but that she was the most caring and kindest witch they'd ever met, maybe second only to Poppy, who he'd also be seeing often. They told him that Minerva was also an animagus and Harry amused them all by thinking that all wizards could turn into animals.

"Not quite," Remus explained patiently. "Animagus are uncommon and the process to gain that ability is difficult and complicated, not everyone can achieve it."

"If you ever want to become one pup, you'll have two excellent teachers." Sirius assured him.

"What animal will I be?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, you could be anything from a dragon to a flobberworm."

"Wow…you could be a dragon?"

"Yes, I've read several accounts of dragon animagus. There used to be one here in Wales, a witch by the name of Elaine Darcy. She lived sometime in the eighteen hundreds. Other records of them are from overseas."

Harry's eyes were so wide and filled with excitement he thought he would faint.

"Alright, that's enough you dorks. We should get to Minerva before she thinks the worst."

Remus rolled his eyes at the name calling and pinched Sirius when Harry wasn't looking. The man yelped and glared and Remus laughed into his hands. Minerva's house was simply named Cnoc Cottage (pronounced Nok), Remus had Harry repeat the name until he was satisfied that he was saying it correctly. For small children, the safest method of wizard travel was the floo. It was a little difficult to convince Harry that the floo fire was perfectly safe and Remus had to demonstrate for him. He threw a handful of green powder into the flames then cried out in a clear voice.

"Cnoc Cottage!" and with a flurry of green flames, he was gone. Harry stared, shocked.

"M-moony is gone! He got burnt!"

"No love, he's perfectly fine. Watch."

Remus came back with another flurry of green flames. He was pleasantly surprised when Harry ran to him, throwing his arms around his legs. He knelt to be eye level with his charge and wiped away the tears that had formed.

"You see cub? I'm all okay. Are you ready to try it?"


Harry grabbed a tiny fistfull of the green powder and threw it weakly into the fire. It roared green again. He looked back at Sirius and Remus who smiled encouragingly. He bit his lip, stepped into the fire and spoke as loudly as his little voice would carry.

"Nok Cottage!"

He felt an unfamiliar pull at his person and flashes of images and sounds passed him. He thought he might be sick until he landed on solid floor. He clambered out quickly and coughed. On the other side was a woman with black hair tied in a loose ponytail. She was wearing spectacles and a severe expression. She must be Minerva.

"He-hello Professor Minnie," he greeted shyly, just like how Sirius taught him. Minerva had just raised an inquisitive brow when Sirius stepped out of the fireplace. Harry wanted to bolt to his side but felt it would be too rude so he planted his feet bravely until Sirius came to him and placed a hand on his shoulders. Remus followed shortly after.



"Professor Minnie?" Minerva inquired. Sirius laughed loudly. "Isn't it cute? I thought you'd be pleased."

Minerva opened her mouth to argue but shut it as she felt a smile coming on.

"I strangely am."

She rose from her chair and extended a hand formally to the young boy. Harry looked up at her, no longer nervous because of her smile.

"It's very nice to meet you, Harry Potter."

"You too, ma'am." Harry said, shaking her hand. Minerva's lips quivered slightly.

"He's all Lily then, polite and pleasant."

"You only say that because you didn't know her like we did, there's a reason her and James got on so well." Sirius said with a smirk, "right terror she was."

"My mom was a terror?"

"Only sometimes, mostly when Sirius or James were being bad," Remus answered coolly.

"Don't exclude yourself when it suits, she nagged you just as much."

"Come Harry, let me give you a tour of the house while these two have a lovers' quarrel."

"We are not having a lovers' quarrel!" they said together.

Minerva couldn't help giggling with Harry as they left the room, feeling much younger than she was. Wanting the boy to have a proper sight of the place, she took him outside directly to first observe her grounds and the outside of the cottage. Harry's eyes were wide as saucers as he took in where he would be staying for a while. The cottage was situated on the top of a small hill amongst others in a wide stretch of plains, dotted with several flower fields and beautiful solitary trees. He could see a few other cottages in the far distance, a denser cluster of trees to the south, probably a forest, and what looked like a small town to the north, although he couldn't be too sure if it was one.

"It's beautiful," he said softly.

"It is," Minerva agreed. "It's a shame I'm not here that often."

"What do you mean?" Harry said, a hint of fear in his voice. Was she going to leave him alone here?

"During school, I live at the castle, at Hogwarts. I'm mostly here only for the summers,"

"A castle? Are you a princess?"

Minerva blinked and laughed jovially. She didn't think she had ever been exposed to the sweetness and innocence of a young child before.

"Instead of a princess, she's more like the queen." Sirius commented from behind.

"A queen," Harry repeated in wonder. He didn't know wizards had kings and queens too.

"Stop encouraging him, I am no such thing," Minerva replied curtly, though the hint of amusement still lingered in her voice.

"I am a professor dear, Hogwarts is a school."

"Oh, the one my mum and dad and Sirius and Remus went to?"

"The very one. You will also attend when you turn eleven. Come along."

She took his hand and walked back into the house. Her entryway was simple and uncluttered with only a table under the stairs. The table held a vase with bright orange flowers that Harry had never seen before and there was a broomstick leaning against it. He could also see the second floor from the foyer. To their right was the living room they had arrived in. It was small and quaint, with squashy armchairs and quilts but what amazed Harry and had escaped his attention before were the picture frames on the walls. They moved like black and white videos on a loop. The living room was connected to the sunroom, a beautiful, bright and airy space with a perfect view of the great prospect they had around them. Harry quickly gathered that all the rooms were connected through round archways when Minerva took them through to the kitchen from the sun room.

Harry cried out in delight as he saw a couple of pans being washed by self operating sponges. Minerva showed off further by pointing her wand at the teapot on the stove which immediately came to life, walking human-like with soft thunks across the counter to fill itself with water. As the teapot walked itself back to the stove, the fire flared to life and the cups from the cabinets came floating down, complete with stirring spoons, milk and the sugar bowl.

"Blimey Minnie, save some wonder for the rest of us would you. At this rate you'll become his favourite."

Minerva smirked and gestured for them to sit down at the small round table in the kitchen. She waved her wand again and one of the chairs transfigured to something appropriate for Harry to sit on, almost like a high chair but not as restrictive, complete with little stairs so that he may get on it himself. And Harry did, with glee.

"Magic is amazing!" he said happily, accepting the milk that Minerva handed to him. Apparently he was not old enough for tea.


"Yes please."

She dropped a sugar cube into his hot milk and after observing the adults stirring their tea with teaspoons he did the same.

"The dining room is through there but I haven't used it much, I mostly eat in here," she took a sip of tea then continued, "we can go see your bedroom on the second floor later, after tea."

"I have a bedroom?" he asked in wonder.

"Of course…" Minerva looked at Remus and Sirius and they shook their heads and mouthed 'later'.

"So, when have you told Hagrid to be here?"

"Four, but I haven't sent the letter yet. I was going to send him a letter when I got to the Leaky Cauldron."

"Don't bother, send him one with my owl. Hogwarts is closer to here than London is."

With a sharp whistle, a distinguished looking barn owl came swooping in from the open window, perching itself on Minerva's chair. It ruffled its feathers importantly and, in Harry's opinion, surveyed them with pompous disdain. Remus took out a folded parchment from his jacket but when he tried to tie it to the owl's leg it bit him.


"Oh for goodness sake, give it here. Barnaby, behave, these are guests."

"I'm sorry, Barnaby? You named your barn owl Barnaby?" Sirius clutched his sides in laughter, giggling and chortling, it was infectious and even though Harry didn't know what he was laughing at, he joined in. Remus only smiled. Minerva returned after sending the owl off through the window, the only sign of her embarrassment was the pink tinge on her cheeks and ears.

"That's quite enough Black, act your age." she scolded.

They visited the second floor after their bellies were warm with tea and Harry stared in awe at the room that would be his while he stayed there. The walls were cream and there was a small single bed in the centre with red sheets and shimmering round circles. The room was bright, the singular window providing ample light. There was a small broomstick leaning against the wall near the window and low shelves sparsely filled with books. It was small but in Harry's opinion it was magnificent. A single photo frame hung on the wall, and it was all Remus and Sirius could look at.

"Look, here." Remus said, his voice trembling slightly, "Harry, these are your parents."

The man picked him up and Harry stared in wonder at the moving photograph. A girl and a boy, teenagers they looked like, stood on either side of a younger Minerva who looked ruffled but not displeased. The girl had long hair and was smiling widely, brandishing the badge on her robes. The boy had wild messy hair and wore rectangle wireframe glasses. He too was showing off his badge. Every now and then the boy would lean in to kiss Minvera on the cheek who coloured and whacked him on the head before scolding him, the girl laughing beside them.


"Yea," Sirius said, "you can't see here but you have Lily's green eyes and of course James's infamous hair."

"They look so young," he said and Minerva smiled sadly.

"Yes, they were only seventeen in this picture. They had just been made Head Boy and Girl."

The adults all wiped their eyes and Harry felt something uncomfortable settle in his stomach. They all missed his parents dearly but he didn't miss them and that made him uncomfortable. Was he a bad son for not remembering his parents?

"Do you have any more pictures?" he asked. Minerva sniffed.

"I'm not sure, but I can look for you."

"Thank you…for the picture and the room. I like it very much." Harry wiggled out of Remus' hold and went to hug Minerva. He was just tall enough to hug her around the middle. She smiled and carded her fingers through his hair gently.

"You're most welcome."

"Oh Professor, did you get him a training broom? Of all things…"

"Minnie! I was going to get him a broom!"


Minerva chuckled.

"It's for flying. Your father was an excellent flyer and I dare say you will be too. Would you like to try?"

Harry nodded eagerly and despite Remus' protests that Harry was too young the two quidditch obsessed adults grabbed Harry and the broom and went downstairs into the garden. Minerva informed them that she had strong wards and protections cast about the house, concealing it from the view of muggles. It wouldn't be enough to hide an adult flying high on a broom, but it would be perfectly safe for Harry to float a few inches off the ground on his training broom.

Minerva showed him all the proper steps with her own broom. Harry, like they suspected, was a natural. He zoomed around them at reasonable speed, laughing brightly. It was the first conscious magical thing he had done and he was overjoyed. This was proof that he really was a wizard, just like Remus and Sirius said. The wind in his hair felt fantastic and he wondered how much more exhilarating it would be ten metres off the ground.

"I said no, Padfoot."

"Why not? I'll be a dog, he'll never know."

"You make a bloody terrible dog! Minerva found you out within five seconds of meeting you."

"I resent that! I was in distress at the time,"

"And who's to say you won't be in distress later? Look Pads, if for some reason we can't trust Kingsley it'll be extremely dangerous for you to be in magical London, dog or not."

"Then what about you?"

"I'll be fine,"

"Oh you'll be fine but I won't?"

"I'm not the one who's an escaped convict!"

"No, you're not. You're only known as one of the convict's best friends from school, how very unsuspicious!"

"That's enough," Minerva said sharply, returning from putting Harry down for a nap, "I'll go with Remus,"

"Professor? But-"

"No buts, it'll help to have someone with you, and no, it can't be you Sirius. You'll stay and watch over Harry. Poppy will join you soon. Probably best if you don't wander or go outside for long as a human though. Indoor activities only."

Sirius sighed, defeated.

"Very well,"

She put a hand on his shoulder.

"I know what you must be feeling but stop feeling it at once. We are happy to be doing this for you,"

Sirius smiled and took her hand in his, placing a cheesy kiss on her knuckles. She pulled away with a light slap to his hands.

"Thank you Minnie, we are really in your debt."

"That you are…you can repay me by being excellent parents to that boy."

"With his Aunt Minnie watching we can hardly be anything else."

Minerva and Remus said their goodbyes to Sirius at the front door. They walked a little ways down the hill and past her wards before apparating to the designated apparition point nearest to the Leaky Cauldron. When inside, they spotted Kingsley at the bar and waved to him. He seemed surprised that Minerva was there but he smiled and shook hands with them both.

"It's very nice to meet you Mr. Shacklebolt, thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

"Not at all, and please, call me Kingsley."

"Then call me Remus,"

"Professor, I hope you've been well."

"I have, thank you, shall we get a room?" Minerva asked with a pointed look. "What we have to discuss is sensitive."

"Okay…" Kingsley surveyed his companions with interest as Minerva saw to getting them a private sitting room at the back. Remus Lupin was of particular interest to him. He was quite unlike the stereotypical werewolf and instead looked gentle and unassuming, the only hint of his affliction shown in the unfortunate scars marring his young face. His curiosity about the subject of this meeting was threatening to spill out the seams of his carefully crafted affable exterior but he kept himself in check and followed them to the sitting room. Minerva waved her hand at Tom, making him take leave then cast several privacy spells.

"Professor…I don't…"

"Now is not the time for delicacy, Remus. Kingsley, Sirius Black is innocent."

Both Remus and Kingsley gaped at her. Kingsley's own eyes were near popping out of their sockets in shock. He had a suspicion the discussion would be Sirius Black related but never in his mind could he have imagined the exact details.


"We need to prove his innocence, and we have a good lead on how to. Peter Pettigrew is alive and he was the Potters' secret keeper. We need to capture him."


"I understand that this is quite a shock to you but once you've pulled yourself together I hope you'll help us."

"...You're quite a force Professor Mcgonagall. I can freak out in my own private time, please explain how I can help."

"You believe us then?" Remus asked hopefully.

"I didn't know Black personally, but something about that case always felt off to me. He was always the first to reject the pureblood supremacy ideals when we were in school together. And if Pettigrew is alive… well, that does change things indeed. Do you know where he is then?"

"He's with the Weasleys, "

"The Weasleys?" he said in alarm.

"Perhaps I'd better explain from the beginning."

Remus told him the details. How James, Sirius and Peter became Animagi at fifteen, how Sirius had discovered Peter in the newspaper, living as a pet rat to the Weasleys, how Sirius escaped Azkaban as a dog to finally put Peter in his place, and how they needed to catch Peter at the Burrow so that he may give his own testimonies and be stood on trial. Kingsley listened carefully and although very surprised and shaken, he showed none of it.

"I'll have to think about other aurors we might be able to trust, but you can count on me at least. For now I'll see if I can get them to hold off announcing his escape."

Remus sighed a breath of relief.

"Thank you Kingsley."

"Not at all,"

Remus and Minerva returned to Cnoc Cottage in high spirits. Peter was essential in proving Sirius' innocence, the sooner he was in their custody the better. As they entered the house, their high spirits came crashing down as they felt a fission of hostile magic. Alarmed, they immediately went to check up on Harry and were astonished to see Dumbledore standing in the doorway and Padfoot growling at him, a frightened Harry behind him.

"Albus!" Minerva cried out.

"Si-snuffles! Stop that, calm down." Remus pushed past Albus into the room, he avoided looking into the Headmaster's eyes. Something annoyingly like shame crept up to the back of his neck and it felt like he was a boy again, having done something the Headmaster strictly told him not to. But as he put one arm around Padfoot and stretched the other out for Harry to climb into, he rallied again and glared into the unaffected blue eyes of his former teacher. Albus regarded him with disappointment, but there was the slightest twitch in his eyebrow when he saw Harry be so affectionate with him.

"Moony, I'm scared," Harry said into his shirt. Remus glared all the more harder at Dumbledore. Then, with a gentler expression and forcing his voice into calmness, he addressed Harry.

"Shh cub, it's okay. It'll be okay."

"Albus, let us go down, there is no need to frighten the boy. Leave Harry in the dog's care."

"Very well. I wonder, Minerva, if you still have that excellent tea your friend sent you from Jorhat?"

"I…yes, I think so,"

When Albus finally left the room, Remus sagged in relief and hugged Harry in full, smoothing his hair and rubbing his back. Harry was still in hysterics, but he noted with grim satisfaction, the boy was no longer trying to stifle his tears.

"Is he going to take Padfoot away?"

"No cub, no he isn't. No one is taking your Padfoot away."

Padfoot whined and forced his big head in between them. Harry sniffed but started to calm down as he pet Padfoot's smooth head.

"I have to go downstairs, okay Harry? You stay here with Padfoot and don't come down. Padfoot…behave,"

With a kiss, he left Harry sitting on his bed, Padfoot curled protectively around him.

As he made his way downstairs he heard snippets of the conversation between Minerva and Albus.

"-dangerous, the ministry has not announced it yet but Sirius Black has escaped. Without his blood protection-"

"Albus, they were starving the poor boy! He had all manner of bruises and injuries no child that young should be having,"

At least Albus hesitated here. Remus stepped into the kitchen and regarded the man he once respected with cold civility.

"Do you know what I saw at Privet Drive?" he asked quietly, "I saw a thin boy, small beyond his age in his cousin's old clothes, making tea, tea, for two fully capable adults." He shook with barely suppressed rage.

"I took him, I knew I must. I owed it to Lily and James."

"But-" Dumbledore tried to speak but Remus cut him off.

"They didn't even tell him his name, it was one of the first questions he asked us."

Minerva made an affronted noise behind Albus.

"He didn't know he was a wizard, he didn't know his parents' names, he slept in a fucking closet! They shoved him into the cupboard under the stairs and turned him into a servant, some insignificant little thing forced to work just to stay. They abused that beautiful sweet lovely boy to a degree so unforgivable it's taking every ounce of my restraint not to go after them… or you for putting him in their care."

To Remus' twisted satisfaction, he saw that Albus was at least deeply shaken by this information. He sank onto a chair, his blue eyes downcast and expression grave and guilty.

"I had not thought…oh Harry. It's all my fault."

"Yes it is," Remus agreed. "So if you tell me one more time that I can't be in his life or he has to return to those…those criminals, I'll fight you myself."

"It is not as simple as that. When Lily died protecting Harry, she unknowingly placed an ancient magic on him that would protect him. It was what caused the downfall of Voldemort and it is what will protect him from hereafter, provided he renews and strengthens that protection with his mother's blood."

"What a load of bullshit," came a voice from behind Remus.

"Oh for the love of, SIRIUS! I told you to stay with Harry and behave!" Sirius had his arms crossed and was leaning in the archway of the kitchen.

"Shut up Remus." Remus threw up his arms in exasperation.

"Did you leave Harry alone?"

"He's with Poppy."

Sirius sauntered into the room and glared at Albus. Albus had never been received with so much hostility in his life. The thought had kept most of the initial surprise and shock of seeing Sirius from his mind.

"What use is strengthening blood magic if he's to be subjected to those foul muggles? If Lily's love protects him, let him be surrounded by yet more love from those who knew her and James best. Remus and I love him, Minnie loves him and I'm going to spend the rest of my life finding more people to love the absolute shite out of him because he deserves nothing less. If anyone comes after him, you bet your bearded arse they'll have to go through Harry's entire family before they can even so much as touch him."

"...I see I am to be fought on this issue by more people than Remus. Very well. I will speak no more of his returning to the Dursleys but I need an explanation about…well," he gestured to Sirius. They finally gathered somewhat amiably in Minerva's dining room. The tea served itself, teacups clanking and cluttering across the table, the sugar bowl following suit. Dumbledore listened silently and rapturously to Remus and Sirius' explanations. Minerva chimed in about Kingsley and his promises to help and by the end of it all they had gained another powerful ally. Dumbledore approved of their choice in Kingsley and offered his aid to request the Ministry to open a trial for Sirius after they had gained the necessary evidence to plead his innocence. The Ministry could hardly be in a position to refuse when asked by the Chief Warlock.

"I would like to see Harry before I leave, apologise for frightening him so."

Remus and Sirius tensed but they agreed. Dumbledore was helping them a great deal and it wasn't fair to him to refuse. Harry was sitting in Poppy's lap as she read him one of the story books. Remus and Sirius went in first and Sirius smiled as Harry walked over to them with a small smile, his little hand coming up in a fist to clench at his pants.

"Harry, Dumbledore, that is to say the old man you saw before, would like to say hello and apologise for scaring you. Can I let him in?"

Harry glanced nervously from Remus to Albus, who stood half hidden behind Minerva. The old wizard gave him a kind smile and bowed his head in silent apology. Harry nodded his head and Albus came inside, surprising them all as he knelt down.

"Hello Harry, my name is Albus Dumbledore."


I'm so very sorry for scaring you before and intruding in your house."

"It's Professor Minnie's house," Harry corrected him. Dumbledore smiled.

"Yes, it is."

"Is that your real beard?"

"Yes, would you like to feel?"

Harry hesitated but reached up a hand to feel.

"Its soft,"

"Thank you, I use special potions on it. In fact, one of them was invented by your grandfather."

"My grandfather?"

"Your father's father, Fleamont Potter."


Dumbledore smiled yet more gently and felt even more guilt at the thought of having left him at the mercy of the Dursleys for as long as he did.

"Well then young man, I shall see you again another day." he shook Harry's hand and patted him on the head before saying his goodbyes to everyone and leaving. Minerva and Poppy followed to send him off.

"Can I go see my grandfather?"

Remus and Sirius' hearts broke at this question.

"Oh Harry, I'm sorry but…Your grandfather and grandmother have both passed, as well as your grandparents from your mother's side."

Harry frowned and looked down, Sirius sat down beside him and pulled him into his lap.

"Oh sweetheart, you must miss them so much. Your grandparents were excellent people, you know they took me in when I ran away from home at sixteen, and for the short years I lived with them they acted more like my parents than my own ever did."

Remus sat down next to them and put an arm around Sirius. The shorter man leaned into him with Harry still securely in his arms.

"But…I don't miss them. Or my parents…I don't remember them…is that bad?"

"Oh, no pup, it's not bad. You were so, so young when they passed, and truthfully, your grandparents never had the pleasure of meeting you but I know they would have loved you so much. As your parents did."

"As we do," Remus added. Harry looked up at this with a look of wonder.

"Yes, we love you Harry, very very much." Sirius planted another kiss into the boy's hair.

"If you want, Sirius and I are happy to tell you all about your parents and grandparents, although we never met your maternal grandparents so we cannot say much about them."

Harry nodded and they launched into age appropriate stories about Lily and James. Mostly James as their friendship with Lily came much later. Harry listened with reverence and joy, smiling and giggling at all the funny parts. They carried on in this happy manner until they heard loud wailing from below. Remus checked his muggle watch.

"Four o two, that'd be Hagrid then,"

"Merlin I don't think I can stand him in his current state,"

"Don't be insensitive Pads."

"Who's Hagrid?" Harry asked, intrigued.

"Hagrid is the groundskeeper at Hogwarts, he is a very gentle soul but can be rather violent in his affection."

"He's also very very big," Sirius supplied.

"As big as my Uncle Vernon?"

"Oh bigger. Don't be scared when you see him, remember, he's the most kind of us all, except maybe Poppy."

The three of them went downstairs to find Minerva in the doorway nursing an apparent headache with her hands while Hagrid cried loudly. Harry startled, it felt like his voice reverberated through his bones and shook the whole house. He was so large that he remained outside, unable to fit through the front door. Minerva had placed some well timed silencing spells and strengthened her wards before the half-giant broke out into wails. His speaking was mostly unintelligible but from what Minerva had heard, he had found out about Sirius' innocence and Harry's fate.

"S' all my fault," he continued, "I brought lit'le Harry to them, I didn't check up on 'im!"

"Goodness Hagrid, do pull yourself together!" Poppy cried, "what good would you have been marching along a muggle street?"

Remus put Harry down, Hagrid and the others hadn't seen them yet and he and Sirius watched with amusement as Harry tentatively approached Hagrid before placing a tiny hand on man's knee. He looked up, his black eyes widening.

"Don't cry Hagrid," he patted the knee reassuringly. Hagrid looked like he wanted to pull Harry into a bone crushing hug but to the relief of everyone, he did not. He smiled instead, blowing his nose on his large handkerchief that could have covered Harry like a blanket then sat down on the ground.

"Oh Harry, I'm so glad. Yer quite a ways grown up from when I saw you last. You look so much like yer dad ye near shocked me! Ah but those eyes, all Lily."

Harry found he rather liked being told he reminded people of his parents, it made him feel connected to them. They moved their merriment to the back garden where everyone settled around the dining table that Minerva brought outside. Harry sat and listened as the adults talked seriously about the trial for his godfather. Sirius asked Hagrid to recount his memories from the night of the thirty first and Hagrid's words had matched more or less what Sirius had told them. They asked him with trepidation if he really would be able to testify calmly in front of the board and after many denials and avoidances of his anxious behaviour, he sulkily complied to practising his courtroom manners with Minerva.

After they had secured Dumbledore as an ally, they thought it would be best to come clean to Amelia Bones and ask for her help outright without dancing around the fear of Sirius being discovered and turned in. Her shock was not discernible in her reply and she told them they could open the trial as soon as Peter was captured. And so, there was nothing else to be done but to finally catch Peter. The very thing was the subject of discussion the next day at the Tonks' residence. Sirius' cousin and her family lived in a charming two storey stone and brick house in the English countryside. It was quite as isolated as Minerva's house had been, perhaps more. A perfect rendezvous point for such a discussion.

When Sirius, Remus and Harry arrived at the house, Andromeda threw herself at her cousin and wept openly. Her husband and Remus left them to it, greeting each other warmly. Edward, or Ted as he insisted, was an open and friendly man, much as Remus remembered him from school. Remus introduced Harry to Ted, and Ted, to his credit, didn't glance up at Harry's forehead in search of the scar. Instead he greeted him with a formal handshake then brought them upstairs to meet their daughter, Nymphadora.

Nymphadora and Harry became fast friends. With her friendly exuberant nature and fascinating transformations, she was able to bring Harry to come play with her in her room while the adults openly planned for their rat trap. They were soon joined by Minerva, Amelia, Kingsley and Kingsley's auror partner, Anthony Byers. Anthony was a fellow Gryffindor, and had been two years below Remus and Sirius. They only knew each other by sight, so he mostly had Kingsley's words to recommend him. Amelia prefaced the discussion by laying down the level of violence they would be allowed in capturing Peter Pettigrew, with a pointed look at Remus and Sirius. If they wanted a clean trial they had to give the other side as little ammunition as possible. A lot of particulars were worked out. Andromeda volunteered her family as a way to gain access to the Weasleys without raising suspicion. Nymphadora was around their second eldest's age and an only child thus far, bringing her to play with Charlie was an excellent excuse. The others would wait nearby, concealed and just outside the wards of the Burrow so as to not alarm the residents.

Once they were able to get Percy and his pet rat to join them in the living room, half of them could enter and put Peter in a body bind before he could escape. The other half of the team would be on standby in case anything went wrong during or after this point. Andromeda and Ted were confident they would be able to shield their daughter and the Weasleys from any offensive spells that might come their way. They could ask for forgiveness from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley after Peter was captured. Better ask for forgiveness than permission, lest Peter caught wind of it and bolted. Arrangements were made quickly. Molly was floo called, she had agreed to a playdate for Charlie and Dora, but with warning that the other children would probably join in as well. Andromeda laughed heartily and said that it would be no trouble at all.

Minerva, Remus, Sirius and Harry stayed for lunch at the Tonks' house. Minerva never had the pleasure of knowing Andromeda or Ted very intimately as neither of them had been in her house, but they all got along very well. Sirius and Harry especially seemed to be in their element. Sirius, happy at having his closest cousin as a companion again, laughed heartily and cheerfully, sounding as if he wasn't a man on the run from the law. Harry found a big sister in Nymphadora, who was quite happy to take on the role, despite being clumsy and tripping more often than a boy seven years her junior. With another child in his presence, one that was not his selfish bully of a cousin, Harry thrived.

That night, at Cnoc Cottage, where Remus and Sirius had temporarily and unofficially moved in, they explained to Harry what he should expect in the coming days. Sirius would have to remain in custody of the Ministry throughout the trial, as would Peter, so he wouldn't see his godfather for at least a week. Remus too would be absent whenever he would be asked to testify, as well as Minerva. Harry was sad about this even when Remus reminded him about the happy event which would come after; Sirius' official adoption and guardianship of Harry. Poppy would be his main caretaker during the trial. He liked Poppy, she was very motherly and affectionate but she wasn't his Moony and Padfoot. He had grown quite close to them the past few days and being told he wouldn't see Remus that often or Sirius at all was disheartening, no matter how many assurances that happier times were to come. They both tucked him in that night, with more stories of his parents and some of his grandparents. Remus laid a soft kiss on his forehead while Sirius seemed determined to kiss every inch of his face. Harry broke out into giggles and Sirius and Remus watched him until he fell asleep, hugging a cat plushie bought by Minerva as a thinly veiled attempt at early brainwashing.

They climbed into their sleeping bags on the floor and faced each other.

"Tomorrow is the day," Remus said. "We'll finally avenge Lily and James properly."

"It's a shame we can't hurt one hair on his head, I would have liked to give him one good kick at least."

Remus laughed softly.

"Do you think Harry will be okay? He's become so attached to us, I'm worried."

"He'll be fine. You and Minnie will still be here and if all goes well, and it will, we have Amelia and Dumbledore, I might not even be there for the full week."

"You're right," Remus took his friend's hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Good night Padfoot."

"Good night Moony."