Mistakes, huh…
Although the Shadow was celebrating at that moment, Midas knew that it was nothing more than a ploy. It was just another mind game.
Midas could easily deal with the Rook by taking it with his Bisho on e3, but that would allow the Shadow to grab Midas' Rook and then his Bishop in the next moves.
That would be annoying. He would lose the advantage he had gained so far.
There had to be a better way…
Midas thought a bit more and remembered a principle in Chess.
In Chess, one must look for three Cs. Checks, Captures, and Counters.
Checks were moves that attacked the king directly and forced the king to run or a piece to block. Captures were the taking of vulnerable pieces or undefended pieces. Counters were the threats that existed from opponent pieces and possible movements.
There was a Check right there that Midas could give and it might give him some breathing room.
{28. Qc8+ Kh7}