
A-Chef-Sins : From Blood to Spices

Vincent, a former deadly assassin, decides to leave his violent past behind and embrace his hidden passion for cooking. Determined to bring joy and flavor to people's lives, he opens a humble food stall in a bustling city. As Vincent navigates the challenges of his transition, old enemies and acquaintances resurface, seeking revenge. With his agile reflexes and culinary expertise, Vincent must outwit his pursuers while protecting his newfound dream and the people he cares for. As word spreads about the enigmatic chef who retired from a life of bloodshed, customers flock to his stall to taste the magic of his dishes. Along his journey, Vincent encounters a colorful cast of characters who become his allies, including a talented sous chef, a street vendor with valuable information, and a wise culinary mentor. Together, they form an unconventional family bonded by their shared love for food. Through his diverse menu inspired by his travels, Vincent's food becomes renowned for its exquisite taste and ability to transport people to different cultures. Vincent's culinary creations become a testament to the transformative power of pursuing one's dreams and bring about a world filled with love, understanding, and delicious flavors. ____ We will try to keep updates every 3-4 days, thanks for your appreciation. Consider to adding to your collection if you like the story as well as share some feed back through comment section. Thank you.

KaydenZero · Ciudad
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8 Chs

A Taste of Joy!

Vincent's first day opening his humble food stall arrived with a mix of nervousness and excitement. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the small corner where his stall stood, inviting the curious passersby to venture closer. Armed with his culinary expertise and an unwavering commitment to his newfound path, Vincent was ready to embark on this fresh start.

As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of spices, Vincent prepared his stall for the day. He meticulously arranged the ingredients and utensils, ensuring everything was in its proper place. With a deep breath, he reminded himself of his purpose—to create dishes that would not only satisfy hunger but also evoke emotions and leave a lasting impression on those who tasted them.

The bustling sounds of the city provided the soundtrack to Vincent's culinary journey. His first customer approached, a weary-looking office worker in need of a quick and satisfying lunch. Vincent greeted him with a warm smile and a genuine enthusiasm for sharing his creations.

Vincent: (enthusiastically) "Welcome! Today, I have a special dish for you—a Tomato and Basil Bruschetta. It's a burst of flavors that will transport you to the sun-kissed fields of Italy."

Customer: (curiously) Bruschetta? "That sounds interesting. I'll give it a try."

Vincent skillfully assembled the ingredients, slicing fresh tomatoes, tearing fragrant basil leaves, and drizzling the toasted bread with a hint of olive oil. With each delicate touch, he poured his heart into the dish, infusing it with the passion and dedication that had led him to this very moment.

As the customer took the first bite, a smile spread across his face. The explosion of flavors danced on his palate, evoking memories of warm summer evenings and laughter-filled gatherings.

Customer: (delighted) "This is incredible! The combination of flavors is simply divine. You've truly mastered the art of creating something special."

Vincent's heart swelled with pride and a renewed sense of purpose. The customer's words confirmed that he was on the right path, that his decision to embrace his passion for cooking was indeed a journey worth pursuing.

Throughout the day, more customers approached Vincent's stall, each leaving with a satisfied smile and a newfound appreciation for the culinary delights he had prepared. Vincent's Tomato and Basil Bruschetta became a signature dish, drawing people from near and far, eager to experience the magic that emanated from his small corner of the bustling city.

As the sun began to set, Vincent stood amidst the remnants of a successful day. The empty plates and the echoing praises from his customers were a testament to his talent and his unwavering determination. In that moment, he realized that his journey towards redemption was not only about finding solace within himself but also about bringing joy and flavors to others.

Vincent: (whispering to himself) "Today marks the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter filled with flavors, passion, and the unyielding pursuit of redemption. I will continue to create dishes that transport people to distant lands, where love and understanding can be found in every bite."

And so, as the city slowly quieted down, Vincent cleaned his stall and prepared for another day of culinary exploration. He knew that this was just the beginning—a fresh start that would lead him on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, healing, and the transformative power of food.

The following days turned into weeks, and Vincent's small food stall became a local gem, whispered about in conversations and recommended by those who had been fortunate enough to taste his creations. With each passing day, Vincent's confidence grew, and his culinary repertoire expanded.

Vincent experimented with new flavors and ingredients, infusing his dishes with a touch of innovation while staying true to the traditions that had shaped his culinary journey. He perfected recipes for fragrant curries, hearty stews, and delicate pastries. Each dish that emerged from his stall carried with it a story, a piece of Vincent's soul poured into the careful balance of flavors.

Word of Vincent's culinary prowess spread beyond the confines of the bustling city. Food enthusiasts, journalists, and even renowned chefs started to take notice of the humble food stall tucked away in a corner. They came seeking the magic that Vincent's dishes promised to deliver.

One day, as Vincent was preparing his stall for another busy day, a well-dressed woman approached. Her confident demeanor suggested that she was no ordinary customer.

Woman: (curiously) "I've heard remarkable things about your food. They say your dishes have the power to transport people to far-off lands. Is that true?"

Vincent: (with a humble smile) "It's my deepest desire to create dishes that not only tantalize the taste buds but also awaken the senses and evoke emotions. I pour my heart and soul into every plate, hoping to create moments of joy and connection through the language of food."

The woman nodded, impressed by Vincent's sincerity.

Woman: "I am a food critic, and I've traveled far and wide to experience exceptional culinary creations. I would be honored to taste what you have to offer."

Vincent's heart raced with anticipation as he prepared a special tasting menu for the discerning critic. He carefully selected dishes that showcased his range of skills and his unique ability to infuse flavors with love and passion.

As the woman savored each bite, her expression transformed from curiosity to sheer delight. It was as if the flavors unfolded like a symphony on her palate, leaving her in awe of Vincent's culinary artistry.

Woman: (with a newfound admiration) "Your food is a revelation! It goes beyond mere sustenance. It tells a story, evokes memories, and creates moments of pure bliss. You have an extraordinary gift, Vincent."

Vincent's heart swelled with pride, his journey from the darkness of his past to the vibrant world of flavors and redemption had been validated by the words of this esteemed critic. He knew that he was on the right path, that his dedication to his craft was transforming not only his own life but also the lives of those who tasted his dishes.

Emboldened by the praise and recognition, Vincent continued to push the boundaries of his culinary creativity. He sought out new ingredients, explored different cooking techniques, and even collaborated with other local artisans to elevate the dining experience at his stall.

Vincent's small food stall became a hub of culinary innovation and a gathering place for food enthusiasts seeking an extraordinary dining experience. People would line up, patiently waiting for their turn to be transported to new culinary realms through Vincent's carefully crafted dishes.

But amidst the success and acclaim, Vincent remained grounded. He never forgot the shadows of his past, nor the journey that had led him to this point. Each day, he approached his stall with gratitude, recognizing the transformative power that food held, not only for himself but for those who came seeking solace, joy, and a taste of redemption.

As Vincent's reputation grew, so did the demands on his time and culinary expertise. He found himself constantly experimenting, researching, and collaborating with other chefs, pushing the boundaries of his own creativity. The humble food stall that had once been his sanctuary had now transformed into a bustling culinary destination, attracting food enthusiasts from far and wide.

One sunny morning, as Vincent was carefully arranging fresh produce for the day's creations, a young aspiring chef named Mei Ling approached his stall. She had heard of Vincent's extraordinary talent and wanted to learn from him, hoping to embark on her own culinary journey.

Mei: (with eagerness) "Vincent, I've admired your work for a long time. Your dishes are like works of art, and they evoke such deep emotions. Will you teach me? Will you show me how to create dishes that touch people's souls?"

Vincent looked at Mei, seeing the same passion and hunger for redemption that had once burned within him. He nodded, recognizing the opportunity to pass on his knowledge and inspire a new generation of chefs.

Vincent: "Mei, I would be honored to mentor you. But remember, cooking is not just about technique and skill. It's about channeling your emotions, your experiences, and your deepest desires into every dish. It's about connecting with people's hearts through the language of food."

Mei's eyes sparkled with excitement as she began her journey under Vincent's guidance. Together, they explored new flavors, shared culinary secrets, and crafted dishes that spoke volumes about their shared passion. The bond between mentor and apprentice grew stronger with each passing day, as they laughed, cried, and created together.

Vincent's stall became a hub of learning and inspiration, attracting not only customers but also budding chefs who sought to refine their skills and discover their own unique culinary voices. The small food stall had now become a haven for dreamers, a place where aspirations were nurtured and where the pursuit of culinary excellence was celebrated.

And as Vincent continued to touch the lives of those who crossed his path, one plate at a time, he knew that his journey was far from over. The aroma of redemption lingered in the air, as he eagerly embraced the challenges and surprises that awaited him in the chapters yet to come.


Dish Recipe: Tomato and Basil Bruschetta


- Baguette slices

- Ripe tomatoes, diced

- Fresh basil leaves, chopped

- Garlic cloves, minced

- Balsamic vinegar

- Olive oil

- Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

2. Arrange the baguette slices on a baking sheet and toast them in the oven until lightly golden and crisp.

3. In a bowl, combine the diced tomatoes, chopped basil leaves, minced garlic, a drizzle of balsamic vinegar, and olive oil.

4. Season with salt and pepper to taste and mix well.

5. Spoon the tomato mixture onto the toasted baguette slices.

6. Serve the tomato and basil bruschetta as a joyful meal.

7. Enjoy the meal!.

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