
A-Chef-Sins : From Blood to Spices

Vincent, a former deadly assassin, decides to leave his violent past behind and embrace his hidden passion for cooking. Determined to bring joy and flavor to people's lives, he opens a humble food stall in a bustling city. As Vincent navigates the challenges of his transition, old enemies and acquaintances resurface, seeking revenge. With his agile reflexes and culinary expertise, Vincent must outwit his pursuers while protecting his newfound dream and the people he cares for. As word spreads about the enigmatic chef who retired from a life of bloodshed, customers flock to his stall to taste the magic of his dishes. Along his journey, Vincent encounters a colorful cast of characters who become his allies, including a talented sous chef, a street vendor with valuable information, and a wise culinary mentor. Together, they form an unconventional family bonded by their shared love for food. Through his diverse menu inspired by his travels, Vincent's food becomes renowned for its exquisite taste and ability to transport people to different cultures. Vincent's culinary creations become a testament to the transformative power of pursuing one's dreams and bring about a world filled with love, understanding, and delicious flavors. ____ We will try to keep updates every 3-4 days, thanks for your appreciation. Consider to adding to your collection if you like the story as well as share some feed back through comment section. Thank you.

KaydenZero · Ciudad
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8 Chs

A Knife's Symphony

In the small apartment, Vincent stood before a board adorned with maps of the city. Each map had marked locations with pins connected by strings, converging on a single place. Above the maps, a photograph loomed, representing Vincent's target for the night. He meticulously examined the information on the board, piecing together the puzzle laid out before him.

Vincent's eyes narrowed as he studied the intel gathered from his client. His target was Xiaomin, dubbed as notorious and corrupt politician by his client. The weight of his past experiences urged him forward, his mind focused on the task at hand. Mumbling to himself, he confirmed the target location, cross-referencing it with other information he had obtained.

Vincent: (whispering to himself) "Xiaomin... a corrupt politician. Time to put an end to your reign of deceit."

With the observation complete, Vincent descended into the basement, entering his secluded chamber of preparation. In the dimly lit space, he carefully selected his equipment, choosing a knuckle, a knife, a karambit, guns, a silencer, and several bullet magazines. Each item held a purpose, honed by his years as an assassin.

Vincent: (examining his tools) "Precision and silence. That's all I need to ensure Xiaomin's demise tonight."

Ready for action, Vincent proceeded to the garage. There, his sleek black motorcycle awaited, a symbol of his efficiency and swiftness. He mounted the bike, feeling its power beneath him, and rode out into the night.

Vincent: (revving the engine) "It's time."

Thirty minutes later, Vincent arrived at the scene, a location carefully scouted and chosen. He concealed himself in the shadows, silently observing, patiently awaiting his target's arrival. The cool night air embraced him as he focused his senses, waiting for the opportune moment.

As if on cue, an old-looking man stumbled into the dark alley, intoxicated by alcohol. Vincent's keen eyes recognized him as Xiaomin, his target. With a calculated stride, Vincent confronted the disheveled politician, closing the distance between them.

Vincent: (cold and determined) "Xiaomin, your time has come."

Xiaomin: (surprised and slurring) "Who are you?... I knew this day would come. But I need to tell you... you've been deceived."

Vincent's grip tightened around his weapon, dismissing Xiaomin's words as mere excuses. He had grown accustomed to deception in his line of work. The truth mattered little to him in that moment.

Vincent: (firmly) "Save your breath, Xiaomin. I've heard enough lies in my lifetime."

Xiaomin's lips curved into a sly smile, despite his predicament.

Xiaomin: (smirking) "Visit the dumpling shop in the outskirts of the city. Speak the code 'Three Portion of Pork and Chives Dumpling and A cup of Coffee' to the owner. You'll know the truth."

Vincent felt a flicker of curiosity in the face of Xiaomin's cryptic words, but he quickly suppressed it.

Vincent: (dismissively) "I have no time for your games, Xiaomin."

With a swift and decisive motion, Vincent executed Xiaomin mercilessly, leaving his lifeless body on the ground.

Vincent: (locking eyes with Xiaomin's lifeless body) "Deceived or not, it doesn't change what you've done."

Not long after, Vincent meticulously cleaned the scene, erasing any trace of his presence. Satisfied that there were no loose ends, he prepared to leave.

Vincent: (whispering to himself) "No evidence, no connections. Just a job completed."

Vincent approached his bike, a sense of unease gnawing at him. Something felt off about the whole assignment, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Ignoring his instincts for the moment, he reached for his phone and dialed his client to report the completion of the mission.

Vincent: (on the phone) "Xiaomin is done. The mission is complete."

Client: (mysteriously laughing) "Excellent work, Vincent. Your loyalty is duly noted."

Vincent's brow furrowed as the unsettling laughter echoed through the receiver.

The call ended, leaving Vincent with a lingering sense of foreboding. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he had been played. Returning to his apartment, he sank into deep thought, reflecting on Xiaomin's words.

Vincent: (whispering to himself) "Deceived? Is there more to this than meets the eye? I need to find out the truth. The dumpling shop... it might hold the answers I seek."

As the night stretched on, Vincent's mind raced with questions and doubts, the path he had chosen becoming more complex than he had ever anticipated.

The next morning, Vincent awoke with Xiaomin's words echoing in his mind. Despite his doubts, the mention of the dumpling shop lingered in his thoughts. Determined to uncover the truth, he decided to proceed with the visit. Vincent knew he had to follow this unexpected lead, even if it seemed improbable.

Vincent mounted his bike and embarked on a long journey, traversing winding roads and distant landscapes. It took him approximately two hours to reach the dumpling shop Xiaomin had mentioned. With a mix of skepticism and anticipation, Vincent entered the humble establishment.

Vincent: (addressing the owner) "I'd like to order three portions of Pork and Chive Dumplings and a glass of coffee, please."

The owner nodded silently, understanding Vincent's request. Soon enough, the order was served, accompanied by a small note discreetly placed on the tray.

Vincent: (curious) "What's this?"

As Vincent unfolded the note, he discovered detailed instructions and a location, seemingly a safe place with a code to unlock it. Intrigued and somewhat apprehensive, he decided to indulge in the food before unraveling the next piece of the puzzle.

With each bite, Vincent's taste buds were flooded with a familiar sensation, a taste that transported him back to his childhood. Tears welled up in his eyes as he savored the flavors, reminiscent of the meals his mother had lovingly prepared for him.

Vincent: (whispering, choked with emotion) "This... it's the taste of home, the taste of innocence."

Done with his meal, Vincent thanked the owner, genuinely touched by the memories evoked by the food.

Vincent: (grateful) "Thank you. It was exceptional. Here's the money."

Vincent settled the bill and left the shop, his heart heavy with a mix of nostalgia and determination. He knew he had to follow the next lead, the location mentioned in the note. Without hesitation, he mounted his bike once again and embarked on a one-hour drive to reach the specified destination.

Arriving at the designated building, Vincent entered with purpose, driven by a newfound resolve. Making his way to the indicated safe, he carefully input the codes mentioned in the note. The safe door swung open, revealing a collection of evidence that exposed his client's corruption.

Vincent: (filled with regret) "What have I done? Xiaomin, you were right all along."

Regret washed over Vincent as he realized the magnitude of his mistake. His loyalty had been misplaced, and he had become a pawn in a game of deceit and power.

Determined to avenge Xiaomin and bring justice to his client, Vincent returned to his apartment. With a heavy heart, he retrieved a gun and set out once more, driving towards Zhou Chen's house, his client's residence.

Vincent silently infiltrated Zhou Chen's study, positioning himself in the shadows, his gun equipped with a silencer. The room remained dimly lit as Zhou Chen entered and took his seat at the desk, unaware of the impending danger.

Zhou Chen: (mumbling and laughing) "Vincent, such a fool. All you cared about was money. You were a means to an end."

Emerging from the shadows, Vincent stepped behind Zhou Chen, pressing the gun against his head. Zhou Chen's amusement quickly turned to fear as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Zhou Chen: (pleading) "Vincent, please! Have mercy! We can work this out!"

Without a hint of mercy, Vincent pulled the trigger, ending Zhou Chen's life in an instant.

The following day, Vincent returned to the dumpling shop, seeking forgiveness from the owner for the path he had chosen.

Vincent: (humbly) "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused. For the lives I've taken."

Shop Owner: (calmly) "You seek forgiveness, but not from me, Vincent."

Vincent's heart sank as he realized the owner was not the one he needed to ask for forgiveness. His journey had only just begun, and the weight of his past actions continued to haunt him.

Vincent left the dumpling shop, feeling a mix of disappointment and renewed determination. He couldn't shake off the weight of his past, the lives he had taken, but he was determined to change his path. Returning to his modest apartment, he made a firm decision to leave the world of bloodshed behind.

Determined to find solace and redemption, Vincent enrolled in cooking classes. It was there that he discovered a new purpose for his skills with a knife. He learned to wield it not as a weapon, but as a tool to create culinary masterpieces. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and a year had passed since Vincent embarked on his culinary journey.

In a bustling city, amidst the noise and chaos, a small food stall emerged by the side of a busy road. It was Vincent's humble creation, born from his passion and dedication. With each dish he crafted, he poured his heart and soul into the flavors, aiming to bring joy and comfort to those who tasted his creations.

Vincent's stall became a haven for those seeking respite from the fast-paced world. People from all walks of life flocked to taste the dishes that were a fusion of his culinary expertise and the experiences that had shaped him. The tantalizing aromas that wafted from his stall captured the attention of passersby, drawing them in with the promise of a culinary journey like no other.

As the city buzzed around him, Vincent stood proudly in front of his newly opened stall. He had come a long way, overcoming the shadows of his past and forging a new path through the power of food. The gleam in his eyes reflected a sense of fulfillment and purpose, as he knew that he had found his calling.

Vincent: (whispering to himself) "This is it. The beginning of a new chapter. From blood to spice, from darkness to flavors. I will create a world where violence is replaced by harmony, one plate at a time."

And so, with his knives now wielded to bring delight and nourishment, Vincent embarked on a new journey—one of taste, passion, and the unyielding pursuit of his dreams. The city embraced his creations, and Vincent's culinary odyssey became a testament to the transformative power of pursuing one's true calling.

As the city bustled around him, Vincent's food stall stood as a testament to his journey from a life of violence to one of creativity and healing. And in that moment, as the aromas of his culinary creations filled the air, Vincent knew that his path had been forever changed, and the world would never be the same again.


Dish Recipe: Pork and Chive Dumplings


- 250g ground pork

- 1 cup chopped chives

- 2 cloves of garlic, minced

- 1 tablespoon soy sauce

- 1 tablespoon sesame oil

- Salt and pepper to taste

- Wonton wrappers


1. In a bowl, combine the ground pork, chopped chives, minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, and pepper.

2. Place a small amount of the filling in the center of a wonton wrapper.

3. Moisten the edges of the wrapper with water and fold it in half to create a triangle, sealing the edges.

4. Bring the two corners of the triangle together and press to seal, forming a dumpling shape.

5. Repeat with the remaining filling and wrappers.

6. Bring a pot of water to a boil and add the dumplings.

7. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the dumplings float to the surface.

8. After done serve the dumplings on a plate with hoisin sauce as the dipping sauce.

9. Enjoy!

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