
A change in prophecy

A soul from the modern world ends up transmigrating into Uzumaki Naruto's body. No time, no system that offers you easy solutions for the simple act of breathing. Armed with his meta-knowledge and a body whose raw potential is immeasurable, will he be able to adapt to the situation and cope with the plot of the story?. How affected will the world be with the birth of this new Uzumaki Naruto? And above all... Will the Prophecy of the Great Toad Sage be able to stand?.

Blondaime · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs


-(No matter what world it is, hospitals will always be the same)-I was lying down while looking at the ceiling, having assimilated my whole situation somewhat hastily.-(Although at least they lent me cards to play solitaire).

In my hands he made the different hand seals that he now remembered, a habit that he had since I woke up in the place.

The speed with which my muscles performed each one of them was impressive, past or present memories depending on how you see it, they were very useful in that aspect, but still...

-(This is only achieved with practice, months and months of pure practice)-I went through the necessary signs to perform the Fireball, a Jutsu that I had learned in my previous life just out of curiosity.-(Naruto's memories are not only memories, your body also reacts to them).

He had been awake for a whole day, no one apart from the nurses had come to visit me. That allowed me to make an initial survey of all the new memories that were in my head.

From iconic places to the most forgettable, talks and faces, try to understand all that so you don't make a silly mistake when socializing with the rest.

I was in a town full of ninjas, if my actions did not match Naruto's, by magic several red flags could light up.

-(And Kurama hasn't made an appearance yet or maybe he can't bring me to my mental space)-Of all the things that could go wrong that was the worst, not having his support would mean a terrible disadvantage for me.-(Yes everything follows the correct order of things, then Jiraiya should come propose his training trip to me) -Stop performing hand seals, moving on to my current second favorite activity.

I made the chakra circulate through my body, noticing how the pathways were widening before the power that flowed calmly.

It was something incredible, relaxing and novel. The people of this world take this power for granted, but for someone like me it's the opposite.

I felt like I was discovering something new, unique and special, even if it's everyday around here.

-(Who cares? I hope I never take these moments for granted)-Thinking about chakra made me jump to another not so positive point-(I have a lot of work to do if I want to save things like the Fourth Ninja War and this falls into that category)-I frowned in thought, making a mental list of what I needed to improve on.

Gain decent chakra control first of all, a solid foundation for Taijutsu, and then mastery of the wind element.

-(Those three are my first priorities, once I have done that I can continue with the rest)-I tried to refine that current that was moving through my body, trying in this way that the Chakra was not wasted.-(The Sage mode would not be either wrong, it had immense potential and was soon forgotten)-The potential it had to exploit was immense, if it was smart it could keep up with future dangers before they appear.

Three years was more than enough time to carry the weight of the plot that was to come.

He didn't want to face a revived Uchiha Madara, he didn't want a Fourth Ninja War or anything close to it.

He would kill all of them without a second thought, it's kill or be killed.

-(It will be difficult, I have never taken a life...)-Look at my hands, noticing the calluses on them. They were the palms of someone whose effort was priceless.-(But I'll get used to it if necessary, no one can judge me anyway)-At that moment I made a promise to myself.

No matter which way, I would survive. Every ounce of effort I put in would be solely and exclusively for my own well-being.

I didn't ask to be in a world that should be considered fictional, much less taking on the role of the protagonist. I wouldn't tailor my needs for them.

In any case, they would have to thank me later, I would remove all the threats that would eventually affect them.

And then I'll live my life as I please.

But until that time comes I will be Naruto, the boy who loves the village more than anything else. The one who would give his life for his friends.

After all... A ninja's greatest weapon is deception.

"I'm sorry I didn't check on you before Naruto." Tsunade Senju, the Hokage of the village made an appearance, taking me by surprise. chakra.-That was another surprise for me.

I had forgotten that ninjas could sense chakra to a lesser or greater extent! What an idiot!

-Gran-grandma!-The words came out before I could choose them, a self-reflection of the now non-existent boy.-(Jiraiya wasn't exaggerating... Those really are one hundred and six centimeters)-My admiration and respect for that man could only to increase, to have been able to calculate such measurements only on the basis of observation...

"At least you're still as disrespectful as ever." She brushed off my clear disrespect, moving closer to me with her hands glowing a faint greenish color.

I was mesmerized by the healing chakra I saw, I could feel how calm and confident he was.

"Now, I know how much you hate sitting still but I need that to be able to determine the state of your chakra network." Her words brought me back to reality, complying without complaint for the order. That must have surprised her, because she stopped momentarily. "Is everything okay, Naruto?"

Her eyebrows shot up questioningly, tapping her foot on the floor, a nervous habit if she could guess.

-Yes! Of course! -She hated yelling so much just to talk, the attention wasn't something she'd enjoy when I was the cause of it. -W-well... Maybe not so much. emerge the small changes that needed to exist.

"Oh, do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" I resume reviewing her, placing her palms on my back. Her question on the other hand had an edge of authority that required you to answer.

-It's about Sasuke, I saw him flee grandma... I failed my mission.-What that traumatized boy did I couldn't care less, his escape is only useful for the alibi he offers.-How can I see others knowing not rescue my best friend? Is that what he turns me into a grandmother? -Crying would have complemented my performance but I found myself unable to do it, an iron will stopped me.

His movement never stopped, but his gaze on the other hand was riveted on me, almost as if he wanted to get into my mind and really understand the problem.

Fortunately she's not a Yamanaka... That would have been a difficult thing to deal with.

-When we passed team 7's test, Kakashi-sensei told us "Those who don't follow the rules are trash but those who abandon their friends are worse than trash"-It didn't take a wave in memory to say it accurately, that sentence I never forgot her after the anime. -Why did Sasuke do that? He could be strong, here! With us!-I clenched my fists in feigned anger, only to release them moments later in resignation.

Naruto is someone very expressive, but he is not one of those who show his flaws like nothing.

But Tsunade is someone he trusts, the sensations that he transmits to me when being close to the woman confirms it. If there is someone with whom he can open up completely, it is with her.

-...Naruto...-It seems that his check-up was over, he took a seat next to my bed and tried to meet my gaze.-What your partner did is betrayal of the village, you fulfilled your duty as a ninja and As the Hokage, I assure you...-Using your authority as a leader is a great tactic, you stand by your word as the powerful person you are.

The seriousness of him saying that only further highlighted the point he was getting across, he wasn't talking to Tsunade Senju…No…she was the village leader.

I didn't need that, I had to appeal to her attitude as a person.

-But... And as a friend? I couldn't get Sasuke out of the darkness. -Understanding the strange division between where a ninja begins and where he remains a person is complicated, Naruto is not clear at this point. -I'm a loudmouth grandma, I talk too much to hide the bad ninja that I am.

Taking the Uchiha's escape as a hypothetical turning point is perfect, I won't be spending too much time in the village after all and that leaves me to plant the seeds for the future return.

"Even if that was the case, you're still here right?" I nodded at her words, letting the conversation turn somewhat one-sided on her part. "Sasuke may be an excellent ninja, but he doesn't have something that you do." He stood up, placing one of his hands on my head.

-What would that be? -I would really like to know what he will say to improve the mood.

-You have the strongest will I've ever known and that has a greater value than you think. -Will...-You're still here, he's not. That's where the big difference lies and makes you better.-I smiled at what was said, it was an excellent speech and there was honesty in it.

-Thank you... Tsunade.-That surprised her greatly, looking at my face as if I were a weirdo.-Huh? Did I say something wrong?" I put on the best innocent look I could, laughing internally at the situation.

"You... You called me by my name... Who are you and what did you do with Naruto?" With false anger he pointed at me, causing me to laugh out loud this time. "What's so funny brat?!" A vein of annoyance throbbed in his head, only to smile moments later.

-Nothing nothing. I just respect you Tsunade.-I calmly clarify my point, enjoying the calm that exists at the moment.-And that's why I treat you as I should.

She stopped smiling after what was explained, analyzing my words under a curious look.

-So... All this time that I've been the Fifth Hokage, you... Haven't you been respecting me as the leader that I am according to your status?

-Well... You were a drunk most of the time and...-I noticed how his fists were now clenched with anger, generating fear in me before one of his blows.-Bu-but you took out the village After all the damage I've been through! And-and I'm sure it was what the old man would have wanted! I put my hands on my face, begging for mercy for the possible blow I would receive.

Fortunately, said blow never came, when I lowered my arms I saw how she smiled at me again, ignoring everything that happened less than a few seconds ago.

-(It's like an unexploded bomb, you don't know when everything can go to hell)- Relief flooded me when I thought about it, I almost screwed up for talking too much.

"Who would think you're so cute outside of that disrespectful and annoying attitude you have?" Without shame he began to laugh, messing up my hair in the process. "You're a good boy Naruto and an excellent ninja, you just focus on moving forward and one day you will be able to have that much deserved position of Hokage.-He prepared to leave the room, patting me on the shoulder as a sign of farewell.

Being Hokage was too complex a variable to consider, depending on the factors it could be useful as a terrible disadvantage.

I would have almost complete control of the town and who inhabits it, but even then I would be subject to the limitations that being the leader brought me.

From a political point of view it was perfect, my word would be law in almost all applicable situations, no matter how stupid my order was.

Although that would mean being completely loyal to the abstract concept that is "the people" and I could never deliver such a thing. I cannot be faithfully devoted to something that I considered fiction until less than a few days ago.

Everything would end up being decided by the situation, when the moment presented itself I would analyze my Status Quo and give a verdict.

But until that day comes...

-Be sure that hat will be mine! And I'll look as amazing as the Fourth Hokage!" With the strong attitude that only Naruto possessed, I stated, smiling with my eyes closed and my fist raised.

-Heh... I don't doubt it.-Her murmur was barely heard by me, but I chose to feign ignorance.-I'll see you later, brat.-Still smiling, she left the room, leaving me again in the silence of the place.

-(Okay... Enough sad acting for now, I want to get out of here now)- I tiredly closed my eyes, opting to sleep a bit until someone else wanted to visit me.


The darkness of the cold hallway and the stagnant water greeted me, dripping being a constant in my ears.

For a moment I froze, reflecting on where I was until less than a minute ago, and then...

I remembered.

-(My mental space, what a relief. For a moment I was scared)-My eyes slowly adapted to the dark, although there was nothing new to see.-(So many Backrooms videos have left me traumatized)-A shiver ran through me back to those memories, I shouldn't have opened those videos in the first place...

-...Until you arrive transmigrant...

"Her fucking mother of her! "I jumped in fear at the voice behind me, watching Kurama in all her splendor .-Warn before you speak!

-How do you warn before doing such a thing?-Of course he mocked, from his perspective I'm a joke.-At least the other brat knew better to hide his fears.

-Yes, good for him, I'm not Naruto and you know it.-It was easier to talk to the fox after meeting him.-Leaving that aside... I was hoping to talk to you.

-I know, be grateful that you're not the only one for that.-His thirst for blood was no longer as strong as the first time, I think he was showing curiosity.-I have reflected on what I have seen and come to a conclusion...-Slowly he began to explain, making me nervous and excited at the same time.

I could have a yes or no answer, it was 50/50!

-And what did you decide to do?-I took a few steps forward, breaking a little the safe line established to avoid incidents.

"I don't like to be interrupted." His voice didn't rise, he didn't even move from where he was, but the authority behind those words was even greater than with Tsunade.

"I'm sorry!" I automatically apologized, the last thing I needed was to annoy the ancient fox.

-Stop being so respectful, it's irritating.

-Of course! It...!

-Just keep quiet!-The order was obeyed instantly and the order reigned again.-Why did the strange human touch me among all those who could usurp this body?.-His murmur was perfectly heard, he wasn't bothering to hide it after all.

Who would have thought that talking to a giant fox would be so complicated?

-In any case, I need you to answer me something to give you my final verdict.-I stood upright instantly, of all the things I expected that was not one of them.-Do you know what will happen if we avoid future misfortunes? That great alliance that was after the War will not happen, tell me, what will you do with such a change in history?

Of course he knew what would happen in that case, without peace between nations the chances of a different Fourth Ninja War were a given.

But... Did that justify me acting like Naruto? I am not a peace seeker in the first place, I have no need to achieve such things.

My answer was clear.

-I am not Naruto, nor many Ashura and Peace is a very abstract concept whose variation allows different interpretations, nor am I a destined hero or something similar. -Pretending that I care what happens to the people of other nations is hypocritical, nor I don't even appreciate the Village of Leaves.-Any negative changes in the future I will face when the time comes, but until then I only have one common goal... Survive.-It was my position, I wouldn't change it for anything.

Taking the risk, I held my gaze with that of the great Bijū, showing that whatever he does, he will not get anything different from me.

If Kurama wanted the brothers free of him, I would take care of it, he would kill the Jinchūriki that keep them imprisoned to let them run away.

-I understand...- His tails waving gave him a great air of power.-Since that is the case, it only remains for me to tell you that...

-(I screwed up?... If I definitely screwed up, I should have said something more heroic to appeal to his kind little side) -I was sweating buckets internally, accepting that I lost my only chance to have the best possible ally.-(I guess it was fun while it lasted).

-... From now on we will be partners.

"What?" I definitely didn't expect that answer.