
Riding Home Together

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

~~~(POV: Hannah Fiona)~~~

~~~(Date: November 3rd, 2025)~~~

~~~(Time: 4:33 PM)~~~

~~~(Location: Franklin Highschool Parking Lot)~~~

Ulysses has convinced Coach Rodgers to let him ride home with me in my car, and I'm glad the Coach has agreed. I want to spend some time with my boyfriend after his big game. "I almost forgot how little leg room I get in your car, but it's easy to put up with when I get to be with you." His legs are in an uncomfortable position as I start the car up.

There are things that people of Ulysses' height go through that they won't understand. It's a real sight to see him fit his tall and strong body into the passenger seat. I'm amazed every time I see it. "I'm happy that you decided to ride home with me, but maybe it might've been better if you rode home with the team, you'd at least have leg room then." He smiles and chuckles at my light tone.

He's wet from catching a quick shower after the game. His shampoo is a honey-scented and pleasant smell. Every time I smell it, I get goosebumps, and my head is filled with him. Since he's had a fresh shower, the smell is new and fresh. It's a little hard to focus on the road. "What do you think about the reporters..." His weird question causes me to raise my eyebrows.

Why he wants to know my opinion on them is mysterious to me. Why would my thoughts matter? "Why do you want to know, Ulysses... You normally don't ask me such weird questions out of nowhere... Something on your mind?" It's concerning. Ulysses wouldn't worry about something like that without a legitimate reason.

His hand lands on my thigh, and I feel electricity go up and down my body at his touch. It feels so much better than my hand. "The reporters probably already know about my relationship with you... They might impede your life too and make it hard for you..." Ohh... That's what he meant... He's worried about how I'll handle this life.

Sharing a life with Ulysses is one of the things that I want to do, and I'm not shy of the media. However, Ulysses gets way more attention than I've ever gotten. "My life and your life will only become more complicated once the media gets bold... That's why I want to know... Cause I can't control the media..." He's sweet for thinking about this, but that doesn't change how I feel.

My hand lands on top of his, and I run my finger across the top of his hand. "I can handle a few cameras and desperate reporters, and there is nothing in the world that can change the way I feel about you, Ulysses... I love you..." It gives me butterflies when I say the L word directed at the love of my life. His slight worried look turns into a smile.

It won't be easy. The media never makes it easy... There will be moments in our lives where we'll want privacy, and we can't get it... Those will be the worst days, but it won't be because of us... It'll be because of other people... "I'm happy to hear that, but give it more thought... It's worse than you think it is..." His hand leaves my thigh, and I feel a little hollow at the action.

My focus is on the road, but his words echo in my head... He would have way more experience than me in this department. "Want to stop off and get something to eat? There are plenty of places to stop on the way back to Holden?" His words cause the depressed feeling in me to disappear. He takes his wallet out of his bag, and he has a crisp 20 dollar bill.

We're broke high school students, and while Ulysses will eventually be a multimillionaire, he's as poor as I am. "Now that's quite the wad of cash, Suger... You thinking of treating me out to something even better than fast food on the way out of Franklin?" The tease in my voice causes him to smile widely and a small flush in his cheeks.