
A certain Marvel Fanfic

What do you get when you take a guy with the worst luck in the Omniverse and put him in one of the most dangerous universes In all of fiction? Follow our protagonist as he tries to get his full powers back and become overpowered enough to escape this universe.

JOSEPH12 · Cómic
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7 Chs


( Timmy opens the back of the truck and finds 30 children between the ages of 8 to 13 tied up with ropes)

Timmy: they're not moving. are they dead?

Mai: they appear to be under the effects of a sedative. But some of them appear to be I'll my conclusion is the after effects of the drug. at least we know where he got the clothes from.

Timmy: so they are still alive. that's a relief. bit those guys aren't ordinary kidnappers. they're child traffickers.

Mai: they must be pretty good at it too if they managed to get these many kids. ( Timmy clenches his fists in anger). what do you plan to do?

Timmy: I'm going to make them pay.

Mai: I thought you said you would avoid danger?

Timmy: that was then and this is now. and right now those guys are about to be in a world of hurt.

Mai: I made your body slightly stronger than an average five year old but your strength should only be around that if a ten year old. you'll need a plan.

Timmy: I already have a plan. I'll cause them as much pain as possible.

Mai: I mean an actual plan. you can't go running in there like a shounen protagonist. you'll need the element of surprise. but you should probably do something about these kids first.

( Charles grabs a bottle of water from the driver seat then wakes up the children and unties them. some of them wake up and start crying while the rest look too scares to talk )

Timmy: you guys don't have to be scared. I'll do my best to get you all back to your families

( Timmy smiles and that calms most of them down)

Mai: now you need to think if what to do about those child traffickers.

( Two minutes ago . Edward POV. inside a room in the abandoned building.)

Edward: hurry up and call the boss already. I don't want him to think we messed up another job.

Twitch: don't rush me. you're the the one that ruined the last job anyway.

( Twitch pulls a cellphone out of his pocket and dials a number).

Twitch: hello boss. how are you doing? what am I saying? of course your fine. what I meant was...

Boss: enough of your rambling! have you completed your job?

Twitch: yes sir. we got thirty of them just like you asked. we even got one extra.

Boss: were there any errors this time?

Twitch: no of course not. I swear on...

Boss: deliver the goods to the location specified earlier. Do your job right and you'll be rewarded. disappoint me and someone will have to get rid of your bodies afterwards. so I do hope for your sake that you don't make any more mistakes.

( the boss hangs up)

Twitch: what are you still standing around for? you heard the boss.

Edward: I need another dose of those sleeping drugs. or they'll wake up in a couple of hours.

Twitch: I told you to take extra with you but you never listen to me.

( Twitch walks over to a safe and brings out a syringe and the drugs. he fills the syringe up with the drug from the vial.)

Edward: before you give them another dose. I want to have a little fun with some of them.

( Edward rubs his hands and has a creepy smile on his face)

Twitch: it's that weird habit of yours that got us in trouble last time. the last time you decided to have a little fun you killed one of the brats and made us late for the delivery.

Edward: I can't help it. I just love seeing the look on their faces and the sounds of their screams.

it makes me feel so good.

Twitch: fine. did what you want but be quick about it this time.

(the lights in the room suddenly turn off leaving them in complete darkness)

Edward: what happened to the lights?

Twitch: relax this place is old. I'll go check it out.

( Twitch leaves the room and heads down to the basement.)

Twitch: that's weird. the power was turned off manually. that means ....

( twitch brings out a pocket knife but before he could react, he was hit on the back of the head and fell to the floor.)

( four minutes later)

Timmy: one down the toughest one to go.

( Back in the room. Edward is seen pacing around impatiently)

Edward : he's been gone for five minutes. what could he be doing down there.

( Edward walks out of the door and feels something hit the back of his right knee then he falls down)

Timmy: I meant to shatter your knee cap with that strike. maybe I should have hit harder. ( Timmy speaks with a deep voice while remaining hidden)

Edward: who are you? ( Edward brings out a gun and points it at the air)

Timmy: that's dangerous you shouldn't play with that.

( Edward points his gun in the direction he heard the voice but before he could shoot something hits his hand and makes him drop his gun. Edward tries to pick up the gun but he notices that all his fingers are broken and bent in the wrong direction)

Edward: Ahhhh! my fingers!

Timmy: stop screaming like a baby it's annoying. I warned you didn't i?

( Timmy steps out of the darkness and we see him wearing black clothes with a ski mask covering his face holding a crow bar)

Edward: you're a kid? who are you? ( Edward tries to stand up but Timmy hits his kneecaps probably breaking them and Edward falls back down).

Timmy: who I am doesn't matter. what you should be worried about is what I'm going to do to you. ( Timmy hits his face with his crow bar and break his nose)

Edward:when I get my hands on you I'm gonna...( Timmy hits his other hand , dislocates his wrist and breaks all his fingers) Aahhh!

Timmy: how are you going to get your hands on me if they're broken? ( Timmy's eyes start to glow red but he doesn't notice. he continues to hit Edward while Edward is helpless. Timmy breaks his bones his balls and his teeth)

Edward: pwease sthoop ahm begging youu

Timmy: huh? what was that ? you're asking me to stop. I'm sure those kids begged you the same way. I thought you wanted to have fun. I'm a kid are you having fun now. ( Timmy hits him on his face and he falls unconscious). you're worse than trash you're scum. people like you are what is wrong with this world. ( Timmy raises his crow bar to give a killing blow)