
A Carrion filled world

A war has been ongoing between two sides for close to a century. These two sides are the Hegemony Of Lathin and the Federation Of Sovereignty. However now a once seemingly peaceful and neutral civilization has entered the fray declaring war on both sides of the conflict and despite facing the Federation Of Sovereignty and the Lathin Hegemony head on it is not at an disadvantage, it is winning. This is the story of the beginning of the galactic crisis, this is the story of a galaxy's attempt to stabilise and survive. This is the story of the beginning of the end! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The update times for this novel will be one Tuesday and Sunday. For now though I will be stockpileing chapters, As this is my first novel there may be occasional grammer or spelling errors that I make. If you spot any then please tell me so that I can fix them. Apart from that I hope that you can enjoy the novel which is mainly centered around the galaxy's attempts to fend off the crisis.

Golden_Cow · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs

The New War

The Federation Of Sovereignty had been enraged by the very sight of the Lathin Hegemony ever since the two sides made first contact, as their ideals directly conflicted with each other. In order to pacify their civilians and gain the planet rich sectors of the Hegemony, the majority of the Federation members voted to declare war. Naturally, the Hegemony, greatly intrigued by the prospect of more territory and tributeys didn't bother trying to negotiate with the Federation, instead choosing to retaliate. Almost instantly after meeting each other both sides had reached this consensus and soon war engulfed hundreds of sectors and thousands of worlds.

However, due to the short time frame in which they met and then fought each other, they didn't have a clear understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses, each believing themselves to be the superior side. By the time they realised they were all but perfectly matched it was too late to change the public's warmongering opinion and so the war has continued to rage on for decades.

Neither side was willing to use their full power on the other for fear of the surrounding civilizations launching an attack on them if they overextended their forces too much in a bid to win the war. Or even worse, forming a coalition to deal with them, for in their rise to power it was inevitable that they had offended many star faring races.

But, on the 87th year of this inglorious and bloody conflict a seemly harmless race of mechanical lifeforms known simply as the Kials which only inhabited a single planet and had been isolating themselves from the galactic community for millennia, suddenly launched a ferocious attack on a planet belonging to the Wonick Domain. Naturally due to the Wonick Domain being a part of the Federation, a RRF was soon sent out to force back the Kial and demand an explanation. By the time they arrived however the planet had already been ravaged beyond repair. Blinded by rage the Wonick members amongst the Federation forces pressured the other soldiers into helping them to rush down without properly scouting out the situation in a bid to save what remained of their cities.

And so began the first conflict between the Federation and the Kials, with thousands of dropships raining down from the sky like a wave of water trying to put out a burning house.

This story is my first time writing and also is being done on my phone, so if you do spot any grammer mistakes and it annoys you just say where you found it and what it should be changed to, so that I can make the story look nice and neat. Also I suck at commas so really sorry about that

Golden_Cowcreators' thoughts