
Curse of SCP

*Bang* *Bang*

(A/N Sure started with a bang)

"What is it now? SCP-5687?"

The sound of a button being pressed and a window lowering echoed.

"Are we there yet?"




The window was rolled back up into the face of a young-ish man with what appeared to be a face mask on.


The young-ish man quickly retreated, fearing for his facial wellbeing.


This scene repeated several more times, each time asking a different question.

Such as, "I need to pee," and, "I want some sweets."

But eventually, the car screeched to a halt, in front of a giant fence.

And this time the man in the front rolled down the window without a bang from the man in the back.

"We are here. Get out."

The man in the front then pulled out the car keys, causing the engine to stop roaring. And then he pressed a button on his keys, unlocking the door.

The man in the back quickly hopped out the door and stretched while yawning.

"Sure took long enough."

A tick mark appeared on the man in the front's face. "Ahem! SCP-5687, your mission is to eradicate the anomaly within the compound, this marking your 50th mission. Then you can finally have… what did you ask for again?"

SCP-5687 then looked into the starry night sky and spoke his mind.

"A school of my own. To teach people the ways of jujutsu sorcery to protect better against curses. Me and the rest of your… organization isn't enough."

The tick mark further grew on the man in the front's face. "You do realize what you call 'curses' only appeared after we found you manifesting in the middle of Tokyo?"

"That stunt cost us millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of yen! All the amnesiacs we had to use…"

SCP-5687's face morphed into a frown. Scowling now, he talked.

"I would gladly die if this world wouldn't have to face curses with my death, but now that I am here, nothing will change this.

So better help me out with your-our problem now. Before it gets to a snowball point."

The man in the front stopped talking and instead started to walk towards the massive gates.

A label on them warned,

[Multiple disappearances have occurred within. For your sake, don't go in.]

The man in the front then looked down at the car keys he still had in hand, and analyzed them carefully before selecting a key and throwing it to SCP-5687.

"Take this. Come back once you have killed the anomaly."

The man in the front then walked behind SCP-5687, losing his status as man in the front and becoming the man in the back.


SCP-5687 walked in the middle of an abandoned neighborhood. Looking around with, still with the face mask on.

Then suddenly leaping upwards, doing a back flip in the process, he avoided a massive creature's devastating leg blow.

It turned its monstrous head in SCP-5687's direction.

It was a mantis like creature combined with a rat, imagine that as you will. It started to make odd 'cricketing' sounds before rushing at SCP-5687. SCP-5687 dodged with immense finesse and skill before leaning downwards and issuing a massive gut punch. The rat-mantis was sent flying several blocks away and landed with a massive crash.

SCP-5687 then spoke, "Not an intelligent one? Interesting… You would have been classified as a high special grade back in my home world, around Jogo's level. oh well."

SCP-5687 turns his head upward and

with a flick of his hands the eye mask was off, revealing two sky blue eyes.

SCP-5687 then made an odd hand sign and spoke once more.

"Domain expansion: Infinite void."


"Throughout heaven and earth, I, Satoru Gojo, alone am the honored one."


A document was slammed on a huge round table, occupied with 12 other members besides for the one slamming said document.

Then a fist was slammed on said table, causing it to squelch slightly because of the sheer rage behind said fist.

"SCP-5687! An anomaly among anomalies!"

12 copies of the document that was earlier slammed on the table were passed out.


Special containment procedures: Is to be kept in within a two (2) room cell furnished with a bed, chair, and small table. Additionally SCP-5687 is granted a small bathroom with a small shower.

SCP-5687 is allowed internet connection without the ability to use any social media platform.

SCP-5687 is MANDATED to 'exorcize' any SCP-5687-2 at the 'special grade level'.

Description: First found on 2024 March 1st, SCP-5687, formerly known as Satoru Gojo, claims to be from an alternate reality where 'curses', designated as SCP-5687-2, form from the negative emotions of all of humanity.

He also claims to have been the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, (equivalent to the SCP foundation of his world) only being matched by a thousand year old SCP-5687-2 named Sukuna.

After SCP-5687's arrival into our own reality SCP-5687-2 started to manifest. SCP-5687 claims that SCP-5687-2 are divided into several 'grade'. Ranging from the weakest 4th grade to the strongest special grade.

4th grade being barely harmful while special grades at SCP-5687's level can 'take down entire countries.' While more 'regular' special grades can take down several military bases at once.

SCP-5687 has also been documented to have immense physical strength and durability, about the same as SCP-076, 'Able'.

Additionally, SCP-5687 has been documented to be able to have slight reality warping capabilities, being able to bend space around himself to both defend and attack.]

The eyes of the other twelve members of the 05 council widened their eyes. What was this??! 'Take down entire countries'!?

Also, SCP-5687-2?! With the sheer amount of negative emotions in the world due to the recent pandemics and potential wars….

05-5 speaks aloud.

"Executive him. All in favor raise their hands."

5 additional hands went up, totaling 7.

Then 05-1 spoke, "We cannot execute him just yet, as none of our conventional weapons seem to be able to effect 'special grade' SCP-5687-2."

4 hands went down.

05-5 then spoke in response, "If he dies then most likely all of the SCP-5687-2 will go with him."

No hands raised.

05-1, "Most LIKELY."

The remaining hands went down, excluding 05-5. But seeing their fellow 05 lower their hands, 05-5 did so as well, albeit scathingly.

5-01, "Currently SCP-5687 has requested to form a school of jujutsu sorcerers to help fight against SCP-5687-2. All in favor of accepting?"

7 hands raised.

05-5, "PREPOSTEROUS, having one additional SCP on SCP-5687's level is already enough, but more? Impossible!"

A few hands wavered but ultimately did not give out.

5-01, "We can then start the discussion of how we should execute SCP-5687's request."

Multiple groans rang out.


POV Satoru Gojo

I stared into the ceiling of my room blankly.






POV Satoru Gojo, (past)

I had just used my hollow purple to kill mahorga, and was on the verge of defeating Sukuna. But then, he used the model Mahorga provided and was about to cut me in half.

My six eyes focused like only once before, when Toji had almost killed me.

Minutes passed in my mind as my six eyes started to corrode my brain even with the reverse curse energy running through it.

And eventually I found a solution to my problem.

It was slightly suicidal, scratch that, COMPLETELY suicidal, but it would take Sukuna with me.

I raised my hand in the air, a huge cyan ball forming on it. Cocking back the hand with the cyan ball, I threw it forward smashing the ball into the ground. And it exploded.

A massive… black rip in space was formed. Sucking in everything within a few hundred meter radius.

"Maximum output lapse technique: Cyan"

Sukuna's face distorted and his eyes panicked for a moment, before he spoke.

"Ah yes, my anti-forced dimensional travel technique, I haven't used this since the Heian era."

A cocky smirk grew on his face, even as he was being sucked towards the rift.


Sukuna started to do rapid hand signs and I watched in horror as almost completed the technique.

But I wasn't having any of it.

I sprang from my position directly into Sukuna. Delivering a swift uppercut to his jaw, I then grappled him and threw him towards the hole in reality.

But Sukuna was no slouch, as he quickly made deep cuts into the ground to hold unto as he started to redo his technique. I would be unable to reach him in time you stop him.

Although I wasn't affected by the gravitational force of Cyan, I could be if I desired.

And I did in fact desire to be affected by the pull.

I was lifted off my feet by the gravitational force and sent flying into Sukuna before he could even react. Grabbing unto his neck and left arm I carried Sukuna away into the dimensional gap.

As we entered the dimensional gap I flipped around and executed another technique.

If Cyan destroyed space, then what would its opposite, orange, do? Answer, repair space.

"Maximum output reverse technique: orange!"

A massive ball of orange formed in my hand and I threw it towards the gap in reality, fixing it. Forever locking me and Sukuna inside the dimensional gap.

Sukuna looked on gopsmaked, I waited for a moment to see if he would have a technique from the Heian era to escape, but clearly not.

"You know, I always said to my students you would be alone when you died. But I guess thats not the case, pal?" I said with a deep venom in my voice.

I then threw a right hook into the horrified face of Sukuna. Sukuna was sent flying away deeper into the darkness that was the dimensional gap.

POV Satoru Gojo (currently)

And that was as far as I remembered.

All of these ideas are free reign. If you want to write them further go ahead, just mention me or something.

Random968creators' thoughts