A woman must choose between two being's one good and one evil. Her choice will change her eternal destiny forever. Delivering or Condemning her soul what will she choose?
Christiana sank to her knees in the rose garden, tears streaming down her face. "Lord, I can endure no more of these attacks," she sobbed. "Satan's deceptions wear away my soul."
The shadows around her seemed alive with malice, clawing at her trembling spirit. Doubt and fear gripped her heart with icy talons as the darkness whispered lies.
Through her tears, Christiana caught a glimmer of light in the distance, soft and pure. "Jesus, help me!" she cried. "I yield myself completely to your care, though the road is shrouded in shadow. Refine me as needed to restore my purity and strengthen my faith."
At that moment, a cool breeze swept through the garden, scattering the shadows. Sunlight broke through the storm clouds as Jesus appeared before her, clad in radiant white.
"My beloved child, you have nothing more to fear," his gentle voice soothed. He held out his hands, scarred from suffering yet glowing with heavenly power. "Take my hands and let my light lift you from this place of torment."
Christiana grasped his hands and felt hope flow into her weary soul. Her tears ceased as warmth spread through her being. Jesus helped her stand, his shining eyes brimming with compassion.
"You have passed through darkness' refining fire and emerged stronger in spirit," he said. "Let my wounds be your balm. Cling to me and walk in my light always." Christiana clung to Jesus' robes, grateful for his strength in holding her up. "Will you stay by my side?" she asked weakly.
Jesus gazed at her with eyes full of compassion. "I am always with you, my beloved," he said in a voice as soft as a summer breeze. "Even when Satan's shadows claw at your spirit, my light will shield you."
He tucked a loose curl behind Christiana's ear, his touch warming her cold skin. "This fiery trial will soon pass. Have courage; I have overcome the world."
Hope flickered in Christiana's heart at his words. Jesus smiled and continued, "Look to me whenever doubt assails you. I will fill you with my peace and love, lifting your drooping spirit."
As darkness swirled around them, Jesus' radiance pushed the shadows back. He held out his hand. "Walk with me now. My presence will protect you from all harm during this refining time."
Taking his hand, Christiana stumbled forward, made strong by his promise. Though shadows still lurked, Jesus' sweet whispers and tender care sustained her step by step. Christiana clung close to Jesus as dark clouds gathered. Suddenly, a howling wind arose, whipping twisting shadows toward her.
But Jesus spread his arms protectively. Grace's soft wings enveloped Christiana, shielding her from the stinging lashes of doubt. Through the shelter, she watched wide-eyed as Satan's full rage was unleashed.
The Tempter appeared, eyes flaming, yelling vile accusations. But they could not penetrate the barrier of Jesus' love. Each lash of darkness dispersed against its feathered folds.
Though anguished by the storm, Christiana felt safe in the shelter of Jesus' embrace. A ray of light broke through as she glimpsed the purpose of refinement—to purge sin's roots from her soul.
With Jesus' strength and the angels' watch, she would emerge purified. All that was false and fear-based would be swept away before love's refining fire. Hope filled her even as shadows swirled. Christiana shuddered in Jesus' embrace as Satan's wretched cries assaulted them. How long must I endure this agony? She whimpered into his robe.
Jesus smoothed her hair gently. Only a little while longer, my love. Then you will emerge remade from these purifying flames.
Still, the torrent of darkness battered against grace's shield. But Christiana clutched Jesus' promise and did not let go of her faith. Though tortured, she withstood the tempest through the power of his enduring love.
Gradually, the storm clouds began to break apart. Light filtered through the fragments of blackness as peace descended. Christiana watched wide-eyed as the last shadows faded under Faith's glow.
When she stepped from the shelter of Jesus' wings, her soul had been purified in the fire. Where doubts once stood, resilient hope and courage now beamed from her eyes. Free from fear's grip, she smiled up at Jesus in joyful wonder.
By your power, I have overcome! She cried, embracing him in deep gratitude. Jesus smiled; his mission was complete. Now walk by this light always, my love, he whispered, Spirit blazing within. Christiana basked in the glow of victory, sanctified by love's refining fire. "May your light lead me always," she said, gazing at Jesus in wonder.
He smiled and cupped her cheek. "You now have strength for any trial ahead. Walk armed with my blessing against those who would corrupt purity."
Leaning down, Jesus placed a sacred kiss on her lips, sealing his promise. "Continue in faith and courage, my love."
As he began to fade, Christiana cried, "Must you leave so soon?"
"For now," Jesus assured. "But I am with you in spirit always."
His presence gradually lifted until only a vibrant glow remained. Christiana raised her hands in the light, freed from fear's bindings at last.
She faced the tests ahead without concern, filled with the power to stand against any dark one seeking her fall. By the flame's forging, Christiana emerged a radiant bride of hope, made ready through grace and love to overcome.
"Desperation compels us to pray with fervent, focused faith - especially when we have no one else to turn to. God honors our faith when we place it in him alone - with no back-up plan, no other recourse, no other way out. He hears and answers our desperate heart cry, because he loves to show himself strong on our behalf." ~ Anne Graham Lotz