
A Boy With A Troubled Past

A young former basketball star from Daegu transfers to a school in Seoul where he would decide to change his life, but with his troubled past in Daegu, he thought that he might find it hard to get a new, peaceful life. With the help of his newly profound friends and a girl he had already fallen for before he realized, would he be free from the shackles of his path and get to the other side of the hell he was living in? Or is there another hell beyond the hell he was living in? Artwork Note: I don't own the art, neither do I know the artist. If you know the artist, please do let me know about their social media account, so I can ask for their permission. Or if you are the artist, let me know if you want the cover art taken down. Former Book Title: Brains and Brawn (Changed due to personal reasons)

whodis_ · Real
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11 Chs

Important Note

This is a reupload after I was recommended to upload it again. As for the reason I was recommended to reupload this book, it was a pretty embarrassing one, but I accidentally chose fanfic when this book is a novel.

Book Cover Note: Art is not drawn by me and I still don't know who made this. If you are the artist behind the art, please do let me know if you want it removed.