
A Boy With A Troubled Past

A young former basketball star from Daegu transfers to a school in Seoul where he would decide to change his life, but with his troubled past in Daegu, he thought that he might find it hard to get a new, peaceful life. With the help of his newly profound friends and a girl he had already fallen for before he realized, would he be free from the shackles of his path and get to the other side of the hell he was living in? Or is there another hell beyond the hell he was living in? Artwork Note: I don't own the art, neither do I know the artist. If you know the artist, please do let me know about their social media account, so I can ask for their permission. Or if you are the artist, let me know if you want the cover art taken down. Former Book Title: Brains and Brawn (Changed due to personal reasons)

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11 Chs

Chapter 2

Hyunwoo sat on his chair with a dumbfounded face as their math teacher teaches their lesson for today.

"I... I don't even understand a single thing he's saying anymore."

"This is too much for me to take in..." Jinho slammed his face on the table, but not that strong to not make a loud noise.

"Do you understand it, Hyunwoo?"

"Haha, I do... not understand a single thing anymore."

"Hyunwoo and Jinho! Stop chatting at the back and listen! This is calculus and you're going to have a hard time if you don't listen!"

"O-Okay! Sorry!" Hyunwoo and Jinho immediately apologized to their math teacher.

"I can't even understand anything even if I tried listening..." Hyunwoo nervously laughed at himself.

After classes, Hyunwoo was at the school vending machine, buying something to drink to cool himself off.

"Math isn't for me... It's too hard."

"Well, if you weren't chatting with Jinho and listened to the teacher instead, maybe you could've understood the lesson."

Hyunwoo looked behind him to see Hyejin smirking while on her way to buy something to drink.

"Haha, I didn't even understand anything even before I got scolded by the teacher."

"Is that so? Well, I really do think math is just not for everybody despite it being the most essential school subject that you will carry in your everyday life."

"Why do we even have to study math when we've got calculators?" Hyunwoo asked and Hyejin flinched the instant he said that.

"T-That's because there are some problems that a calculator can't solve!" Hyejin stuttered, but Hyunwoo understood her point.

"I see. Well, I guess I'll have to go study. See you later, Hyejin."

Hyunwoo walked away, but Hyejin didn't hear the "See you later, Hyejin." part while drinking her can of ice tea, so she wasn't aware Hyunwoo was walking away already.

"Yeah. That's right! If you try to understand things and study it very carefully, you can almost understand anything. Though there are still limitations to human knowledge."

"If you need help, you can come and ask me to teach you... later... Ah." Hyejin has finally realized that Hyunwoo was long gone.

At P.E. classes, the boys were doing vault exercises and the girls had just finished doing theirs, so they were resting at the benches.

Hyejin was answering her math homework and she could hear girls chatting in the distance.

"Hyunwoo looks very athletic..."

"Apparently, he was a basketball star in Daegu until last year. For some unknown reason, he just stopped playing."

"I heard from Jinho and Sungmin, he was working a part-time job at the convenience store near the internet cafe. Well, he's probably too busy with work."

"A basketball superstar, huh? Oh, I found it now. They said, he got into a huge fight before. Maybe he was forced to stop because of fights."


"Huge fight? Basketball superstar? What are they talking about Hyunwoo? He doesn't seem like the type to get into fights."

For once in P.E. time today, Hyejin took her eyes off of her book and looked at Hyunwoo who was talking with his classmates while smiling.

"Yeah, he doesn't seem like it. He looks like a very nice and responsible guy."

Hyunwoo noticed her and waved at her with a bright smile. Hyejin hesitantly waves back, wondering if he waved for her or for someone else.

"Alright, everyone. That's all for today's P.E. class. Change your clothes so you can eat lunch." Their teacher called all of the students to gather and head back to the locker room.

"I'm pooped for P.E. classes..." Sungmin complained, hanging onto Hyunwoo's shoulder while panting.

"Why? Vaulting and jogging isn't really that tiring." Hyunwoo asked while he tries to get rid of the heavy Sungmin on his shoulder.

"You! Just because you're athletic and energetic, it doesn't mean everyone else is!"

"Haha, sorry. But please don't hang on to me."

"I can't believe we're having a quiz on math tomorrow when we haven't understood a single thing... Just thinking about it makes my stomach grumpy."

"I understood a few. It's not much, but it's honest work." Hyunwoo told them while smiling.

"There's really no time this guy isn't smiling... He's smiling even though he might fail a test tomorrow." Jinho and Sungmin stared at Hyunwoo with deadpanned faces.

"That's because the three of you are always chatting during math class."

Another friend of Sungmin named Ae-rin joins in the conversation while smirking.

"Sh-Shush! It's not like you understood something either!"

"Gah—! Well, I-I have my brother to teach me when he gets home from work. He's a very good at math!" Aerin proudly said when she didn't have anything to be proud of except her brother.


Hyunwoo turns around and saw Hyejin tugging the end of his P.E. jacket.

"What's wrong, Hyejin?"

"About our conversation earlier. I couldn't tell you, but I can teach you if you'd like to."

"Huh? Are you sure? But would that cost some money?"

"What? No. It won't cost a single won. I also have a friend from another class to teach. So, I thought I could teach you as well if you join us." Hyejin invited him while looking away.

"I'm only free after eight o'clock because of work."

"Until eight o'clock? That's perfect. We're starting at eight thirty. Maybe we can start at eight this time."

"What's up here, dear friend?" Jinho asked, putting his arm on Hyunwoo's shoulder.

"I already said don't hang on to me." Hyunwoo grew an irk mark while smiling, but they could feel the annoyance in his voice.

"H-Haha, sorry. Just a force of habit." Jinho immediately retracted his hand away.

"Oh, that's alright." Hyunwoo smiled at Jinho, but the annoyance could still be felt in his voice.

"So, what're you two talking about? It's not everyday we see Hyunwoo and Hyejin talking." Sungmin asked, opening a bag of chips as Aerin followed behind.

"You're eating already? We haven't even changed clothes yet."

"I couldn't help it. There's a new vending machine for snacks there."

"Hyejin offered to teach me math today." Hyunwoo finally answers Jinho's question from earlier.

"Oh? Hmm... Being offered to be taught by the top scorer in the school sure is something."

"C-Can we join you both? We didn't really understand anything either, hehe..." The three asked

"Yes. I don't mind if I teach more of you." Hyejin showed them a gentle smile.

"What do you mean "hehe"?! Just as when I thought I could have some time alone with Hyunwoo and get to know him!" Hyejin cursed them inside her mind as tears started uncontrollably flowing out of her eyes.

"Wait, we aren't even friends. We just talked for a few times. Maybe I could get to be close friends with him while I teach them." Hyejin looked at Hyunwoo who was laughing at the three who prayed to god as if they found another savior, Hyejin.

Later, Hyejin was eating lunch alone and looking at her phone until someone put their tray in front of her.

"I'm finally back after a week... That stupid cold..."

"Ah, Jiyoon, you're finally back." Hyejin smiled, seeing the face of her friend.

"Thanks for the visit and food the other day. Sorry, I couldn't get to thank you that time."

"No, it's alright. You were asleep and I didn't want to bother your sleep."

"Oh, about the math lesson. I also had some classmates invited since they didn't understand the lesson either. Is that alright with you?"

"Oh, of course it is! It's more fun when there's more of us."

During dismissal, Hyunwoo walked with Hyejin to the kindergarten their younger siblings are studying at.

"Who would've thought we'd meet each other along the way." Hyejin started a conversation to break the wall of silence that was separating them.

"Haha, right. But we both know each other's younger siblings study here."

"A-Ah! I mean, on the way here!"

"Oh, I see. Well, now that you say that, we often see each other waiting here, but not on the way."

"That kid from Daegu..."

"Do you know him?"

Both could here two voices of women and they seemed to be talking about Hyunwoo.

"Yes. He was that kid who got into a fight with my grandson who is from Daegu. They both played a game and a fight suddenly just broke out. He and my son got into a more serious fight."

"That's terrible... How could parents like his let him grow up like that..."

"Apparently, his parents had died in a car crash and it's just his sister raising him up along with two younger siblings."

"Such pity that his sister has to raise someone like that up."

"Good thing, he stopped playing basketball. Now, my grandson can follow his dreams with less nuisances."

"Haha, this is what they call fatherless behavior, huh?"

"Sh-Shut it! He's looking at us!"

The two women immediately turned their heads away from Hyunwoo who was looking at them.

Hyunwoo walks towards them and the two women started sweating nervously. Hyejin who heard the conversation of the two women could not help but worry and follow Hyunwoo, ready to stop him if something happens.

When Hyunwoo arrived close to the two ladies, he bowed in front of them, surprising them along with Hyejin.

"He bowed?"

"I'm sorry for causing trouble to your grandson. I've learned my lesson a long time ago." Hyunwoo apologized and just as most people could feel the emotion in Hyunwoo's voice, they could feel the sincerity of his apology.

Both of the ladies were utterly shocked and confused that they couldn't get a single word out of their mouths, even Hyejin who thought he'd hit them or do something violent.

"If you don't mind, I'll have to take my younger siblings waiting at the doorstep." Hyunwoo smiled at them, shocking the old woman even more before walking away.

"He looked more violent and grumpier before. But I'm surprised he had a change in attitude."


Hyunwoo kneels down and his two younger siblings ran to hug him while the three of them smile.

"How was school today?"

"We had a lot of fun!" The two answered Hyunwoo's question before releasing him from the hug.

"Ah! That's right! Could you let us play at the park with our friend, Junghoo? We promised him already."

"Huh? But, Eunjae. Jiseok, I still have work. I won't be able to watch over you both let alone walk you both home. You can invite him in another day when I'm free, so I can watch over you both."

"But promises aren't meant to be broken. We really want to play with him!"

"I'm sorry, you two. But I still have work—"

Before Hyunwoo could finish his sentence, someone holds his shoulder. Hyunwoo turns around and saw Hyejin and a younger boy who looks exactly like her.

"I'll watch over them. Junghoo is my little brother and he wants to play with them too. Since I'm free, I can watch over your siblings and walk them to your home."

"Huh? But... wouldn't that be too much of a bother to you? I don't really want to bother anyone."

"No, it's alright. Besides, after walking them to your home, I can head over to the convenience store."

"Is that so... Okay."

The three children cheered as Hyejin smiled at Hyunwoo.

"Here are my apartment keys. You can just return them when you go to the convenience store." Hyunwoo handed a pair of keys to Hyejin.

"I'll take good care of your siblings, so don't worry about it." Hyejin reassured him.

"I'll head to work early, then."

"You two, behave well and don't make any trouble to Hyejin. If you do, Jeongsoo noona will be real mad at you the three of us."

"I'm sure they will behave well." Hyejin smiled at Hyunwoo.

"Sorry, I had to trouble you for this."

"Oh, it's alright. Don't mind."

"I'll be off to work then."

"Bye!" The two children and Hyejin waved at Hyunwoo who walks away.