
A bounty hunter living among the Multiverses.

A person with an incomplete moral compass lands on an island between worlds. And he discovers a special computer that will eventually make him the most feared bounty hunter in all the worlds.

Kriuswerus_Pl · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Krystian spent a considerable amount of time browsing through the various offers provided by the unique computer. His initial ideas, like a magical energy training chamber, had a "very hard" level. At first, he hoped that searching for something beyond the fictional worlds he knew would be less difficult. However, it turned out to be far beyond his current capabilities.

Honestly, there were too many offers to randomly find a perfect match. So Krystian decided to use the search option with the keyword "magic power." The number of offers only dropped to an indescribable amount that he couldn't handle. Fortunately, the selection was made easier because the items in the list contained keywords, making the search for the right offer much more straightforward.

Additionally, Krystian set the list to show products from the lowest difficulty level, but due to many junk ones, he ended up jumping to the middle level.

And there, he found something really useful - the grand prize was four "Wards concentrating magical power in a given area."

According to the description, they were four objects resembling small staves, each with a wooden handle 50 centimeters long, ending with an isosceles triangle, and the crystal itself was a dark blue block. The way to use them was really simple: place the totems in the corners of a 4x4 meter square and wait until the crystals change color to any brighter hue. However, the final color of the crystal depends on the prevailing magic in the air, like on a small island in the Assessment where there is only one palm tree and sand. If the totems were placed there, the crystal would turn light blue. In this area, a user specializing in waterbending or any branch of waterbending would have the most effective training.


<Harry Potter Dungeons>

Mission: Prevent the death of Lily Potter-Evans

Extra Mission-Nullify the effects of the love potion in Lily Potter's body.

Reword: X4 Empowered Magic Field Wards

Extra Reword: ????


When Krystian read the content of the mission, he started laughing hysterically and walked with rapid steps all over the island, uttering unintelligible sentences between moments of hysterical laughter. However, to a third party observing Krystian's actions from the sidelines, this view could be described as an act of madness. Inside Krystian's mind, a chaotic debate began about how to accomplish the mission.

The main mission occupied his thoughts for several minutes. Despite speculating on many scenarios, he realized that without entering the specific world and timeframe, there was no point in further speculation.

Regarding the side quest, Krystian had more to think about and explore, even before entering the magical world. He searched through all the books he now had at his disposal, but none gave the slightest clue.

(Krystian) - "FUCKKK...."

Under the influence of emotions, Krystian threw one of the numerous erotic books, unfortunately, it flew outside the island itself. The only sounds were the swish of the book cutting through the air, Krystian's anger, and the almost inaudible sound of the object falling onto a hard surface.

(Krystian) - "Fuck... Well, maybe it was a bad idea to put my hopes in the old perverted peddler's carriage. A little reconnaissance wouldn't hurt."

After activating the portal, Krystian walked through, and a rather peculiar sight appeared before his eyes. It was night, with a clear, starry sky without a single cloud. The place where he found himself seemed like a quiet street surrounded by single-family houses. The layout of the road and buildings reminded Krystian of Grove Street from GTA San Andreas, specifically the area around CJ's house. The street ended with a circle exceeding the width of the road, and many houses, despite having different colors or arrangements of rooms, created unique shapes that fit together, giving the area a peculiar scenery.

The place where the portal opened was an intersection, one fork of which led to the most populated street mentioned earlier. The rest of the fork showed only a few houses, shops, and a church - nothing worth seeing; it was indeed a small place. However, Krystian noticed one newspaper on an empty pew along the street. He read about the recent breakdown of the church bell with the title "Godric's Hollow Church Bell Breakdown, Desk Begins...". Though not very important information, thanks to the picture of the church below the title, Krystian knew where he was now. But since the newspaper showed a date from early October and was found in a dumpster, its texture seemed really damaged, so he wasn't sure about the current date.

Only after approaching the shop and seeing the current newspaper through the glass, Krystian confirmed that it was October 28, which was still 3 days before Voldemort visited Potter's house.

(Krystian) - "And where to start. Hmmm... I'm not a wizard, that type, and I don't have a wand. So summoning this magic bus is unlikely. I'm also not sure if Potter didn't have spells to protect his house from burglary. After all, I don't know exactly how Voldemort got inside. He could also use spells I don't know and then go inside... Wait... Hehe... There's a way to find out which house they live in. But it's hard... wait for now."

Morning was approaching, and Krystian looked around, exploring the entire street. He knew that this field would be essential to accomplishing his mission, so knowledge of the terrain was required. Unfortunately, when checking one of the possible places for observation, Krystian's belly began to make dissatisfied noises. As a result, Krystian's eyes wandered to the only shop in the area.

(Krystian) - "Hmmm... In these times, there isn't even a monitoring system, the roads are empty and quiet. Everyone sleeps tired all day. Besides, wandering around the street is starting to bore me. So... why would I starve to roam the streets if I can make better use of my time... hehe..."

Krystian then walked over to the front door of the store and, after looking around again, used a cutting spell to silently cut the lock on the door. After a second, there was a slight creaking of the door opening as he entered.

Inside, he spotted quite a few long-forgotten food items, such as chips whose creators he didn't know, or familiar products with rather classic labels. The store itself was also very different from the image of the store to which he had been accustomed so far. Then Krystian literally opened a portal and started looting the store. He didn't just take the products, but whole shelves and refrigerators, which he stuffed inside with a little effort. Leaving the shop with empty walls, he even took the cash register, from which he obtained a few banknotes and a handful of change.

However, when he heard sounds coming from the residential part of the building, he quickly went through the portal, and after a while, the owner of the shop was in for an unpleasant surprise.

After a short break of testing a few sweets and drinking a few bottles of Coke, Krystian re-entered the newly unlocked world. However, he appeared in a place several meters away from the store. When he climbed to one of the viewpoints that he had spotted earlier, he now saw tire tracks in front of the store. It was getting brighter, so he speculated that the police had long since left the place, and from the store building came the sobs of a grown man.

However, he was completely unmoved by the whole situation and ignored it, especially when Krystian saw the postman coming towards him. Krystian approached the road, pretending to be one of the residents. By a straight approach to the road, he walked as if coming from the front door of one of the houses and waved to the driver, who stopped. Krystian quickly approached him, punched him in the face, and threw him through the portal, which he created in mere moments, to disappear together with the postman after a while and appear on the "island."

(Postman) - "What!? Who are you?"

The postman fell to the ground, not knowing what was happening. Krystian himself had many plans and schemes of action regarding the search for the Potters' house. So without even looking at the postman, without any superfluous thought, he sloppily used a slashing spell on the man's neck, killing him instantly. After a while, Krystian quickly took off the man's clothes and put them on himself to finally throw the body off the island and go back through the portal to the same place, next to the mail truck.

(Krystian) - "Okay, it's time to start the plan."

Krystian developed a constant line that he spoke to the inhabitant or residents of a given house that he was visiting at a given moment. In his bag, he had letters addressed to everyone in the street, including Lila Potter, who was about to receive a letter from a really unexpected person - her sister Petunia. However, the contents of the letter were not visible even in the light, so even though curiosity was really high, there were no other letters. He had to swallow his saliva and keep working.

When Krystian was halfway down the street and most of the letters had been delivered, he stood in front of the richest-looking house on the street. It was a really big, old American-style family house with light blue exteriors and a dark oak roof. Additionally, there was a really beautifully maintained flower garden with several garden gnomes.

Krystian, after a moment of admiring the garden, which seemed to be tended by a master gardener, walked to the dark oak door and knocked.

From inside the house, he heard the sounds of people coming down the stairs in a rather violent hurry. The sound was so clear that Krystian speculated that the entrance to the upper floor, the stairs, was located opposite or near the front door.

The door was opened by a red-haired young woman with delicate and elegant features, about 25 years old. Although her delicate appearance made it difficult to ascertain a specific age. She was wearing a red-gold robe with the Gryffindor emblem on the left breast. Despite the baggy robe, there was no denying that Lily Evans was a really attractive woman with mesmerizing emerald eyes.

As Lily opened the door, she said almost automatically:

(Lily) - "Good morning, Eric... you are not Eric..."

Confusion began to appear on Lily's face, and it was obvious that she was contemplating an important issue. Krystian, already experienced in translating this matter, said in a simple tone:

(Krystian) - "I'm new and just started delivering letters in this area today. My senior currently delivers letters on a different street, and he entrusted this section to me because the number of houses is much smaller."

(Lily) - "I understand. What's your name?"

(Krystian) - "Kristian Corvus, ma'am?"

Krystian couldn't shake the feeling that he was being probed by the young woman, and her suspicious gaze only intensified this feeling. For this reason, he used his pseudonym instead of his real name. This decision was made quickly due to the consideration of whether to use it and the time pressure, as the answer had to be smooth to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Lily rolled her eyes nervously, and her right hand went to the inside pocket of her bathrobe. Krystian noticed this gesture, which caused Lily's gaze to change, as if she had fixed on something.

(Lily) - "Lily Evans-Potter, Mr. Corvus. A peculiar name. Excuse my boldness, but you look familiar. Did you go to Hogwarts?"

Now Krystian was convinced that she was actually reaching for her wand. So he replied in a still controlled tone.

(Krystian) - "Yes, Mrs. Evans. And don't pull your wand out here, because some of the townspeople might see it."

(Krystian) - "And if I may ask, how do you know me? I don't recall having any contact with the Potter Gang or you at school."

Lily seemed to calm down, retracting her hand from the wand, which caused a piece of the robe to wave, briefly revealing that Lily was naked under the robe, without a bra or anything covering the upper parts of her body. A truly peculiar sight, but not significant enough for Krystian to stop working out the fake story in his head.

(Lily) - "Sorry, our Wards just reacted to your strong magical signature, and my husband and I were a little confused about it."

(Krystian) - "It's my fault too. I could have guessed that the name Potter sounded all too familiar."

(Lily) - "Well..."

At that moment, a voice interrupted them.

(James) - "Honey...."

Behind Lily's back, a scruffily dressed man appeared in denim trousers and a white shirt, properly unbuttoned and only half tucked into his trousers. James looked a lot like Harry from the recent movies, but his features were a bit sharper. If you put him next to a son who is his age, Harry would look like the slightly uglier little brother. However, what Krystian didn't like at first glance was James' mischievous smile that seemed to stay on even when he saw his wife talking to a stranger.

(James) - "Oh... new Postman... Heh... Well, I heard your conversation. James Potter, Gryffindor, and the husband of this sex bomb next to me."

He said, kissing Lily briefly on the forehead and extending his hand towards Krystian. Krystian considered murdering James on the spot and tying up Lily, taking her straight to Snape's door with the words "change her memory" and having fun. But on second thought, he restrained himself and shook hands with Potter.

(Krystian) - "Krystian Corvus, Hufflepuff, and the owner of a 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback. Hehehe..."

At Krystian's words, Potter laughed amiably. Confused, Lily looked at her husband with a questioning look.

(James) - "It's a car, honey, one of the muggle ones we see, but..."

(Krystian) - "...a truly unique, beautiful, and sexy car."

(Lily) - "Still don't understand."

(James) - "This is something... for men... I'll explain it to you later. And Krystian would love to see this car."

(Krystian) - "If the amount of shipments is small, instead of this old service scrap, I will come with 'my lady'."

He said in a rather artificially friendly tone, and the idea of stealing said car using the portal was born in his head. But only later, after he ended this uninteresting situation.

(Krystian) - "I'll have to say goodbye for now. I still have some work to do. Next time, I'll leave you for the end, and then we can talk, James, Mrs. Evans. Goodbye."

It was quite abrupt, but Krystian didn't care and pretended to look at his watch before quickly heading back to the truck and driving away. Ignoring the fact that there were several more houses next to the Potters'. However, noticing that Lily was still watching him, he stopped at the last house within sight, got out, and quickly dropped a random letter under the door before returning to the truck. He then headed towards a dead-end and opened the portal there, disappearing from this world along with the vehicle.