
Chapter 8


Colin entered the small kitchen looking as white as a sheet.

"Nightmares again?" Selene asked, noticing the bags under his emerald-green eyes.

"It's always the same one," Colin said, sitting down at the table.

"You should go and see him," Selene said, setting a plate in front of him.

"I can't, Nanna," Colin said, shaking his head. "I hurt him," he said.

"He misses you," she said. Colin bit his lower lip, fighting the tears that threatened to fall.

"I miss him too," he said. "But I can't risk it happening again," Colin said as he stood up and took his plate to his room.

It had been three very long and difficult years since he had fled the orphanage. Colin couldn't face his best friend, whom he had injured that day. Colin sat quietly at his desk in his bedroom and ate his breakfast. His hair had lost its shine and was shaggy. His green eyes were red and puffy from the constant nightmares. When Colin stepped into the kitchen with his dirty dishes, he looked paler than before. He stumbled on the way back to his room but steadied himself by grabbing a door frame.

Colin had made his way to his bed and was lying down when Selene stepped inside the room.

"Are you alright?" she asked in concern.

"I'm fine, Nanna," Colin said. "I'm just tired," he said.

"If you're sick, please tell me," she said.

"I just need sleep," he said. "I'm okay," he said. Selene knew that the boy wasn't fine because, since he arrived back home, his health had gone downhill. She was worried and needed to tell someone.

Selene stayed near the door and watched until Colin fell asleep. She knew what she was planning was risky, but the condition of her young prince worried her. He needed his alpha but was too stubborn to admit it. Selene transformed into a crow and flew to the orphanage. Sister Katerine and Sister Rose had sat down on a bench when she arrived. She transformed back to her human form and walked up to them.

"Hello, sisters," Selene said.

"Hello, Selene," Katerine said. "How's our runaway prince?" she asked.

"That's why I'm here," Selene said, sitting down in a chair beside them.

Katerine sensed that something was really wrong and scooted closer.

"What's wrong?" "Did something happen?" she asked.

"Do you understand why he fled the orphanage?" Selene asked.

"Yes," Katerine said, nodding her head. "We all know about what happened that day," she said.

"First, how is Chad doing?" Selene asked out of curiosity.

"He's been restless lately," Rose said. "Why?" she asked.

"Well, my prince's health has taken a turn for the worse," Selene said. "He won't admit to it, but he's missing his alpha, and it's literally killing him," she said.

The two sisters glanced at each other and then returned their gaze to Selene.

"This sounds like they bonded as mates when they were here, and now they are feeling the separation loss," Katerine said.

"Can they even bond at an early age?" Selene asked.

"If they are soulmates, yes," Rose said, nodding her head.

"What do we do?" Selene asked. "He's still blaming himself," she said. "Plus, I don't think he's ever told his friend who he really is," she added.

"About him being of royal blood?" Katerine asked. "I don't think he has," she said.

"He's so scared of being rejected that it's eating him alive," Selene said.

"Then these two need to reconnect and re bond," Katerine said.

The three of them went inside and headed to Chad's room. "Chad, you have a visitor," Katerine said, lightly knocking on the door.

"I don't want to speak to anyone," Chad said on the other side of the door. Selene opened the door and asked, "Does that include me?" stepping into the dark room.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Because your friend needs you right now," she said.

"Why would he need me?" Chad asked. "He ran away," he said.

"He didn't run away from you," Selene said. "He ran away because he hurt you," she said. "Son, he's blaming himself for what happened, and it's killing him," she added.

Selene's eyes became serious. "You see, the reason he hasn't told you things about himself is because he fears that you'll reject him," she said. "Plus, bad people will murder him if they know that he's still alive," she explained.

"That's stupid," Chad said. "I would never reject him," he said. "Why would he even think that?" Chad asked.

"Because he is of royal blood, and Colin is not his real name," Selene said. "His name is Justin Musa, prince of Eblar," she said. "If you really do care for my prince, you need to come with me," she said.

"Let me pack, and we can leave," he said. "Not being near him is driving me insane," he said, grabbing his bag and throwing everything he owns into it

On the way, Selene asked, "How much of his past has he told you?"

"Not much," Chad said. "Just that he's not sure where his mother is and that his father was a bad man," he said. "Talking about his past made him sad," he added.

"It's because he was so young when we fled," Selene said.

"Why did his father hate him so much?" Chad asked.

"He feared that with Justin's power, he would one day take the throne from him," he said. "I've seen how close you two have gotten," she said. "You two are soulmates," she added. "He needs you, and you need him," Selene said.

When they entered the house, Chad heard crying coming from inside a bedroom. Chad walked down the hallway and stopped at a closed door. He reached out and turned the knob. Chad's mouth dropped in shock at how bad his friend looked. He was really thin, pale, and distraught.

"Colin," Chad said softly as he stepped up to him. Colin turned his head at the sound of the familiar voice and stared blankly.

"You can't be here; you're in my head," he said, sobbing once more. Chad sat on the bed and cupped Colin's chin.

"Look at me," he said. "I'm here, and I'm real," he said.

"I don't believe you; this is another bad dream," Colin said, trying to move away.

"If this was a dream, why can I do this?" Chad asked, cupping his chin and kissing him firmly on the lips. Colin stared at him, trying to process what just happened.

With all of the bottled-up feelings, Colin burst into tears and sobbed.

"Just let it all out," Chad said, as he pulled him close and held him in his arms.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that," he stammered. "I was so scared," he said.

"I've told you before," Chad said. "I'm not scared of you or your power," he said.

"But you don't know anything about me," he said.

"I know enough to know that I like you," he said. "Plus, I know that Colin isn't your real name," he said.

"How?" he asked, looking confused.

"Let's say a little birdie told me," Chad said. "Can we start over and get to know each other properly?" he asked. Justin sighed softly and nodded his head.