
A Blood Sacrifice

Timeline: 1446 When Koen's mother had disappeared when he was seven years old, he always thought she had abandoned him. Ever since then, his neighbor had taken him in and raised him. But when that neighbor disappears too, he decides that he is not going to have history repeat itself. He goes off on a search but because of his lack of knowledge, he ends up on a near death scenario which leads to him being saved by a tavern waitress. And it seems that the more he tries to find Baynard, the more he knows about his mother's disappearance. Revenge and betrayal are certainly not missing in this story.

Alorria · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

"How did you find me?" Helena asked the man, apparently named Jace.

We had been magically extricated from that subterranean hellhole just a few minutes earlier. Now, we were sitting around a campfire in a remote forest.

It wasn't Achovell, don't worry.

Jace, who appeared our age but seemed more mature with stubble on his chin and slicked-back black hair, replied, "I wasn't looking for you, Hellie."

For some reason, that nickname irked me.

"Then how—" Helena began, but the thief girl interrupted, dropping piles of wood by the campfire.

"He was looking for me, witchy," she said, sitting beside Jace but keeping a bit of distance.

Helena looked annoyed but maintained her composure. "Who's she to you?"

I remained silent, just listening.

"This is Vale," Jace said, gesturing to the thief girl. "She's my assistant."

"You really need to stop leading with that," Vale told him sternly, clearly irked by the label.

"But it's true," he protested.

"It's mortifying, is what it is," she retorted.

Helena and I just watched them bicker. I leaned toward Helena and whispered, "How do you know him?"

"He's my brother," she explained, "Half-brother actually."

Oh, that makes sense.

Jace whispered something to Vale that neither of us heard, and they both fell silent.

The silence was awkward but was interrupted by Jace clearing his throat. "How did you three end up underground?" he inquired.

Vale shrugged while Helena immediately looked my way as if I knew the answer.

Jace seemed to think so too and stared at me expectantly. "Well?"

I pondered what to say but had no answers. "I have no idea," I told them.

"He was your friend, Koen," Helena reasoned with me.

"That doesn't mean I know." I understood their skepticism. If the tables were turned, I wouldn't trust me either.

Another silence passed between us before Helena spoke again, "Are you sure you aren't involved in this?"

I nodded, and the distrust softened in their eyes, except for Vale. She still looked angry, but then again, that might be her resting face.

"Alright then, let's all sleep it off for now. We'll continue this in the morning," Jace proclaimed, standing up. He walked a few steps away from the campfire to a flat, solid ground. Raising his hands, a large piece of cloth flew out from his pack and shaped itself into a tent.

It looked like it could fit at least three people. Were they going to make me sleep outside? I sure hoped not.

"Everybody in," Jace said in a welcoming tone, like it was a house.

Vale walked in first, unimpressed. Helena followed, not looking amazed either. She was a magic user, after all.

I, on the other hand, was astonished but composed myself quickly. I made my way to the entrance, ducking a bit, expecting limited headroom. Inside, the tent was unexpectedly capacious.

The floor was wooden, but the walls and ceiling were fabric. It was as if the tent tripled in size. On the left side was a small kitchen with the basics. On the right were four beds with curtains for privacy.

It was cozy, especially since it was warm inside like a fireplace was lit, but there wasn't one.

Helena stood beside me, staring at the ceiling, looking just as amazed as I was. She hadn't seen this before either.

Jace and Vale went to their respective spaces, already customized to their liking.

I didn't sleep well. The image of those skeletons haunted me, and I kept hearing my mother's voice, humming to me.

Even the fresh air outside the tent didn't help. I stared up at the night sky, hoping it would make me tired enough to sleep when I heard someone exit the tent.

I turned and saw Jace emerging. "Listen, I need you to tell me the truth," he said.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What truth?"

"Everything. Why did you end up underground with Vale and Helena?" He continued, "I will know if you lie to me."

It was the first time I saw him up close. His dark blue eyes seemed to glow and that was enough to convince me to believe in his words.

I told him everything. How Baynard just disappeared, how I met Helena, and how we got teleported to that horrible place.

The only detail I left out was about my mother. I didn't see how it would matter to him, and it technically wasn't lying. I merely withheld information.

"Guess I'll have to hunt down that friend of yours," Jace muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

Wait, what?

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"That Baynard friend of yours attacked my sister and Vale," he stated, his eyes reflecting a shared desire for retribution.

"And I'm not going to sit back and let anyone think it's permissible to mess with two of the most important women in my life. Understood?"

"Let me accompany you then," I suggested. "There's something I have to talk to him about."

He agreed, thankfully, and eventually went back inside to sleep. "Oh, by the way, there's tea inside to help you rest," he mentioned.


"Also, please don't tell Vale about the part where I said she was important, okay?" he whispered, his voice so low it was almost comical, as if he was afraid Vale might overhear.

It was amusing to witness and eased my tension.

"Sure," I said, offering him a warm smile.

The next morning felt like a bliss, I had the best sleep in years. I guess that tea really worked wonders.

Everyone else was already awake. Helena sat at the kitchenette and was eating sliced up sweet potatoes as her breakfast whereas Jace and Vale were out and about.

I greeted her good morning as I grabbed an apple that sat on the table and made my way outside.

Being in a forest, the canopy of the trees did not allow the sunlight to hit my eyes and the cold breeze was refreshing.

Jace was tending to the fire and cooking what appeared to be a few birds on a stick. Beside him, were three small arrows which I can only assume they used to shoot the birds out of the sky.

And like last night, Vale entered my sight carrying a bunch of firewood and placed them aside. Jace greeted me and Vale just flat out ignored me.

Both wore the same outfits as yesterday. Except Vale was wearing fingerless gloves and a crossbody shoulder bag that clung closely to her abdomen.

"Is Helena not gonna eat bird?" I asked, wondering why she had a headstart with those sweet potatoes instead of waiting on the bird.

"She doesn't eat meat because she apparently feels guilty." Jace explains to me, chortling at the thought of her eating habits.

"Fancy little princess." Vale muttered to herself, but we both heard her nonetheless.

"Be nice, Vale." Jace instructed her.

"Tell her that too!" She yelled at him. her voice sounded annoyed at his request.

"Vale–" He started to speak but was cut off when Vale hastily ran over to him and put her hand over his mouth. Using her other hand she raised a finger over her mouth telling us to be quiet.

We both listened, but I heard nothing. Just the leaves rustling because of the wind.

Despite that, I knew it was best to trust whatever she was doing right now, unless she was just doing this to freak us out.

And with bad timing Helena got out of the tent, "What are you guys doing?"

A dagger suddenly shot out from behind a tree, hitting the ground next to Helena's feet and within seconds a group of men and a few women came out of their hiding spots and surrounded us from all angles.

They all wore masks that conceal their face except their eyes and wore matching uniforms.

We're fucked.