
A Blood Sacrifice

Timeline: 1446 When Koen's mother had disappeared when he was seven years old, he always thought she had abandoned him. Ever since then, his neighbor had taken him in and raised him. But when that neighbor disappears too, he decides that he is not going to have history repeat itself. He goes off on a search but because of his lack of knowledge, he ends up on a near death scenario which leads to him being saved by a tavern waitress. And it seems that the more he tries to find Baynard, the more he knows about his mother's disappearance. Revenge and betrayal are certainly not missing in this story.

Alorria · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

"I want that one!" I said to a merchant, pointing towards a beautiful silver pendant with a ruby gemstone.

My height was shrunken, and my voice sounded like a child's. I looked up at a younger version of Richard, who smiled down at me as he fetched the pendant I had pointed out.

I was dreaming again.

"How much is this?" I inquired.

"Ten silver pieces," he told me. I looked down at my small hands, which held only nine silver pieces—all that I had saved up in my seven years of living here in Bayhelm.

Richard seemed to notice my frustration with my lack of money and gave me another smile. "Tell you what, kid, I'll give it to you for four silvers."

"Deal!" I exclaimed, handing him the four silvers in exchange for the pendant.

I smiled from ear to ear as I held that beautiful piece of jewelry while walking back home. The pendant was for my mother; it was her birthday, and I wanted to give her the closest thing to a luxury item.

I started seeing the scenes of giving it to her, of her happily hugging me and showering me with kisses. She had promised she would never take it off, as it was now her new good luck charm.

I was startled awake by a knock on my door. The knocks were gentle but intended to wake me up.

Unlike my room back in Bayhelm, the window in Chalice Inn did not directly hit my eyes with sunlight, and that was quite refreshing, to say the least.

Sitting up on the bed, I took a quick glance at the room I had been staying in. The items I had brought with me were neatly packed last night by yours truly, while my coat still hung on the rack, freshly washed.

There was another knock on my door, more persistent this time.

I got up and made my way towards it, opening it to see who was knocking so early.

Helena stood there, already dressed and prepped for our day that would be entirely focused on searching for Baynard.

She wore a white shirt with sleeves that reached her elbows, paired with a plum-colored skirt and a brown leather corset adorned with a belt that held a small leather pouch. Her hair was braided tightly, keeping it out of her face.

"You're not dressed," she stated, her voice monotone, unlike the soft and gentle tone she had yesterday.

I felt embarrassed about my unpreparedness, while she was already set and ready to go.

I muttered a quick apology and told her I'd get ready. She left, saying she'd wait for me downstairs.

After bathing, dressing, and final preparations, I was ready for the day. I wore my white shirt, black pants, and cloak.

I quickly went downstairs where Helena's mother was serving us breakfast before opening up the inn. Her mother gave us a small talk about being careful and told me to ensure her daughter returned home alive, or she would have my head. She said it jokingly, but I was pretty sure she was serious.

We set out, searching every street and alleyway for Baynard, while Helena gave me a brief history and tour of Neria. Despite my stress, Helena was very comforting and made me feel better about the situation.


We searched everywhere, even digging through dumpsters to make sure Baynard wasn't buried in any of them, but still nothing.

Helena wanted to keep helping me, but as her mother had instructed, she could only help me while in Neria, and I planned on searching further into Berene.

She walked me towards the bridge, the border that separated and connected the two kingdoms. We stood there, staring across to the other side. It was filled with carriages and a few people walking across, while others watched the view.

I kept staring ahead, feeling the weight of my emotions. I felt empty and hollow thinking about Baynard's disappearance. My fists were clenched tightly, nails digging into my palms, yet I barely felt the pain. The emotions overwhelmed me.

I had never even thanked him for taking care of me, not even when he first took me in. Memories flooded my mind, of how he comforted me despite my hysterics about my mother. How he always reassured me that my mother did not abandon me.

"Mallory was a good woman, and she loved you, Koen," he'd say.

A lump formed in my throat, and my breath became shallow. Tears threatened to fall, but I blinked them back, not wanting to break down in front of strangers or Helena.

There was a small tap on my left shoulder, and I turned to see Helena.

She opened her mouth to speak, but in that moment, I saw a blur of movement past her.

Helena fell to the ground, yelping as something was tugged off her. It all happened so quickly. I looked at Helena with wide eyes and watched the thief run for a second before I came to my senses.

I moved to help Helena up, but she was already on her feet, chasing the thief and yelling. They were heading across the bridge.

Remembering my promise to Helena's mother to keep her safe, I had no choice but to chase after them.

The thief had a head start and was a very fast runner, but Helena was gaining speed. It was strange and mesmerizing to watch.

Helena never seemed the athletic type, yet there she was, running like she had been doing it all her life.

The thief was just as athletic, dodging and blocking obstacles with incredible agility and reflexes.

My breath grew shorter as I kept running, trying to catch up. Unlike them, I barely ran.

I mostly worked on a farm, pulling weeds, plowing fields, and carrying heavy loads.

We crossed the bridge, and I noticed Helena slowing down, struggling to breathe. I managed to catch up to her; she stayed still for a moment, hands on her knees, sucking in air.

She watched the thief with frustration, then raised her right hand.

At that moment, a surge of light materialized in the air. Helena threw her arm back and aimed the light at the thief's feet.

Her aim was flawless, hitting them perfectly.

We watched as the thief fell to the ground, screaming and clutching their right leg. The voice sounded like a girl's. When she fell, an old man was also knocked down.

I didn't have time to be shocked. We first needed to get the pouch back, then help the old man, and then I could question Helena.

A crowd formed around them, and we squeezed our way in. Helena snatched the pouch from the thief's hands while I helped the old man up. Then I saw his face.

"Baynard…?" I asked quietly, my eyes wide in disbelief.

My heart raced as I stared at his face. He seemed just as surprised, but he also looked scared.

He yelped and got out of my hold, raising his hands and screaming, "BEGONE!"

Darkness enveloped my vision. I quickly looked behind me and saw Helena and the thief also getting swallowed by whatever dark matter was summoned.

I heard Helena scream but couldn't see her anymore.

My hands shook terribly. I closed my eyes, trying to convince myself this was just a strange nightmare.

But it didn't help. My heart beat erratically, and I was shaking and sweating more than when I was running.

What is going on?