
A Blazing Fist (Gamer Insert - Starting in Avatar The Last Airbender)

My name is Zan, the gamer. With my fist cast ablaze, I'll scorch my way to omnipotence. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Cómic
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44 Chs

First Steps 4

(Technique Mastered!)

(Flame Whip: Whip's of flame created from ejection points on the bottom of the fist. Standard Cost: 40 CP)

Letting loose a sigh of relief, I slumped down onto the cold metal deck, and wiped the sweat from my brow. Three days had passed since my first day on this ship. And, I honestly hadn't had to do anything. After I was given the room of the two Imperial Fire Bender's on board, I was...promoted for a lack of a better term.

Azula named me an Imperial Fire Bender, and made sure I had the armour to match. But nothing really changed. She spent most of her time in her quarters and barely said a word to me. All I had to do was guard her during meal times, and the only other time she was out of her room was to bark orders at the captain, beat up the captain, mock the captain..honestly she really had it out for the poor guy. And of course, those two old crones that were with her, cordoned off the deck an hour after dinner so that Azula could train herself, but neither I, nor anybody else was allowed to see her while she was training.

So honestly, I had a lot of free time to myself. And there really wasn't much that could be done on a ship like this. During the day, the deck was incredibly busy, so that left only night as a valid time to practice my fire bending. Beyond that, I did manage to get some physical conditioning during the days when I wasn't looming over Azula's shoulder.

Still, despite the three days of effort, I'd not improved all that much. I cast a look at my status screen.

Name: Zan

Race: Human

Level: 4 (32/388)

HP: 2000/2000 (100 Regen per minute)

CP: 1430/1430 (65 Regen per minute)

Strength: 22 (24.2) (26.2)

Endurance: 20 (22) (34)

Dexterity: 19 (22.8)

Luck: 7

Stat Points: 0

Gacha points: 0


Herculean Strength: Strength is increase by 10%

Endurance Beast: Endurance is increased by 10%

Dragon Blooded: Gain 50% resistance to all elemental attacks. Chi gains are doubled. Fire Bending gains multiplied by 1.5x.

Prodigious: You learn and pick up things at an accelerated rate, from theoretical to combat skills.

Super Immune: You are immune to all diseases and poisons.

Expert Swordsman: You learned under the sword master Piando.


Sozin Style Fire Bending(Adept - 90%): Save 5% Chi Points when using fire bending techniques. 10% Chi increase. 20% resistance to fire element.

Swordsman(Expert – 0%): Dexterity increased by 10% when wielding a blade.


Flame Punch: Firing blasts of fire from a punch. Standard Cost: 10CP

Flame Kick: Launching blasts and arcs of fire with a kick. Standard Cost: 10CP

Flame Dagger: Creates a vibrating, red hot blade of flame from the fist. Standard Cost: 25CP

Flame Redirection: The ability to redirect flames with physical contact. Standard Cost: 1+CP

Fire Stream: Fires a compressed stream of fire. Standard Cost: 50CP

Fire Block: the ability to block and extinguish fire. Standard Cost: Varies

Flame Burst: A small bullet of fire rapidly shot by thrusting out two fingers. Standard Cost: 5CP

Flame Shield: A sphere of explosive force conjured around the user to block attacks. Standard Cost: 100CP

Flame Whip: Whip's of flame created from ejection points on the bottom of the fist. Standard Cost: 40 CP

Both my strength and endurance had risen by two, while my dexterity had increased by one. Not much for three days of training, but a nice little boost nonetheless outside of levelling up. The Imperial Fire Bender armour had double the stats of the common fire bender soldier armour. And not only that, but I could equip up to two swords at once, so I could get double the dexterity bonus from my expert swordsman abilities.

Not only that, I'd also found, that I didn't actually have to wear something to equip it. So even if I decided to jump ship and leave Azula and the Fire Nation behind, I wouldn't need to give up the bonuses of my armour at all. There's a few bonuses to wearing it granted, like it still blocking me from taking direct hits and like the vambraces and boots being good for blocking weapons. But, it's helpful nonetheless.

I eyed my Sozin Style Fire Bending skills. I was sitting at ninety percent. During the nights when I was working on my fire bender, I worked on using techniques I remember Zuko, Azula, Iroh and the like using throughout the series. I'd managed to master three of them according to the system, the flame burst, that little technique Azula liked to use blasting fire from two fingers, the flame shield Zuko used to protect himself from his ship getting blown up and against Sparky Sparky Boom Man, and the Flame Whip Zuko again used against Katara in the catacombs under Ba Sing Se.

Each one mastered it seemed, had given me a thirty percent increase towards the next rank of Sozin Style Fire Bending. I'm assuming they would really only have given twenty percent, if not for my Dragon Blooded perk.

Honestly, it had been surprisingly easy to get them down. I just understood the application from practising some, and it became like second nature. And the more I learned, the easier it seemed to call on my fire and direct it as I pleased.

'Now that I think about it, what even is dragon blooded? Do I have like dragons blood running through my veins or something?' I wondered. I'm not gonna lie, if I can somehow become a dragon, that would be fucking sick man.

I idly imagined myself turning into a big bipedal fuck off dragon, that would be awesome as fuck. But I shook my head after a minute and put it out of mind. I still had a little while before I had to vacate the deck and go get some sleep. Tomorrow was when we'd arrive at our destination apparently, and I need to be ready for whatever I find myself wanting to do.

Pushing myself up, I took a deep breath and rose my hands together into the air close together, 'Catch on the finger tips, let the current flow through my body into my stomach, and then out from my other arms fingertips.' I thought, going through the motions I remembered from the show.

Even if I do decide not to leave Azula and strike out on my own, Lightning Redirection will be hella useful in the future, cuz there's no way I'm gonna happily follow crazy goatee mcgee into burning the fucking world. What an utter psycho.​