
Chapter 15

Rubie Pov.

The whole new C.E.O. caused a buzz in the company. Most people couldn't concentrate on work as the only thing that filled everyone's mouth was the Jung Joon-woo. And suddenly everyone was looking forward to becoming his assistant, while I wished I could take back my application.

Yes, it would be a good opportunity that I'll miss, but it's fine. Look how distracted I was by him. Just imagine what would happen if we worked together.

I and my friends were heading into the cafeteria now to get lunch.

"The hottest topic is Jung Joon-woo, it seems," Mun Yeong says in an irritated tone. What exactly does she have against the said man?

"You got the hottest part right, Mun," Stacey says with a smirk.

"I thought you were gay, Stace." Han-so states

"What would Hikari think about that statement, Miss Worthington?" I say, getting a plate of ttekbokki and cola.