
The beginning.

My name is Luciana, a simple girl living her life from New York. I have been living here, ever since the death of my mother. I have been struggling to build a place where children who have been abandoned could stay. Where orphans could feel like they have a family.

With this bright hope shinning bright within me, I have been pushing through obstacles for eight years straight.

Before, this nation was ever born, before this circumstance was formed. There was a lady named Linda, my mentor and the one I still look forward to till today. She died an untimely death as a pacifist, fighting for her country and hometown. And fortunately, I happened to be her ten year old daughter who experienced her death right before her eyes and almost got nearly killed.

Ten years ago, my mother had made me promise; no matter how hard it got... no matter how tough it got, I should never stop pushing, fighting. At least for her sake.

I had promised her, and though she is the nearest to my heart, I would never forget how she was killed in front of me.

She was murdered at our very own door step, and had been stabbed continuously to death . Beheaded and stoned to death. They had given her the most cruel death one could ever have been given. And yet, I couldn't bury her, because they had burned her body. How could a human be so terribly cruel?

She had been murdered for what she knew nothing of. And so, I keep on promising myself day and night, to never let the culprits get away.

My mother Linda would get the justice she rightfully deserves.

A sigh escapes my lips as I slip into the coffee shop and take a seat. The seat was right beside a glass window. But I didn't care, not anymore. I takr a sip from the coffee I had ordered and let the warmth sink deep into me. Then my phone rang.

Fishing it out from my pocket, I check the caller's ID, and find the nuisance to be my personal secretary.


I answer the call. "hello." I say.

"hello... where are you?" he asked, worry clear in his voice.

"went to get something to drink" I replied Cooley, placing my pay on my table as I begin to get up.

"so why interrupt my solemn moment?" I asked as calmly as I could.

I could sense him tense on the other end.

"it's an emergency, a child just got into an accident. Got rode over by a car." He said, panic clear in his voice.

"how bad?" I asked leaving the shop and stepping into the cool walkway of the streets.

"very bad." he said.