

Sandy walked me down to my first class; English.

She turned towards and said" come on, go do your thing. I'll be down the hall in geometry."

I nodded, pushing my glasses up with my middle finger.

Her eyes widened.

" Did you just give me the middle finger, miss Craig?"

I laughed and ran into the class before she could get me.

That was how easy things were with me and Sandy. We balanced each other out.

The class was semi full when I entered and I sat at my usual back seat to avoid everyone. You might have already guessed; I am not a person person. I prefer solitude and that did not earn me many friends.

People filled the class quickly and Mrs Ashleigh, our teacher, entered the class. The class quieted as she stood on the platform.

"Settle down everyone." She started.

The class became so silent they if a pin fell, the sound would be heard. That's how Mrs Ashleigh commanded her respect.

She was about to start talking when the class door opened.

All eyes went straight to the door to discover who has the audacity to enter the class after Mrs Ashleigh.

My eyes widened as the boy from earlier stepped in.

My throat suddenly ran dry. He was....hot.

I had to admit that though I'd rather die than say that aloud.

Mrs Ashleigh nodded her head at him before she spoke,

" Please,find a place to sit, Mr Potter."

He turned towards the class and scanned before his eyes landed on me. He began to walk towards me.

My heart stopped. Was I imagining it or was this hunk heading towards me?

Every step he took increased my heart race. If my heart continued like this, I won't survive it.

I looked beside and saw an empty seat. That wasn't the only empty seat in the class but he was heading towards this one.

Ashley,the bitch who had bullied me those years back and still tauted me till now, shifted to create a space beside her but he did not stop until he was in front of me.

" Can I seat here?" His deep baritone voice with the hint of an accent asked politely.

God. I couldn't even talk so as not to make a fool of myself.

I just gestured for him to seat and he sat down beside me.

His cologne hit me. Mann. He smelt so nice.

A hint of manly smell mixed with his natural smell had me heady.

" Good. Now that everyone has settled down,We'll start with the new book we voted last semester" Mrs Ashleigh called out. A few groans came out but I was not paying attention.

I was trying as much as possible to un notice

The boy.. no man, sitted beside me.

" Mrs Ashleigh," a student called out softly" can we put off reading since this is the first day?" The student asked timidly.

" No." Came the Curt answer from Mrs Ashleigh.

" Can someone remind me the book we're starting with?"

" Othello by William Shakespeare" came the mumbled answer from some students.

" Now,if you'll pull out your books and read for the next ten minutes without noise,"she said.

I pulled out my book and turned to the first page. I had already revised it so there was no need for me to read it again but I needed a distraction the heat beside me. He was impossibly close and distant at the same time.

He rustled beside me as if he was searching for something. A soft curse was muttered before I felt him face me.

My heart skipped as he spoke.

"I'm, excuse me, can I share your book? It's seems as if I forgot mine" he said.

I faced him and I was speechless again. What was wrong with me?I always had something to say.

I just nodded as I adjusted my book towards him.

He scooted closer and I stiffened immediately.

Ashley turned to us and scrowled. I just shook my head, battling my own feelings.

" I'll tell you the truth. I don't know much about this,"

He said, running his hands through his hair again.

I just nodded my head. He probably thought I was weird but my tongue refused to untangle. If Sandy saw me right now, she'll laugh her ass off.

"Can you please te me what this is about?" He asked, looking at me curiously.

I resisted the urge to push my glasses up with my middle finger as I cleared my throat.

When I started talking, my racing heart slowed down until I felt Normal again.

"Thanks. That was...educating" he said, smiling at me a little.

He probably thought I was a geek who did nothing but bury myself in my books and in all reality,I really am.

Why do I care what he thinks about me? I thought, frowning.

Mrs Ashleigh continued with class and I was distracted all through. She probably noticed since she questioned me more than once buy I always told her I'm fine.

The bell rang and the class was dismissed. After that,I did not see him again till lunch.

I headed to the cafeteria, spotting Sandy as soon as I entered. She wasn't that difficult to miss since she was so alive and radiant.

I headed towards her and sat down.

She offered her lunch to me and I grabbed the apple her mum had packed for her. We stopped eating the cafeteria food since it always tasted like crap. The only thing good about it was the soda that came with it.

" So, how was your classes?" She asked, checking something on her phone.

I was about to reply when Ashley passed by our table. She eyed me with disdain before she muttered something that sounded like" cocksucker". My brows raised as she walked away, her short skirt swishing behind her.

Sandy looked up and frowned.

"What was that about?" She asked, frowning as she made to stand up, probably to go after Ashley.

I placed my hand on her arm and Shaked my head." Ignore her." I muttered.

She sighed and sat down back. I raised my head and stiffened when they walked into the cafeteria.