

I walked to the cafeteria, sending a quick text to Sandy, asking about her mum's situation and if she needed a pair of extra hand to help her out. She had not replied so I tucked my phone in the pocket of my jeans. She was probably busy. I made a mental note to visit her before going to work.

When I looked up, I noticed that my usual table was occupied. It was as if they were aware of the fact that Sandy wasn't around. They only feared her and not me anyway. I was the quiet geek and the glasses freak.

I changed direction, heading to a free table.

It was too late before I noticed it. The path I was passing led to the Patrick brothers' table and they had already entered the cafeteria and we're headed to their table.i was standing in the way. So it was either I went back or I passed by them. That will make them notice me and noticing me was bad. I don't know if they remembered me from all those years as the girl they'd sneered at but I did not want to find out.

I had always tried my best to avoid them. Even Sandy avoided them. They were too much trouble,she used to say. Ashley was right behind them, trailing like a dog as always,I thought, sneering slightly. She looked up and noticed me before she gave me that wicked smile that meant trouble. Daring me to pass by them.

I was not going to turn back. I thought in my mind, getting angry. the smug look on Ashley's face cemented my decision.

I was about to take a step forward, consequences be damned when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I knew who it was even before I turned around. The electricity travelling through me was enough to tell me who it was. I whipped towards him, catching the shake if his head as if to tell me not to do it. He snatched my hands and we were about to leave when the voice of one of the brothers, probably Donald, stopped us

"Well,if it isn't Mitchell" he called out, our back still turned to him.

Why was he talking about Mitchell? I thought, frowning. Did they know each other?

Mitchell's hand holding mine tightened and his back stiffened.

" Is that how you greet your brother, Mitchell?" Donald said again,his voice lower and audible to us alone.

A voice gasped behind me, mirroring my own shock. What? Brother?

What was Donald talking about? I looked up to Mitchell's rigid back.

Then he turned around and pulled me towards him. I gasped as I hit his chest and his hands circled me as if to protect my from the brothers. The word" brother" had me cringing again. Surely, Donald was joking, wasn't he? Then I looked up to Mitchell and saw what I had not seen before.

He had the same hair and eye color as the Patrick brothers. His eyes were just bluer and deeper and of course he was more handsome.

"What do you have there?"Donald continued, referring to me probably. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I tried to turn in Mitch's arms but he was so rigid it was turning in a statue's arm.

"Is that the best you can do?" The slimy voice that belonged to Donald asked.

"What do you want?" Mitch asked, his deep baritone voice tingling right down to my legs.

"What makes you think I want something from you?"

"You've always wanted something from me." Mitch said back,the hint of a sneer in his voice,but his face was totally unreadable.

"Well, if that's all,I'll take my leave." He added, taking my hand again and dragging me along after whispering a "don't look back"into my ears.

"What was that for?" I asked, frowning at him.

We were in the basketball court where he had dragged me. He hadn't released my hand until I had almost screamed bloody hell. What was wrong with him?

"What was what for?" He asked, turning to face me, his eyes blazing. Oh no.

"If you're angry, don't you dare take it out on me." I said moving backwards.

"What were you planning to do back there?" He asked, avoiding my statement.

I looked at him, confused" what are you talking about?"

"Did you dress up all so that they could notice you?" He sneered.

I blanched. My anger was rising again. It was Saturday afternoon all over again. I was losing my temper and I was going to do what I'd regret.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked, sounding too calm that the tone scared even me, but I was too far gone in my anger.

I inched towards him slowly,our eyes blazing.

"You heard me right."

"I've never seen anyone as delusional as you. Nobody has ever accused me of such a thing."I said

"Seduction? Me? The Patrick brothers?" I asked, disgust lacing my tone.

"Well, they're rich for a fact. It won't be surprising."

I did not know when I moved or how, all I know was that my palm stinged after it had connected with his face.

God! I had slapped him. My anger subsided as horror set in. His head was still whipped to the other side,his hair covering half his face. Never in my life had I raised my hand to a person. I had only just met him last week and he had made me lose it twice. I remembered his words and my anger burned. He deserved it,I thought,my eyes welling with tears. Even when I had so little i had never gone after a guy for money. He degraded me beyond my limit.

" Never again in your life, say that to me." I said, trying to prevent my words from quivering.

I turned away from him and ran out of the basketball court before he could see my tears streaking down my face.