

I told her.

I told her everything. From the principal's office discussion to the lake meet. And she listened. She did not even interrupt once. When I was done, I looked at her only to see her staring intently at me.

"What?" I asked, feeling weird under her close scrutiny.

"You like him." She stated.

My eyes widened.

"Of course not." Was my weak attempt in defending myself.

"Girl, I know all about this. Those feelings you have that you left out in your story,"she said looking at me with a kind of eye.

I blushed. Of course she'd know.

"Who told you anything about feelings?" I said, murmuring my words quietly.

"Of course, I'll know. It's all over your face. I don't even have to force you to mention it."

She said looking at me knowingly.

I laughed nervously. What was I getting myself into?

"What do you think I should do?" I asked, worrying my lower lip.

"Look, it's simple," she started, turning to face me, folding her legs over each other on the blanket.

" Just go with the flow."

I blinked once. I blinked again. What?

"You've held yourself back for many years. Hell, you do not even allow physical touch. And now a change is here finally." She said, looking at me.

"Don't you want to feel again? don't you want the past behind you?" She asked.

Of course I did. I wanted the trauma behind me. I wanted to touch and to hold, to love and be loved. But I was scared. I was scared to lose myself. I was scared to be betrayed like my father betrayed us. I was scared to pass through any form of pain.

"Girl," she started, holding my arms with her own. " I know how scared you are. I was once in your shoes. But look at me now, I'm happy. At least as far as I'm allowed." She said, rolling her eyes.

I laughed softly. She was definitely in love with her boyfriend and he, with her. I had always envied their relationship. Always looked at them from afar. But I had not the guts to take that kind of risk.

"Don't you want to be happy?" She said, placing her hands on both of my cheeks.

" Just go with the flow girl." She said, smiling to me.

I nodded my head.

"Now Sha we focus on the movie please?"she said, grinning from ear to ear.

I rolled my eyes. Always the drama queen.

It was Monday again. I climbed the steps of the front building leading to the main building, heading straight to my locker. Of course, I was early.

I had slept late, thinking of you-know-who and I had also woken up early too, beating my alarm clock again.

I was so used to not getting enough sleep that I had stopped trying to find a solution again. It was a wasete if time and money. Nothing could help me.

"Hey girl" Sandy called out, bouncing towards me.

I raised an eyebrow.

" You're early." I said, shaking my head as I opened my locker and stuffed my things inside.

She looked at me as if I was the weird one.

"I've missed a whole week of class. I have to catch up somehow,you know" she said, slinging her bag across her back.

I shook my head softly, laughing.

"Since when did you care?" I asked.

"Since today." She said, wriggling her eyebrows.

I laughed again as we walked together to our respective classes slowly. There was no need to rush anyway.

She hit me with her elbow suddenly and I looked up at her.

She wasn't looking at me but at something in front of me. I frowned as I shifted my gaze from her to what she was looking at.

I stopped walking suddenly as I saw what she was looking at. Or rather who.

It was Mitch and he was looking at me too. He started walking towards us and I shifted on my feet.

He stopped in front of me before his face broke into a half smile that had my world on fire.

"Good morning," he said,his deep baritone voice sending shivers down my back.

I managed to come up with a smile but my voice still refused to work as it remained stuck in my throat.

Sandy cleared her voice, making us break eye contact.

" I'll head off now," she said, looking at me suggestively. I remembered her previous words. She probably expected me to start acting on it.

Mitch nodded his head softly at her before she bounced off, leaving me to face my fate alone.

My first period was weird. We sat together as always but he ignored as soon as we were seated. It was as if he wanted to be serious. I refused to look at him , refused to acknowledge him. He could go to hell for all I care.

"Can you explain this line to me?" He asked, facing me suddenly. Oblivious to how I was feeling, he looked clueless. The idiot.

"What's with that look?" He asked, having the guts to look amused.

"What look are you talking about?" I asked, snapping at him.

"You look mad?" He said, the corner of his mouth crinkling.

"Why the hell will I be mad?"I snapped again.

His mouth formed a full smile that almost had my anger melting. Damn him again.

"And now you're swearing. You don't swear." He said.

I turned to him.

"Who the fuck told you I don't swear? You don't even know me." I said, speaking harshly.

"I do know you enough and I know you say things you don't mean whenever you are annoyed or angry."

That had me cooling down. I huffed, turning back to my book.

"Come on, tell me. What's working you up?" He asked, his voice gentle. I was melting again. He had this effect on me that had me sweating and feeling cold at the same time.

I opened my mouth to answer him when we were interrupted.

"Mr Potter, Miss Craig, care to tell the class what you both have been discussing?" Mrs Ashleigh's voice rang out.